The Neutralization of Magnets
"Thus, either present elements are the true elements, or else there is the probability before us of obtaining some more high and general power of nature, even than electricity, and which at the same time might reveal to us an entirely new grade of matter, now hidden from our view and almost from our suspicion. - [FARADAY]
Question. How can a magnet be robbed almost instantaneously of its magnetic power?
Answer. The peculiarity of the sympathetic conditions which conserve a magnet to polar and anti-polar currents of the earth, prove perfect sympathetic equation between reception and distribution in that part of the electrical field which is classified, in my system, as interatomic vibratory oscillation.
This oscillation represents, in its corpuscular field of action, an alternating wave-motion of one hundred and twenty-eight thousand four hundred vibratory exchanges per second, between polar reception and depolar distribution, thus establishing its perfect sympathetic concordance to that third of the electric triple stream which represents the sixths in vibratory sympathetic physics. The sympathetic action of the magnet, when electrically sensitized, becomes subservient to polar attraction as a medium through which a portion of its flow is diverted; no longer latent, but highly active as long as its magnetic sympathy (as electrically induced) continues, and it will then associate itself with every medium in nature in which this element exists in its latent state, from steel to oxygen at a low temperature.
We have now reached a starting-point from which to obtain a conception of the manner in which a magnet can be neutralized, that is, robbed of its coincident unity, or subservience to polar negative attraction." [The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit]
"The positive vibrations are the radiating or propulsive, the negative vibrations are the ones that are attracted towards the neutral center. The action of the magnetic flow is dual in its evolutions, both attractive and propulsive. The sound vibrations of themselves have no power whatever to induce dissociation, even in its lowest form. Certain differential, dual, triple and quadruple chords give introductory impulses which excite an action on molecular masses, liquid and gaseous, that increase their range of molecular motion and put them in that receptive state for sympathetic vibratory interchange which favors molecular disintegration, then, as I have shown, the diatonic enharmonic is brought into play, which further increases the molecular range of motion beyond fifty percent of their diameters, when molecular separation takes place, giving the tenuous substance that is necessary to induce progressive subdivision. This molecular gaseous substance, during its evolution, assumes a condition of high rotation in the sphere or tube in which it has been generated, and becomes itself the medium, with the proper exciters, for further progressive dissociation. The exciters include an illuminated revolving prism, condenser, and colored lenses, with a capped glass tube strong enough to carry a pressure of at least one thousand pounds per square inch. To one of these caps a sectional wire of platinum and silver is attached; the other cap is attached to the tube so screwed to the chamber as to allow it to lead to the neutral center of said chamber." [Snell Manuscript - The Book, ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS, page 6]
"The action of Nature's sympathetic flows, writes Keely, regulates the differential oscillatory range of motion of the planetary masses as regards their approach toward and recession from each other. These flows may also be compared to the flow of the magnet which permeates the field, existing between the molecules themselves, sensitizing the combined neutral centres of the molecules without disturbing, in the least, the visible molecular mass itself. In the planetary masses - balanced as it were in the scales of universal space, like soap-bubbles floating in a field of atmospheric air - the concentration of these sympathetic streams evolves the universal power which moves them in their oscillating range of motion to and from each other. This sympathetic triple stream focalizes and defocalizes on the neutrals of all such masses; polarizing and depolarizing, positive and negative action, planetary rotation, etc., etc. It is thus that all the conditions governing light, heat, life, vegetation, motion, are all derived from the velocity of the positive and negative interchange of celestial sympathy with the terrestrial." [Vibratory Physics - The Connecting Link between Mind and Matter]
