noun: an object that is able both to attract iron and steel objects and also push them away. noun: Magnetized object possessing or exhibiting a magnetic field
The Neutralization of Magnets
"Thus, either present elements are the true elements, or else there is the probability before us of obtaining some more high and general power of nature, even than electricity, and which at the same time might reveal to us an entirely new grade of matter, now hidden from our view and almost from our suspicion. - [FARADAY]
Question. How can a magnet be robbed almost instantaneously of its magnetic power?
Answer. The peculiarity of the sympathetic conditions which conserve a magnet to polar and anti-polar currents of the earth, prove perfect sympathetic equation between reception and distribution in that part of the electrical field which is classified, in my system, as interatomic vibratory oscillation.
This oscillation represents, in its corpuscular field of action, an alternating wave-motion of one hundred and twenty-eight thousand four hundred vibratory exchanges per second, between polar reception and depolar distribution, thus establishing its perfect sympathetic concordance to that third of the electric triple stream which represents the sixths in vibratory sympathetic physics. The sympathetic action of the magnet, when electrically sensitized, becomes subservient to polar attraction as a medium through which a portion of its flow is diverted; no longer latent, but highly active as long as its magnetic sympathy (as electrically induced) continues, and it will then associate itself with every medium in nature in which this element exists in its latent state, from steel to oxygen at a low temperature.
We have now reached a starting-point from which to obtain a conception of the manner in which a magnet can be neutralized, that is, robbed of its coincident unity, or subservience to polar negative attraction." [The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit]
"The effect of the magnet is one of the effects of the law of sympathetic association, which Keely demonstrates as the governing medium of the universe throughout animate and inanimate nature." [Keelys Secrets - Part 2 - One Phase of Keelys Discovery in Its Relation to the Cure of Disease]
"The diamagnetic receding movement in the metal silver when brought close to the poles of a magnet operated by alternating current, is caused by "interatomic bombardment" of some 800,000 "corpuscular percussions" per second, or, expressed more exactly, by "intersympathetic vibrations" (non-operative on molecular, intermolecular or atomic sympathy, but penetrating within these to the interatom) or "interatomic bombardment". [DIAMAGNETISM - Snell]
"The sympathetic outreach of the moon toward the earth has a power strong enough to extend nearly a quarter of a million of miles, lifting the oceans out of their beds. The action of the magnet may be compared to a sympathetic outreach of a very limited range of motion. It is quite foreign to induction in principle, and may be expressed as "seeking for concordance to establish an equation on the sympathetic disturbance of equilibrium." [The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit]
"All vibrations that are negative in their character as toward destroying the harmonic relations that exist between the magnetic current and its coincident polar, to carry out the simile, close up the aperture whereby illumination (or transfer) is continuously conducted.
The thirds, on the subdivision of the one hundred and twenty-eight thousand four hundred vibrations, represent the negative antagonism, whereby this peculiar condition is brought about, viz., forty-two thousand eight hundred on the positive; the same on the negative and on the neutral, as associated with the sympathetic negative transmitter.
The keeper is first placed on the magnet, which has an attachment whereby a transmitter can be centrally associated with it; the other terminal having three connections that can be attached to this medium. The impulse is given simultaneously to the three leads after setting the instrument to represent forty-two thousand eight hundred vibrations on the harmonic, the same on the enharmonic and on the diatonic.
If this impulse is given properly, the neutralization will take place within fifteen seconds." [The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit]
"The vibration of the polar magnetic flow represents one hundred and twenty-eight thousand four hundred oscillations per second, or one-third of the triplet of electrical induction, consequently the magnet must be in pure concordant sympathetic union with this rate of vibration, in its polar field, to become a medium of receptiveness as well as a medium of distribution of polar negative sympathy. In other words, the polar sympathetic flow is tapped at this point to allow of a letting out of the focalization that is diverted toward it by electrical vitalization (6) which represents positive negative concordance." [The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit]
"Keely believes that the form of energy known as magnetism, not electricity, is to be the curative agent of the future. Fifty years ago Prof. Keil, of Jena, demonstrated the susceptibility of the nervous system to the influence of the natural magnet and its efficacy in the cure of certain infirmities. [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 3]
"I will add here that Mr. Keely demonstrates, in some of his experiments, that the magnetic needle, in pointing to the north, is merely the indicator that proves the direction of the flow of one of the sympathetic terrestrial streams. It is well known that the attractive power of the magnet is limited to a very small range. Independent of this sympathetic stream, its power could never be used as a medium to prove polar sympathy for this terrestrial current, the concentrating power of which is due north." [COMMENTS OF JOHN WORRELL KEELY ON DR SCHIMMELS LECTURE]
