
adjective: having a pair of equal and opposite charges, opposition, sex, dipole, duality.
adjective: characterized by opposite extremes; completely opposed.
See Ion, Ionization

Polar, or the state of being polarized, is sometimes referred to as having two seeming opposite poles or bi-polar, bias, dipole, charge, dual and sex. Examples are a magnet, an electric circuit, male and female, etc. A magnet for instance is polar while an unmagnetized piece of iron is said to be depolar, non-polar or not having poles. It's opposite is depolar; not having a dual state, polarity or lacking charge and discharge. This state of a thing or condition having two seeming opposites mutually intermittently attracted then repulsed has been known and illustrated since antiquity. Religious writings all refer to this dual state of matter and energy. Genesis: Void and Earth, day and night, Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Heaven and Hell, celestial and terrestrial, God and Satan, etc. demonstrating the idea that religions are (or were originally) about natural principles and laws which are the causative truths creating and actuating our universe. Native Americans regard the eagle feather as sacred because its black and white colors represent duality or polar (forces or states). When Keely uses the term polar as in 'polar stream' or 'polar current' he means a stream or current of force or energy having opposite two poles.

Russell's Father force is polar while his Mother force is depolar.

Polarity as Yin and Yang
Polar - Yin and Yang

"Keely had shown him (Professor W. Lascelles-Scott) a peculiar apparatus, which he called a 'sympathetic negative transmitter.' It had been taken all to pieces for his benefit and put back together again. Imagine a globe in which is a vibrating disk, which Keely calls a 'cladna;' also, a series of tubes which, under certain circumstances, act like small organ pipes. Professor Scott said he could get from Keely no connected account which satisfied his English sense as to what these were but he found that a sensitive ear or hand could appreciate the responsive vibrations from these pipes and the apparatus appeared to be regulated upon something like a definite order or plan. For instance, he discovered that the sympathetic transmitter was sensitive to what is known as B flat, D natural and F and that it was also apparently sensitive to the notes D, F sharp and A. By questioning Keely he found that he regarded the first three notes and their combinations as having a tendency in one direction, which he called a polar force, and the other three notes a tendency in an opposition direction, which he called a depolar force." [Public Ledger, Philadelphia, April 16, 1896]

"The circles containing the sensitized disks - both polar and depolar - are in sympathetic relation to the polar negative circuits of the earth, and in a condition to be brought into action by the negative transmitter. The sympathetic conditions of the polar and depolar field of the circuits remain latent until the transmitter is associated and the introductory impulse given. Then conditions assert themselves which demonstrate the wonderful power of sympathetic action in abeyance to the laws by which they are governed." [The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit]

"All vibrations that are negative in their character as toward destroying the harmonic relations that exist between the magnetic current and its coincident polar, to carry out the simile, close up the aperture whereby illumination (or transfer) is continuously conducted.

The thirds, on the subdivision of the one hundred and twenty-eight thousand four hundred vibrations, represent the negative antagonism, whereby this peculiar condition is brought about, viz., forty-two thousand eight hundred on the positive; the same on the negative and on the neutral, as associated with the sympathetic negative transmitter.

The keeper is first placed on the magnet, which has an attachment whereby a transmitter can be centrally associated with it; the other terminal having three connections that can be attached to this medium. The impulse is given simultaneously to the three leads after setting the instrument to represent forty-two thousand eight hundred vibrations on the harmonic, the same on the enharmonic and on the diatonic.

If this impulse is given properly, the neutralization will take place within fifteen seconds." [The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit]

"Science admits that nature works with dual force, though at rest she is a unit. "Nature is one eternal cycle." Keely's discoveries prove that the doctrine of the Trinity should be set down as an established canon of science - the Trinity of force. All nature's sympathetic streams - cerebellic, gravital, electric and magnetic - are made up of triple currents. The ancients understood this dogma in a far deeper sense than modern theology has construed it. The great and universal Trinity of cause, motion and matter - or of will, thought and manifestation - was known to the Rosicrucians as prima materia. Paracelsus states that each of these three is also the other two; for, as nothing can possibly exist without cause, matter and energy - that is, spirit, matter and soul (the ultimate cause of existence being that it exists), we may therefore look upon all forms of activity as being the action of the universal or Divine will operating upon and through the ether, as the skilled artificer uses his tools to accomplish his designs; making the comparison in all reverence." [Bloomfield-Moore, More Science]