"The movements of elastic elements are rhythmical. This is the keynote of Keely's researches." [Snell Manuscript - The Book] [see RHYTHM - Snell, Law of Assimilation and Law of Sympathetic Association]
"The rhythmic relations in which force acts are everywhere, under all conditions, and at all times, the same. They are found experimentally to be universally expressible by the mathematical relations of thirds." [KEELYS PHYSICAL PHILOSOPHY - Snell]
"Taking for the keynote of his experiments, in applying intermolecular vapor to the running of an engine, that all the movements of elastic elements are rhythmical." [Chapter 6 of Keely and His Discoveries]
"The eternally conscious entity - call it by whatever name we please - moves in cycles as eternal and infinite as itself; it oscillates and vibrates perpetually... " Keely, [Dashed Against the Rock] (underline added) [see I Am, 14.30 - Effect of Preponderance and 14.31 - Preponderance Russell]
Motion, Keely
"Macvicar foreshadowed the teachings of this new philosophy when he wrote, "All motion in the universe is rhythmical. This is seen in the forward and backward movement of the pendulum, the ebb and the flow of the tides, the succession of day and night, the systolic and diasystolic action of the heart, and in the inspiration and expiration of the lungs. Our breathing is a double motion of the universal ether, an active and a reactive movement. This androgyne principle, with its dual motion, is the breath of God in man." The writings of the ancients teem with these ideas, which have been handed down to us from generation to generation, and are now flashing their light, like torches in the darkness, upon mysteries too long regarded as "lying outside the domain of physical science." [Bloomfield-Moore; see Father-Mother Principle, Neutral Center]
"Disturbance of equilibrium" (entropy) and "sympathetic equation" (syntropy) are the dual powers by means of which all forms of motion and of terrestrial life are governed. These two dual forces are in turn moved and regulated by electricity and magnetism." [Sympathetic Stream]
"The action of the magnetic flow is dual in its evolutions, both attractive and propulsive. The inclination of the plane on which the subtle stream moves, either to the right or to the left, has nothing to do with positive or negative condition. The difference in conditions of what is called, by electricians, positive and negative electricity, is the difference between receptive and propulsive vibrations. They can be right or left receptive, or right or left propulsive. The positive vibrations are the radiating; the negative vibrations are the ones that are attracted toward the neutral centre." [Vibratory Physics - The Connecting Link between Mind and Matter]
"Great art is simple. My universe is great art, for it is simple.
"Great art is balanced. My universe is consummate art, for it is balanced simplicity.
"My universe is one in which many things have majestic measure; and again another many have measure too fine for sensing.
"Yet I have not one law for majestic things, and another law for things which are beyond the sensing.
"I have but one law for all My opposed pairs of creating things; and that law needs but one word to spell it out, so hear Me when I say that the one word of My one law is
And if man needs two words to aid him in his knowing of the workings of that law, those two words are
If man still needs more words to aid his knowing of My one law, give to him another one, and let those three words be
RHYTHMIC BALANCED INTERCHANGE." [The Secret of Light], page 104-105
"This principle of rhythmic balanced interchange between father - mother lights of gravitation (syntropy) and radiation (entropy) is fundamental in all creating things." [Russell, The Secret of Light, page 150]
"God is Light. God is Love.
God's creating universe is founded on Love. It is creating with Light.
''The principle of love is desire to give. God gives love by extending His Light. God's love is a mirror of Light which reflects His giving of love by the regiving of love.
The law of love is rhythmic balanced interchange between all givings and regivings.
The symbol of love is the wave of dual light which gives and regives equally and rhythmically. This is a dual electric wave universe of interchanging light.'' (Fig. 1)
God's Love is everywhere; His Light is everywhere. There is naught but good in God's omniscient universe. Evil is a product of man's thinking.
