noun: the lack of light, especially because it is night
noun: an unenlightened state ("His lectures dispelled the darkness")
noun: absence of light or illumination
noun: absence of moral or spiritual values
Darkness usually refers to ignorance or not knowing; unaware, unconscious or lack of light of understanding, awareness or knowledge.

Lao Tzu
"The secret of Light is its birth out of darkness." Over 3000 years ago, Taoist Lao Tzu penned the Tao Te Ching:
"Ever desireless, one can see the mystery.
Ever desiring, one can see the manifestations.
These two spring from the same source,
but differ in name: this appears as darkness.
Darkness within darkness.
The gate to all mystery."
[See Tao]
"Macvicar foreshadowed the teachings of this new philosophy when he wrote, "All motion in the universe is rhythmical. This is seen in the forward and backward movement of the pendulum, the ebb and the flow of the tides, the succession of day and night, the systolic and diasystolic action of the heart, and in the inspiration and expiration of the lungs. Our breathing is a double motion of the universal ether, an active and a reactive movement. This androgyne principle, with its dual motion, is the breath of God in man. The writings of the ancients teem with these ideas, which have been handed down to us from generation to generation, and are now flashing their light, like torches in the darkness, upon mysteries too long regarded as "lying outside the domain of physical science." [Bloomfield-Moore, see Father-Mother Principle, Neutral Center]
"The earth's rotation is caused and continued by the action of the POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE SYMPATHETIC CELESTIAL STREAMS." He proved this by the action of the metal sphere mentioned elsewhere. "It's motion is governed to the utmost mathematical nicety, free from intermittent impulses, by the mobility of the earth's oceans and the oceans' "anastomosis". Herein is the elephant mentioned in the fable, on which the tortoise stands."
"The fixed neutral center of the earth, being the concentration of all the molecular neutral centers in its mass, is the unit of the Universe held in suspension through its own properties. We cannot say "This is what the elephant stands on" but we can say "This is the power by which the elephant is suspended."
"The earth's rotation excites and disturbs the equilibrium of the three sympathetic streams, of which the material manifestations are the three forms of electricity. The alternate light and darkness assists in preserving their activity through disturbance of equilibrium, with consequent "dissimilation" (radiation) and "assimilation" (absorption). The dark zone, following the light zone, holds the fluctuations of the polar power constant. This is the tortoise mentioned in the fable, upon which the world rests." [Snell Manuscript - the book, FORCES CONTROLLING THE EARTH]
"As a subject which does not admit of verification by the prescribed canons of mechanical physics is held to be unworthy of attention, as untenable, it is fortunate for the cause of humanity that modern science has reached its ultima thule, where the tide of materialism must set back and carry with it the drift-wood of skepticism which has been accumulating during this century.
To quote the words of a physicist (at the Forest Gate Physical and Chemical Laboratories), "The door, between us and the spirit-world, which it has been declared is shut and bolted is even now ajar and a few gleams of light are struggling over the threshold from Keely's discoveries."
The artificial beacon, fed with the oil of learning, so proudly held aloft by modern science, is flickering; and many great minds are rebelling against the darkness in which it has plunged the mysteries it sought in vain to unravel. The Popery of scientific authority must have its downfall now that researchers after knowledge are making a stand and contending their right to think for themselves, instead of allowing dogmatic science to decide for them.
There is a light which sympathetic physics teaches us will never fail: - the inner light, or intuition, if we seek its guiding rays. The Spirit of Truth will lead us into all truth is the promise given by One who spake as never man spake before; and, with the foundation stones of pseudo science crumbling away, there is nothing left to fall back upon but the fortress of Revelation." [Veil Withdrawn]
""Clayed images of My imagining who know not Me in them are but dwellers of earth's dark. To sensed man the doors of My Kingdom are self-barred by darkness until the Light of Me in him is known by him as Me." [Russell, Atomic Suicide, page 239]
Darkness is an effect produced by dividing light into long light-waves—and incandescence is the opposite effect produced by multiplying light by shortening its light-waves.
Solidity is thus born out of vacuity. A positive pole is created on one side of a dividing equator and its equal negative opposite is created on the other side. [Russell, Home Study Course, Lesson 41]
Fig. 131—Illustrates method of creating incandescence by multiplying darkness. Incandescence is the divided to again become darkness.
