A wave is a highly complex continuous reciprocating interchange from one primary state or condition to a seemingly opposite state or condition. These periodic motions are usually designated as vibration and oscillation. see Universal Heart Beat, rhythmic balanced interchange, pendulum
Astounding wave models: Reuben Margolin is a kinetic sculptor, crafting beautiful pieces that move in the pattern of raindrops falling and waves combining. Take nine minutes and be mesmerized by his meditative art — inspired in equal parts by math and nature. Wave Motion mobiles
"The introductory impulse represents the sympathetic chord of unity to polar attraction. When this is given, the polar outreach is immediately established in the polar circuit, which seeks to assimilate itself to the anti-polar, or triple groupings; but as the alternation of the two circuits represents a condition of sympathetic antagonism (as 8 is to 9), an intensified differentiated wave motion is induced between the two, thus developing eight alternations, or waves, to one revolution of the device." [The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit]
"In organ pipes, of a certain calibre, very sensitive waves occur at intervals; as according to the character of the sound evolved; but on a combination of resonators composed of brass tubes of more than nine in number, a wave of sound, induced by certain chords passing over them, produces high vortex action of the air enclosed in them. The vibration of tuning forks induces alternate condition of the air that surrounds them, if in open atmosphere; but quite a different action presents itself when the forks are exercised in resonating tubes, set to thirds of the mass chord they represent. Then high vortex action is the instant result. Vibrators cannot be set promiscuously in tubes, and get such results, any more than a musician can render a musical composition on the violin before tuning it." [Appendix I]
"In the image of man" Keely constructed his liberator. Not literally, but, as his vibrophone (for collecting the waves of sound and making each wave distinct from the other in tone when the "wave plate" is struck after the sound has died away) is constructed after the human ear so his liberator corresponds in its parts to the human head. [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 2]
S. Zolver Preston, in his "Physics of the Ether" says: "A quantity of matter only 1 gram and of the normal velocity of the ether, or a wave of light encloses a state of energy represented by 1,000,000,000 foot tons. Or the mass of a grain contains an energy sufficient to project a weight of 100 tons to a height of 1.9 miles." [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 3]
"The wave is the foundation of God's creative expression. By means of light-waves God expresses His two desires. There can be nothing more simple than the wave principle of equal and giving and regiving for the purpose of repeating the giving and regiving. Complexity lies only in multiplying simplicity. The principle that two times two are four is simple, but the same simple principle applies when you multiply 5648 by 4872. All you have done is to create the idea of complexity by multiplying simplicity. That in no wise alters the simple principle.
"When you learn to think in terms of the wave, you will find yourself living in another world. The more you know the light-wave which records God's thinking, the more you will be enabled to think with Him. The more you think with God, the more you will know, for God is all knowledge and His knowing will be your knowing." [Russell, The Message of the Divine Iliad, page 208-209]
"Waves are not those parts which are either wholly above or wholly below their axes. One wave of any dimension is that portion of the sequence which is bounded by the turning point of one crest and the next trough.
"The inertial plane of the wave coincides with the line of axis of the wave.
"A wave begins at the inertial plane and extends in both directions from the inertial plane to its repeative point at trough and crest." [Russell, The Universal One, page 182]
"God thinks in electric pulsations which are recorded in motion as four pairs of rings which are compressed into spheres. Each cyclic pulsation is manifested by the projection of four concentric light rings in one plane from one point of Magnetic Mind-Light, in which the red half of the spectrum is on the outside of the rings and the blue half on the inside. These four rings are the seed of the octave wave and occupy that position in the wave known as the zero group of the elements, or inert gases." [Atomic Suicide, page 119]
"The great mystery of all of the mysteries of matter lies hidden within the inert gases of the wave. The nature and structure of these keys to motion has never been known." [Atomic Suicide, page 169]
"If you will study the corner reflectors of radar, as shown in figures 62-63, and their relation to ring projections from inert gases, and observe their spiral formation, as shown in Fig. 64, you will better comprehend the wave, which controls the construction of all matter." [Atomic Suicide, page 273-274]
"This is a universe of waves within waves and waves without waves; pulsing waves of dual light, extending forever outward to the ends of mirrored space and reflecting back again to microscopic centers of rest from which they may again spring from rest to seek rest through dual motion, but never finding it." [The Secret of Light]
"God is Light. God is Love.