God extends His love, His power and His knowing, radially, from zero points of omnipresent stillness to other zero points in the measure of His desire to give form to His imag-
page 219
inings. The intensity of desire extended from centering points of rest to extended points of rest determines the dimension of desire. (Fig. 2)" [Russell, The Secret of Light, PART III: Omnipresence The Universe of Being Postulates and Diagrams]
"The Law of Love is rhythmic balanced interchange between all things. Upon the law of balanced interchange, this entire reciprocal universe is motivated with such exactness of balance that astronomers can calculate the positions of planets and suns to the split second. In this wise, the universe is dependable. It observes the Law. It cannot do otherwise where God controls all things." [Russell, [[The Universal One], Preface]
"God's universal body is a two-way compensating, continuous and eternal universe of absolute balance in every effect of motion. Generation equals radiation, compression equals expansion, the red half of the spectrum equals the blue half, solid matter balances the potential of its surrounding Space in every wave field, and each one of every opposite pair not only balances with its opposite but borns its opposite through sequential interchange." [Russell, Home Study Course]
"The most obvious fact of Nature is its repetition in reverse of every effect of motion in two-way pulsing cycles. It is unaccountably strange that science has never observed this most obvious of all of Nature's characteristics. Every cycle in Nature is a two-way, equal interchange between pairs of opposite conditions. That interchange between the equally balanced anodes and cathodes of this electric wave universe constitute its pulsing heartbeat, which likewise is cyclic, otherwise it would not continue." [Russell, Home Study Course See Law of Assimilation]
Rhythmic Balanced Interchange of Consciousness
"The nature of God is to give out His love for regiving. The nature of the master must be to give out love to inspire others to regive love.
"It has often been my good fortune to hear such masters as Paderewski or Gabrilowitsch practice scales and finger exercises. The unthinking listener might marvel at such "skill", while one who listens with inner ears hears the silence of the Soul even in one's practicing. The Soul alone can give out love. The body can render a perfect technical reproduction but if the love nature of God is not in it, it is not art, for the art of anything is not in the skill of rendering a visible or audible thing in the beauty and love which only the stillness of the Light of your Soul can give to it. And therein lies the difference between the genius of the master and Soulless mediocrity.
"That is why your constant communion with God is necessary for every moment of life and every stage of your creation. God must sit with you on your piano stool or workbench. Your hands must be His hands. Your thinking must be His thinking. Love must be interwoven in every stitch of whatever pattern you are weaving, every word you are writing, and every interchange between yourself and your fellow men.
"And as love is rhythmically repeated in its givings and regivings to synchronize with the givings of your outward breath to the heavens and their regivings to you, and as such balanced rhythmic interchange between your heartbeat pulsings and all other electric extensions from the stillness of your Soul is LAW - the basic fundamental LAW of all creating things in all this electric universe - your own masterpiece is the measure of how divinely you have conceived it and how worthily you have rendered it in balance with Universal Law.
"To the extent that you can extend the beauty of your imagined rhythms to material bodies built in the images of your spiritual conceptions those rhythms which you create are masterpieces of great art. The very measure of the quality of your material interpretation lies in your ability to translate imagined forms and rhythms of the universal heart beat into bodily forms and rhythms which can reinspire others with the ecstasy of your inspiration.
"When you inspire others you are manifesting the nature of God and the fulfillment of His law by giving love. Those whom you reinspire are, likewise, manifesting the nature of God and fulfilling His law by regiving love. [see Giving-Regiving]
"You cannot reinspire others, however, if you leave God out of your technical rendition. That is why meditation is necessarily continuous. That is why great masters never go into their concert hall or to their easels or work benches without an interval of time to forget materiality to seek the zero of the still Light which centers their Consciousness before extending their thought images out from that stillness into the three dimensional universe of moving electric waves which Creation is.
"Not only every day should be started by seeking that zero of stillness but every moment from the beginning of anything to its fulfillment. How often have I literally opened the door of my studio, after some disturbing telephone call or other distraction, to let my sensed-self out and let God in.
"You cannot do anything of yourself alone. Whether you know it or not you have to acquire God-power to even lift your finger. You are automatically controlled in every action. Why not be controlled by working with God knowingly at all times, and being fully aware that God, and His law, are working with you.
Continuous meditation means continuous God awareness, and that continuity of awareness is forever leading you higher and higher into the high heavens of your own mountaintop.''