Fig. 132 and 133—Show giant nebulas compressing darkness into light,
and expanding light into darkness to create bodies and destroy them. [Russell, Home Study Course, Lesson 37]
You will recall that this is God’s method of dividing the darkness from the light to manifest the concentration and decentration pulsations of His electric thinking. [Russell, Home Study Course, Lesson 37]
Darkness, therefore, was given man as another way of dividing the undivided. You will know what we mean by day and night sequences by turning off the lights in your room. You can no longer SEE light because it is beyond your range of vision, but you KNOW that it is still there. It is the ONE THING which can never be extinguished. In the same sense, you cannot SEE God but you can KNOW that God is behind all the orderliness which Creation is. [Russell, Home Study Course, Lesson 42, page 792]
Space and volume are inversely disposed opposites, which consume or animate one another depending on whether one is made to burn by the other or
[4] See description of air-turbine in Austrian Patent No. 145141, p. 115 of this book. —Ed.
is itself ennobled intrinsically through this reciprocal intensification and polarization. Today's technology mistakenly chose the former of the two processes and it is therefore no wonder that cancer is on the rampage here, there and everywhere.
Goethe said, "The driving wheels of Nature are polarity and intensification and whoever understands enough to untie also knows enough to bind." What is born in light, disintegrates in the coolness of the ground. It rises up and returns again as a ray of energy in order to quicken that which stands ready to become new life at the boundary between space and volume.
Every leaf is an animalistic magnet in monoplanar form, which attracts and radiates, depending on whether the Sun shines on it or cold caresses it. This great law of reciprocity also operates in water, which constantly restructures itself by altering its space and volume. The space is shaped by light and heat. The volume is a product of darkness and coolness. If we understand how to apportion the opposing relation between space and volume and how to organise its intrinsic structure, then the substance - water - will become 'The Space' and the formless volume its realisation, which is transformed instantaneously with heat-pressure, thereby creating the motion that fills the over-lying inter-space.
If nature-alienated humanity, however, reverses this purposeful process and combusts precisely those substances that occasion life, then they should no longer be surprised when the Sun burns up that which serves it as an intermediate space, and which serves humankind for the maintenance of life.
Life unfolds itself in three spheres:
1. in the Carbone[5] - sphere
2. in the Atmosphere
3. in the Stratosphere
The connection between these spheres is created by water. Conversely, the various states of aggregation of water form the bridges for the formation and reconstitution of the basic elements carried by water, which succeed in reaching the Earth's interior from the stratosphere and vice versa. The purely mechanical circulation of the physical form - water - operates in the opposite direction to the circulation of energy. The rising of the C-substances with their carrier - water - is countered by the sinking of the oxygen. Where these
[5] Carbone: In contrast to the normal use and definition of 'carbon', Viktor Schauberger grouped all the known elements and their compounds, with the exception of oxygen and hydrogen, under the general classification of 'Mother Substances', which he described with the word 'Kohle-stoffe', normally spelt 'Kohlenstoffe' and meaning carbon. Apart from the above definition the hyphen also signifies a higher aspect of carbon, both physically and energetically or immaterially. The additional V in the English word is therefore intended to redefine and enlarge the scope of the usual term 'carbon' in accordance with Viktor's concepts. On occasion carbone will be represented by the term C' [to] differentiate it from the normal term for carbon — C - Ed.
mutually contra-directional currents intersect, energy is freed. These energetic interactions can never reach a state of rest due to the constant variation in the length of night and day. Inevitably therefore, there is a continual shift in the individual microclimatic conditions, which further result in variations in the quantity and quality of the basic elements. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Conclusions]
On colours developing by the same laws as musical harmonies
—The physical properties of light and darkness briefly considered
—If the laws are correctly gained, harmonics of tones and of colours will agree
—Quotation from a lecture by Professor W. F. Barrett on the order of sonorous and luminous wave-lengths
—Fountain of musical harmonics, E root of B; in colours yellow and ultra-violet, being tints and shades of white and black
—All harmonics of sound and colour condense into a primo springing from the fountain
—Multequivalency of tones and colours
—Wünsch's views nearly one hundred years ago
—Clerk Maxwell's, Lord Rayleigh's, and [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Table of Contents1 - Harmonies]
Reflections on the scheme
—Our present powers are as darkness groping after light
—A quotation from Milton compared with the scheme
—Major and minor chords respond to our feeling
—Milton had a glimpse of the laws of Evolution
—Evade the belief of the development of trinities from unity and the scheme falls into ruin, . . . . . . 43 [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Table of Contents4 - Harmonies]
[Harmonies of Tones and Colours, On Colours as Developed by the same Laws as Musical Harmonies1, page 18]
WE know not for how many ages colours have been developing. "In the beginning, darkness was upon the face of the deep." The physical properties of light are probably the deepest and most interesting studies in physical science. I only touch upon light as the acting energy or life, causing, in its struggles with darkness, not only the varieties of colour around us, but the colour even of light itself, as colours arise from rays of light exercising different influences. [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, On Colours as Developed by the same Laws as Musical Harmonies1, page 18]