Molecular terrestrial masses, composed of the "ultimate ether" bound latent in substance, are sympathetically drawn to the earth's neutral center according to the density of their molecular aggregation, from which must be deducted their celestial sympathetic outreach. In other words, molecular weight consists in the difference between these forces. Either one can be intensified by polar or antipolar vibrations, giving either one predominance. If the celestial (repulsive) predominates, the mass will rise, its velocity proportionate to the concentration of the dominant or the "negative thirds of its mass chords" inducing high neutral radiation together with "celestial attraction." The "terrestrial propulsive" and "celestial attractive" cause ascension and the "celestial propulsive" and "terrestrial attractive" cause descension or increased weight. [GRAVITY - Snell]

"All molecular masses of terrestrial matter are composed of the ultimate ether from which all things originally emanated. They are sympathetically drawn towards the earth's center, as according to the density of their molecular aggregation. In other words, the celestial flow as controlling terrestrial physical organisms.

''"The sympathetic outflow from the celestial streams reaches the infinite depths of all the diversified forms of matter. Thus it is seen that the celestial flow which permeates, to its atomic depths, the terrestrial convolutions of all matter, forms the exact sympathetic parallel to the human brain-flow and the physical organism, a perfect connective link of controlling sympathy or sympathetic control. Under certain orders of sympathetic vibration, polar and antipolar, the attractive sympathies of either stream can be intensified, so as to give the predominance to the celestial or to the terrestrial.’' [THEORY OF VIBRATORY LIFT FOR AIRSHIPS]

"And you shall know that what emerges from one side of its equator is equal - but opposite to that which is on the other side - and that EACH WILL DISAPPEAR IN SEEMING DEATH TO REBORN EACH OTHER AS SEEMING LIFE. The anodes of the universe are likewise cathodes - and the cathodes are likewise anodes as surely as you, who breathe out, breathe in again to again breathe out - and as you who live, are dying as you live, and must forever die to forever live." [Home Study Course, Unit Seven. Lesson 25]


The Coulomb law statement that opposites attract and likes repel is not true to Natural law. [A New Concept of the Universe, page 18]

Opposite conditions ARE opposite conditions. Likewise, they are opposite effects caused by each thrusting in opposite directions. It is not logical to say that opposites fulfill any other office than to OPPOSE. Nor is it logical to say that opposing things attract each other. [A New Concept of the Universe, page 18]

"I have but one law for all My opposed pairs of creating things; and that law needs but one word to spell it out, so hear Me when I sat that the one word of My one law is


And if man needs two words to aid him in his knowing of the workings of that law, those two words are


If man still needs more words to aid his knowing of My one law, give to him another one, and let those three words be

The Secret of Light, page 105

Alchemist's Duality 1 of 2

Alchemist's Duality 2 of 2
Figure 2.8 - Alchemist's Artwork showing duality or Polar States as recognized functional attributes in their work.

Consciousness exists because of unconsciousness, the day exists because of the night, life exists because of death, happiness exists because of unhappiness, and so on and so forth. Everything exists because of its polar opposite. You cannot experience happiness unless you have deeply experienced unhappiness, and you cannot come to the ultimate ecstasy if you have not been thrown into ultimate agony. Hence the meaning of the world, hence this whole suffering. It is not meaningless. [OSHO]

See Also

Bonding - Rejection
Dielectric spectroscopy
Figure 2.12.1 - Polarity or Duality
Figure 2.8 - Alchemists Artwork showing duality or Polar States
Figure 3.36 - Contracting and Expanding Duality
Figure 7.5 - Triune Composition of Dualities of Matter and Energy
Figure 8.8 - Polar States or Conditions as Seeming Opposites
Part 02 - Origin of Polar States
Principle of Polarity
Table of Cause and Effect Dualities
2.19 - Male-Father and Female-Mother Forces
2.24 - The Duality of One
3.12 - Reciprocating Duality

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Friday February 10, 2023 03:17:50 MST by Dale Pond.