"The explanation of the magnetic flow is very simple. The harmonic attractive chord, thirds, induces nodal interference on the harmonic current in the earth's polar stream, and it moves toward the negative pole to flow out through the positive end. The diversion of the harmonic portion of the stream from the dominant portion causes the magnet to assume its position. [POLARIZATION AND DEPOLARIZATION]
"A discussion has recently been carried on in one of our Reviews, as to whether the energy which feeds the magnet comes from the atmosphere, from gravity, from solar rays, or from earth currents. Nothing is more simple than Keely's explanation, as proved by his demonstrations. The energy of the magnet comes from the polar stream; and, though the introductory impulse is so slight that it cannot be weighed any more than can the flow of the mind, yet, if kept up for years, it could not be computed by billions of tons in its effect. The magnet that lifts pounds to-day, if the lead of the armature is gradually increased day by day, will lift double the amount in time. Whence comes this energy? Keely teaches that it comes from sympathetic association with one of the triune currents of the polar stream, and that its energy will increase as long as sympathetic flows last, which is through eternity." [Bloomfield-Moore in Vibratory Sympathetic and Polar Flows]
"Like poles do not repel each other, simply because there is a perfect sympathetic equation between them, the same in unlike poles. If a differentiation of 33 1/3 against 100 is established between them, whether like or unlike, they become attractive to each other. They become repellent after differentiating them, 66 2/3 of the one against 100 of the other, by sympathetic vibration. [Keely, ATTRACTION PROPULSION ETC]
"Molecular repulsion Keely states to be caused by electromagnetic radiation. "Any metallic mass can be so impregnated with certain vibrations as to assume the mental qualities of repulsion and attraction." He terms the "radiating" vibrations as "positive" or "propulsive". Also, that like and unlike poles of a magnet will, contrary to accepted scientific belief, repulse each other regardless of their natural properties, when their differentiation induced by vibration becomes 66 2/3 of one pole against 100 of the other, and that when this differentiation becomes 33 1/3 of the one against 100 of the other, like poles will attract in the same manner that unlike poles have normal attraction. These ratios simply cause antagonism in one case and sympathetic attraction in the other, with consequent motion of their respective masses. Normally, however, the action of the magnetic flow is dual, being at the same time attractive and repulsive." [REPULSION - Snell]
"It is not a magnetic force that is borne on the etheric atom which gives it its power to draw to it streams of coincidence. The magnet is only susceptive to certain aggregated forms of matter; iron, for instance, and its preparations." [Vibratory Physics - The Connecting Link between Mind and Matter]
"Bring a steel rod in contact with a magnet, and the latent energy in the rod is brought into action without its becoming impregnated by its magnetic exciter. Energy is an infinite latent force. If it did not exist it could not be generated. Consequently, there would be no energy to lose nor to conserve. The volume of latent energy in the etheric domain never increases nor ever grows less. It will remain the same, as yesterday to-day and for ever." [Vibratory Physics - The Connecting Link between Mind and Matter]
"''Maxwell's theory is correct that the plane of polarized light is the plane of magnetic force. The sympathetic vibrations associated with polarized light constitute the pure coincident of the plane of magnetism. Therefore, they both tend to the same path, for both are interatomic, assimilating sympathetically in a given time, to continue the race together, although one precedes the other at the time of experimental evolution. The time is approaching when electromagnetic waves with an outreach of two feet will be produced, having an energy equal to that now shown up on the magnet when it is about to kiss its keeper, and showing a radiating force too stupendous for actual measurement.’' ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION - Snell

Bar Magnet has Four Poles
(courtesy University of Science and Philosophy)
(click to enlarge)
Scientific observers have been deceived by their senses into thinking that opposites attract each other because of seeing the north pole of one magnet "pull" toward the south pole of another magnet. [A New Concept of the Universe, page 18]
Powerful Electromagnets
See Also
Bar Magnet
Enhanced Electromagnetic Spectrum Table
Figure 1.8 - Electromagnetic Scale in Octaves
Figure 16.05 - Electric Centering Shaft around which dances Magnetic Vectors
Figure 16.07 - Magnetism is Radiant while Electricity is Concentrative or Assimilative
Figure 16.08 - Two bar magnets becoming one magnet
Figure 17.04 - Gravity Pressure Recorder - Bar Magnet
Figure 3.34 - Electric and Magnetic Vectors
Figure 7B.16 - Bar Magnets shown separate then joined as one
Figure 7B.17 - Multiplying Force to Poles of a Bar Magnet
Figure 7B.18 - Four Poles of a Bar Magnet
Figure 7B.19 - Magnetic Lines of Force developed from Induction of Current Flow
Light Rings formed at 90 Degrees to Magnetic Center Line
Magnet Keeper
motionless electromagnetic generator
Part 16 - Electricity and Magnetism
Scalar electromagnetics
Water and Magnetism
3.17 - Magnetic Electric Poles
7B.20 - Magnetism
14.07 - Thirds in Magnetic Action
14.24 - Dominant causes Magnetism
15.23 - Water is Predominantly Diamagnetic
16.18 - Magnetism - Feynman
16.19 - Magnetism Defined
16.20 - Magnetic Pole Reversal
16.21 - Magnetic Flow
16.22 - Magnetic Flow is Negative Sympathetic Polar Stream
16.23 - Differentiation of Magnetic Stream
16.25 - Magnetic Attraction caused by Dominant Current of Electrical Stream
16.26 - Magnetism is Liberated Latent Power in Iron
16.27 - Induced Metallic Attraction that is not Magnetism