"That, and that alone, is the great glory of life, and of living. That awareness, and that alone, leads you to masterliness of achievement, peace, prosperity, happiness and the love of all mankind which is forever enduring." [Russell, Home Study Course]
The outcome of this incessant reciprocal activity on the one hand is the reconstitution of the various kinds of water present in the individual zones, and on the other, the constant transformation of the species of vegetation in which water makes its way, ceaselessly moved by this inner interplay of forces. This inner, energetic interaction, however, is opposed by the effect of the water's weight. The alternating magnitudes of these component forces inevitably lead to the constant rising and falling of the water particles - the so-called pulsation of water. Every new formation and all growth is derived from the smallest beginnings. Continuing development in the early stages can only be accomplished if the circulation in the Earth's interior proceeds correctly. According to inner law, every higher form of vegetation is built up from the lower species preceding it. The carrier of the substances and the transmitter of the life-processes in the root-zone is the groundwater. The impulse for its movement is caused by a drop in temperature, to which the inner metabolic processes of the here decisive groups of basic elements give rise. The impulse for the movement of water is thus a product of the interactions between the opposites contained within it, which find their necessary resistance in the water itself. Through the resistance arising from the interactions between carbone and oxygen, fluctuations in temperature again occur and with them the impulse to move - the pulsation of water, which in this way at times dissolves salts and at others deposits them, transports them, creates energies and transforms them. The sense and purpose of these perpetual transformation processes is the creation and maintenance of the various types of vegetation and physical forms, which on their part again represent the bridges for the build-up and maintenance of the energies. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Conclusions]
"It has ever been and is, even in materiality, a reciprocal world. "If ye will be my people, I will be thy God" (Jerimiah 32:38), If ye would know Good do Good. If ye would have life, give life. If ye would know Jesus, the Christ then be like him... "There is no life without death, there is no renewal without the dying of the old." [Cayce (1158-9)]
Rhythm - "Rhythm is measured motion in time." [Harvey Spencer Lewis]
"Nature is ever at work building and pulling down, creating and destroying, keeping everything whirling and flowing, allowing no rest but in rhythmical motion, chasing everything in endless song out of one beautiful form into another." [John Muir (1838-1914) Naturalist and explorer]
Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth
"Creation is the product of PRIMARY IMPULSES working individually and together - making impressions upon the other, fulfilling inbuilt needs imprinted within consciousness - these needs being, at the outset to increase and experience self-expression leading to further separation then - to restore a sense of inner security and comfort - to be re-united within the harmony of UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS. Out of this driving force for a re-united harmony of being, came the male-female drive for re-union to recapture the bliss which is buried in the soul consciousness." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 5, page 23]
The only Truth is Love. It has many faces, and sometimes it is confusing when one attempts to discern Love and its expressions in one’s life. Such confusion can be dispelled through the power of the Good Heart. Your Heart is naturally good. The energy which surrounds you, swirling in response to your outlook, emotions, actions, thoughts, dreams and illusions, filters the Love that comes from you and that which comes to you. Your quest for Truth must begin with the Beauty of the Self. That is the Good Heart. The Good Heart is one that sees itself as a Center to and from which blessings flow in abundance. If this picture is desired, the heart will open to accommodate its full power of Love, bringing peace to the Self and others. We stand by to assist your unfolding, and the clarification of your beauty and Light. [Jesus, Good Heart]
Rhythmic Entrainment
"The process of many unsynchronized vibrations coming into synchronized motion, first one with another, then at an ever quickening rate, the others fall into synchronous action with the first unit." [(source unknown) See Sympathetic Vibration, Sympathetic Oscillation]
The secret of energy is a stationary principal which is everywhere at once.
122 years have passed since Max Planck discovered the quantum.
Planck’s constant is an eternally recurring movement breathing the universe to life; each repeat the same quantum of energy configured differently.
The evolving energy packet is Planck’s constant: h = 6.62607015×10?34 J?Hz. (No matter the quantum’s frequency its energy is constant)
The universe is the secondary result of quantum repetition and recognizing the quantum singularity reveals its cause:
Because the quantum is a single event whose repetition brings forth the universe it follows that its cause is without movement/still.
Thus, the stationary principal is everywhere at once – in your head advising you not to accept the above logic.
We are all linked by a fabric of unseen connections. This fabric is constantly changing and evolving. This field is directly structured and influenced by our behavior and by our understanding. [David Bohm]
All matter releases a radiation and absorbs that same radiation.