God's creating universe is founded on Love. It is creating with Light.
''The principle of love is desire to give. God gives love by extending His Light. God's love is a mirror of Light which reflects His giving of love by the regiving of love.
The law of love is rhythmic balanced interchange between all givings and regivings.
The symbol of love is the wave of dual light which gives and regives equally and rhythmically. This is a dual electric wave universe of interchanging light.'' (Fig. 1)
God's Love is everywhere; His Light is everywhere. There is naught but good in God's omniscient universe. Evil is a product of man's thinking.
God extends His love, His power and His knowing, radially, from zero points of omnipresent stillness to other zero points in the measure of His desire to give form to His imag-
page 219
inings. The intensity of desire extended from centering points of rest to extended points of rest determines the dimension of desire. (Fig. 2)" [Russell, The Secret of Light, PART III: Omnipresence The Universe of Being Postulates and Diagrams]
"The present concept of atomic structure has no resemblance whatsoever to Nature's processes for there is no place within wave mechanics for it to fit into. This universe consists solely of waves of motion. Any theory which cannot find a fitting place within the wave has no other place for it in Nature." [A New Concept of the Universe, Dr. Walter Bowman Russell (May 19, 1871 - May 19, 1963)]
"The present concept of atomic structure has no resemblance whatsoever to Nature's processes for there is no place within wave mechanics for it to fit into. This universe consists solely of waves of motion. Any theory which cannot find a fitting place within the wave has no other place for it in Nature. The present-day concept of atomic structure is based upon concentric shells, one within the other, which become the basis for revolving electrons placed according to formula upon those shell strata. Centering these geocentrically and geometrically placed electrons are nuclear groups of separately-and-oppositely-charged protons and photons. By adding one electron to an outer shell, an element next in number is produced. Conversely it, is believed that if one electron could be knocked out of an element, such as mercury, the next succeeding element - gold could be produced.
Insofar as Natural Law is concerned, one might as well say that if one of the children of a French family dies, it would change the family's nationality to Italian." [Russell, A New Concept of the Universe]
"Chemically these zero points of beginnings and endings are the inert gases of the elements, the patterned seed record from which the octave waves of the elements of matter appear. The inert gases are the seed from which patterned waves of the elements spring as oak trees spring from the patterned inert gas which centers the acorn. The plane upon which the inert gases rotate is 90 degrees from the plane of carbon's equator, which is upon the wave's amplitude." [Russell, Mirrors and Lens of Cosmic Cinema]
"The inertia line is the axis of the wave. It is the line of equilibrium between opposing pressures." [Chart One Wave of Any Substance]
The universe of dimensions is divided into plus and minus equilibrium. The universal seesaw is ever tilting above and below its balancing point in inertia. Both movements are simultaneous and exactly balance[d]. The wave is the universal seesaw within which all dimensions are measured. [Dimension Chart 5]
"Mathematical Relations are Constant
The mathematical relations of any wave of energy never change. All dimensions expand and contract in opposite directions of the same ratio." [Mathematical Relations are Constant]
A more comprehensive insight into vibration/wave is contained in Keelys Laws of Being.