With our present powers the darkness of ignorance is ever groping after the light of knowledge. If the field is so vast when we merely attempt to harmonise the laws which regulate the visible creation, it widens indefinitely when we attempt to harmonise, by the same laws, Creation with the Scriptures. "God is light," and with His Holy Spirit for our teacher, every line of His word instructs us; "like the ocean, the word remains essentially the same, while the light never plays upon its surface without deepening and varying its hues." [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Reflections on the Scheme1, page 43]
If we examine the line last quoted by the laws of life which regulate the foregoing scheme, we may compare it with the fundamental threefold chord of the scale of C and its relative colours,
C | E | G | C red rises
RED. | BLUE. |
from the fountain key-note which contains in itself all tones. "Him first," the Son of God proceeding from the Almighty, and yet in Himself the Trinity in Unity. E, yellow or light. E is the root of B, ultra indigo, or black. "Him midst," the Almighty Father, the Fountain of life, light gradually rising and dispelling darkness. G, blue, "Him last," the Holy Spirit, proceeding from the Father and the Son, Trinity in Unity. The Son of God and the Holy Spirit are the complemental working pair throughout the universe; each containing "the seven spirits of life." Red and blue contain all colours in each. C and G are a complemental pair, C rising from the fountain key-note which contains in itself all tones, and C and G combine all tones in each. In Chapter III. it is explained that all varieties of tones and colours may be condensed into this pair, rising from and falling again into the fountain. [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Reflections on the Scheme2, page 44]
If, as I believe, the Natural Sciences throughout Creation develope by Trinities, how silently, yet how strikingly, may we trace the wonders of Redeeming Love. "Wisdom hath builded her house; she hath hewn out her seven pillars."— Prov. ix. I. We strikingly see in the development of harmonies the type of 2 Cor. iii. 18, as each key rises from darkness to light, or, descending, falls from light to darkness.
F. J. Hughes
February, 1885 [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Supplementary Remarks, page 54]
Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth
"Each thong represents a person's habitual thoughts, responses to people and events, prejudices, hates, animosities, anxieties, sorrows, all of which bind him down and shut out the Light from his inner vision drawn from the 'Creative Power'. Thus he enters into darkness but does not know it. He believes he is growing up and becoming mature in the ways of the world which will enable him to forge ahead and make 'good' - become successful - the aim of most people on earth.
In fact, the more mature he becomes and versed in worldly ways, the more densely do his chains and thongs imprison him within the grip of the twin IMPULSES of 'Bonding-Rejection'.
Furthermore, each chain is forged out of selfish and deceitful desires, greed, aggression, violence and rape. These chains hang heavy around him and burden the psyche, which is the 'creative consciousness power' deep within him. Chain and thong will bind him tighter with every passing year until he realizes what he is doing to himself and sincerely repents each thong and chain and makes due restitution to others whom he has harmed." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 1, page 17]
"As many of you are aware, you are entering a new phase of world history, during the course of which it will be realised that no longer is the great divide between the wealthy and the poor.
The great divide will be in consciousness. The divide will be between those who have been able to find entrance into the higher spiritual consciousness and radiate love and acceptance equally to all - friends and foes - and who make it their goal to radiate Divine Consciousness into every facet of their daily lives - and those who remain encased within their ego-drives, seeking domination of the weak. They may appear to succeed for a while - but eventually they will fail and their suffering in their self-created darkness will be great.
These Letters will be the means of your moving out of darkness into LIGHT." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 4, page 22]
"Darkness and Light are both of one Nature, different only in seeming, for each arose from the source of All.” [Hermes Trismegistus]
“DARKNESS is the one true actuality, the basis and the root of light, without which the latter could never manifest itself, nor even exist. Light is matter, and DARKNESS pure Spirit.” [H. P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine 1:70]
Jacob Boehme
"Thus you may see how God created all things out of nothing, but only out of himself: and yet the Out-birth is not from his essence or substance, but it hath its original from the Darkness.
The source of the Darkness is the first Principle, and the virtue or power of the Light is the second Principle, and the Out-birth generated out of the Darkness by the virtue of the Light, is the third Principle; and that is not called God: God is only the Light, and the virtue of the Light, and that which goes forth out of the Light is the Holy Ghost.
You have a similitude of this in yourself: your soul which is in you, gives reason to you, whereby you think, consider and perceive : that represents God the Father : The Light which shines in your soul, whereby you know the virtue or power in you and lead and direct or order yourself with, that represents God the Son, or the Heart, the eternal power and virtue: and the mind in which the virtue of the Light is, and that which proceeds from the light where with you govern your body, that represents the Holy Ghost." [Jacob Boehme (1575-1624) - Three Principles of the Divine Essence]
See Also
Dark Matter
Scalar Potential