The release is as 4/3r^3 and the absorption is as r^2. The result is spinning spherical planets and stars. [anon]
Dale Pond asks:
Orthodox science well understands entropy. In fact the bulk of science's understandings are almost exclusively entropic. What we are doing here with my inquiries is to dig deeper in the syntropic side of nature as syntropy is fully half of nature which in my opinion is being substantially ignored by orthodox science. It is my wish to fully dig deep into syntropy and its effects such that grok a more complete understand of it. Analyze and Discuss what are the causes of syntropy, what principles and laws govern its creation, activation and persistance in its role as seemingly the opposite dynamic of entropy.
ChatGPT responds:
Syntropy, as an organizing, harmonizing force, is the balancing counterpart to entropy in the dynamic, oscillating continuum of universal energy. Where entropy represents dispersal, decay, and disorder, syntropy is associated with cohesion, order, and regeneration. Its root cause can be traced back to fundamental properties of vibratory resonance and the principles governing symmetry and harmonic relationships in nature. Where entropy seeks dissociation and distribution of energy, syntropy drives toward aggregation, accumulation, and renewal.
Causes and Mechanisms of Syntropy
Harmonic Resonance: Syntropy arises through resonant interactions that align energies toward equilibrium states. When frequencies of entities or particles synchronize, they generate reinforcing waveforms that strengthen their coherence and organization. Harmonic resonance is observed in everything from molecular bonding to biological rhythms.
Symmetry and Balance: Following the universal law of polarity, every action has an equal and opposite reaction, thus necessitating syntropic effects as a counterbalance to entropic processes. This "Rhythmic Balanced Interchange," a principle emphasized in SVP and by Walter Russell, implies a universal pull towards equilibrium.
Electromagnetic Dynamics: Charged particles, when oscillating in aligned fields, create stable patterns that foster structure rather than chaos. These are foundational in atomic bonds and in higher-order structures such as cellular forms, water crystallization, and planetary systems.
Universal Life Energy: Syntropy is also related to the "life-force" or formative principle in nature, where energy patterns are organized to sustain life and vitality. As organisms grow and heal, they demonstrate syntropic processes that counterbalance decay, suggesting a fundamental drive for life and continuity.
Principles Governing Syntropy
Law of Harmonic Interchange: This law posits that opposites harmonize in continuous interchange, not to destroy each other but to create balance and flow, as in the cyclical push and pull between inhalation and exhalation.
Principle of Energy Conservation: Syntropy conserves energy by retaining it within structured forms rather than dispersing it. This principle guides how systems can accumulate and sustain vitality, creating a loop of regenerative processes that counteract entropy.
Law of Rhythmic Balanced Interchange: This law, essential to SVP, describes the dynamic cycle between generation (syntropy) and degeneration (entropy). This cyclic motion, evident in the natural oscillations of particles, systems, and living organisms, is a foundational mechanism in universal energy dynamics.
Attraction as a Synthesizing Force: Syntropy is propelled by attractive forces, which, in their synthesizing nature, bring forms into unified systems. Gravitational, magnetic, and even spiritual attractions bring diverse parts into harmonious assemblies, countering entropic separation.
Activation and Persistence of Syntropy
Syntropy is activated through vibratory synchronization, aligning energies into mutual patterns that reduce friction, waste, and randomness. Persistence occurs through feedback loops and fractal-like patterns in nature, where each level of complexity builds on the coherence of simpler patterns below it. The persistence of syntropy within a system depends on the continuity of resonance, attraction, and balanced interchange, as each form organizes itself in harmony with surrounding systems, conserving energy and enhancing life.