Musical sounds are usually caused in the ear by certain vibrations of the surrounding air, which originate from solid bodies in a state of vibration from some force exerted upon them. Vibrations of the air require to attain a certain rate of speed before they become audible to the human ear; and they require to have certain ratios of rate of rapidity in order to constitute that beautiful host of sounds which constitutes the music of mankind. These musical vibrations may arise in the air from a vibrating organ pipe, or a vibrating tuning fork, or a bell, or a sounding glass, or a strand of wire or gut-string, or other rhythmically vibrating body; but to explain and define the nature of a musical vibration from the action upon it of an elastic string is to explain and define it for all. But before defining what a vibration of a string is, let us hear what others have said about it. Charles Child Spencer, Treatise on Music, p. 6, says- "It is customary in calculating the ratios of vibration of musical strings, and which answer to the waves of the atmosphere, to reckon by double vibrations, so that instead of saying there are 32 single vibrations in the lowest sound, C, writers on this branch of music say there are 16 double vibrations in this sound. This method of calculation, therefore, gives 256 vibrations for the fourth Octave C." Playfair, in his Outlines of Natural Philosophy, p. 282, says- "It is usual to reckon the vibrations of a string different from those of a pendulum; the passage from the highest point on one side to the highest point on the other is reckoned a vibration of a pendulum; the passage from the farthest distance on one side to the farthest distance on the other and back again to its first position, is the accounted a vibration of a musical string. It is properly a double vibration." Holden, in his Rational System of Music, says- "Mr. Emerson reckons the complete vibration the time in which a sounding string moves from one side to [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 22]
"From the definition of energy it is the potential of the Universe. When matter is in a phase allowing it to be active, it effects other quantities of matter at a distance. The method of transfer is known to be by means of wave motion. Each impulse moves from the omitting to the receiving mass on a rigorously straight line. One continuous set of oscillations in this right line is called a ray. Each negative or Thomsonian corpuscle makes a double vibration to and fro like a pendulum straight across the direction of the ray; i.e., at right angles to it, the corpuscles moves over and returns to its original position it had before the excursion. Since the corpuscles are negative and can be drawn out of their original straight path by the action of magnetism, the entire wave motion of the Universe is electro-magnetic. This is what Maxwell prophesied many years ago. Thomson fulfilled the prophecy." [source unknown]
See Also
amplitude of the wave
amplitude wave position
bidirectional wave pair
Brain Waves
carbon octave wave
Chladni wave plate
Compression Wave
Compression Wave Velocity
Figure 6.10 - Wave Dynamics between Cube Corners
Figure 6.9 - Russell depicts his waves in two ways
Figure 7.1 - Step 1 - Wave Vortex Crests at Maximum Polarization
Figure 8.1 - Russells Painting of Wave Form Dynamics
Figure 8.10 - Each Phase of a Wave as Discrete Steps
Figure 8.11 - Four Fundamental Phases of a Wave
Figure 8.14 - Some Basic Waveforms and their constituent Aliquot Parts
Figure 8.2 - Compression Wave Phase Illustration
Figure 8.3 - Coiled Spring showing Longitudinal Wave
Figure 8.4 - Transverse Wave
Figure 9.10 - Phases of a Wave as series of Expansions and Contractions
Figure 9.11 - Compression Wave with expanded and contracted Orbits
Figure 9.13 - Wave Flow as function of Periodic Attraction and Dispersion
Figure 9.14 - Wave Flow and Phase as function of Particle Rotation
Figure 9.15 - Wave Flow and Wave Length as function of Particle Oscillatory Rotation
Figure 9.5 - Phases of a Wave as series of Expansions and Contractions
Figure 9.9 - Wave Disturbance from 0 Center to 0 Center
Figure 12.10 - Russells Locked Potential Wave
Figure 12.12 - Russells Multiple Octave Waves as Fibonacci Spirals
Figure 13.13 - Gravity Syntropic and Radiative Entropic Waves
Figure 14.07 - Love Principle: Two sympathetic waves expanding from two points have one coincident centering locus
In the Wave lies the Secret of Creation
Laws of Being
Laws of Being - Annotated
Modes of Vibration
Modes of Vibration - Annotated
Longitudinal Wave
Nodal Waves
Octave Wave
Ramsay - The Octave Scale a Compound one the Fifth the Natural Scale
Rayleigh Wave
seed of the octave wave
Standing Waves
Table 12.02.01 - Wavelengths and Frequencies
The Nature and Dynamics of Vibration and Toroids
The Octave Wave - painting
Three Main Parts of a Wave
Transverse Wave
Wave Field
wave number
3.8 - There are no Waves
3.9 - Nodes Travel Faster Than Waves or Light
8.3 - Conventional View of Wave Motion
8.4 - Wave types and metaphors
8.5 - Wave Motion Observables
8.6 - Wave Form Components
8.8 - Water Wave Model
9.2 - Wave Velocity Propagation Questions
9.30 - Eighteen Attributes of a Wave
9.31 - Oscillatory Motion creating Waveforms
9.34 - Wave Propagation
9.35 - Wave Flow
12.05 - Three Main Parts of a Wave
16.06 - Electric Waves are Sound Waves