In SVP, syntropy is vital in understanding how life, structure, and energy sustain themselves despite the relentless pull of entropy. By studying and harnessing syntropic principles, we find potential to design technologies and systems that align with nature’s regenerative rhythms, embodying balance and coherence rather than dissonance and depletion. This pursuit illuminates a fuller comprehension of universal life processes, advancing our awareness of nature as an equilibrium of opposites. [ChatGPT]
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See Also
AI Interpretations of SVP
12.00 - Reciprocating Proportionality
14.00.01 - Rhythmic Balanced interexchange between Attraction and Repulsion
14.01 - Hints from Bloomfield-Moore
14.09 - Brintons Laws of Being
14.32 - Law of Assimilation
14.35 - Teslas 3 6 and 9
14.35.1 - Keely 3 6 and 9
2.23 - Male-Father-Syntropic and Female-Mother-Entropic Swirling Cosmic Dance
3.12 - Reciprocating Duality
3.13 - Reciprocals and Proportions of Motions and Substance
369 - Hollingshead
369 - Tesla
6.1 - Reciprocal Radiations
7.2 - Rhythmic Balanced Interchange
7.3 - Law of Love - Reciprocal Interchange of State on Multiple Subdivisions
7.6 - Reciprocal Disintegration and Creation
7.7 - Reciprocal States of Matter and Energy
7B.04 - Triplets Form Larger Units of Unity
analysing current
appearance and disappearance of a harmonical cycle
Base 12
Celestial Sympathetic Radiation
Chemical Equilibrium
compression-expansion pump
Conjugate Variables
cycloid motion
development of trinities
Diagram XIII - The Twelve Keynotes with Their Trinities
Disturbance of equilibrium
Divine Trinity
Dynaspheric Force
Edgar L Hollingshead
etheric seeks center
Father-Mother Principle
Figure 12.13 - Some Multi-Dimensional as Inverse and Direct Reciprocal Relationships
Figure 13.14 - Equilibrium as Reciprocal Forces
Figure 3.10 - Temperature Accumulates in the North and Cools in the South Reciprocally
Good Heart
harmonic transitional point
Harmony of Equilibrium
Heart energy
Heart Meditation
heart pulsation
heartbeat piston
I Am
inverse and reverse
Keelys Laws of Being
Keelys Letter to Professor Daniel Brinton
Law of Amra
Law of Assimilation
Law of Balance
Law of Compensation and Equilibrium
Law of conservation of energy
law of Creation
Law of Cycles
Law of Diffusion or Expansion
Law of Etheric Compensation and Restoration
law of etheric compensation and restoration
Law of Generic Resemblance
Law of Individualization
Law of Individuation or Condensation
Law of Love
Law of One
law of rhythmic balanced interchange
Law of the Dominant
Law of the Perfect in Form
Law of the Permanence of the Properties of Matter
Law of Types or Species
Laws of Being - Annotated
Laws of Being
List of Synonyms for Polarity or Duality
List of Synonyms for Scalar
Lorenz Attractor
meeting of the keynotes and their trinities
Mill of God
Modes of Vibration - Annotated
Modes of Vibration
Order and Disorder
Polar Interchange - Bibliography
Polar Interchange - Device Design
Polar Interchange - Part I - See Also
Polar Interchange - Part I
Polar Interchange - Part II
Polar Interchange - Part III
Polar Interchange - Part IV
Polar Interchange - Table of Contents
Ramsay - The New Way of Reckoning a Vibration
Reciprocating Duality
Reciprocating Proportionality
RHYTHM - Snell
Rhythmic Balanced Exchange
Rhythmic Balanced Interchange
rhythmic universe
rhythmical interplay
rhythmical sequence
Role of 369 in the Heartbeat
scale of vitalized focalized intensity
sexual process
sound is a trinity
Source of Balance
sympathetic vibratory interchange
synthesising current
Table 12.01 - The Divine Trinity
Table 2 - Controlling Modes and Proportions
Table of 369 - Synonyms
table of the key-notes and their trinities
The 12 Keynotes and Their Trinities and Scales
The Laws of Being
The Twelve Keynotes with Their Trinities and Scales Repeated
Three Laws of Being
three-fold chord of the Trinity
tonal rhythms
trinity in unity
Trinity of Cause Motion and Matter
Trinity of force
Trinity of Matter and Force - Annotated
Trinity of Matter and Force
trinity of sounds
Triune Polar Flows
two trinities
Universal Heart Beat
Universal Ratios
universal rhythm
[Russell Optic Generator]
369 in Portuguese, Eli De Elmos
Keely's Laws of Being - The Nature and Dynamics of Vibration - the book
The Universal Heartbeat Oscillations in Black Hole Systems Across the Mass-scale