"Disturbance of equilibrium, like gravity, is inherent, an eternal existing force." It is possible these two phases, gravity and disturbance of equilibrium, are simply the two opposite poles of matter, the physical Universe, the positive and negative poles of matter, controlled by the third and controlling principle, the Universal Will.
"Unstable equilibrium, like gravity, is a condition born in each neutral center at the time of birth, and thus designed by the Architect as the connective link between the "dispersing positive" and the "attractive negative." The action inducing this "link" I call "sympathetic planetary oscillation".
"The enharmonic portion of the electric current carries the power of propulsion that induces disturbance of negative equilibrium.
"In his [Keely's] experiments of aqueous disintegration disturbance of equilibrium was brought about by using mediums of differential gravity in the disintegrator, air as one, water as the other." The Snell Manuscript
Excellent video presentation by Dale Pond on this topic:
"So stood matters with Mr. Keely until a few years ago, when, fortunately for his hopes of success, a new conception came to him by accident, as he asserts; one of those happy accidents, it would appear, which only men of the unusual capacity called genius are ready to take advantage of. Just what this conception was, Mr. Keely, with business-like caution, keeps to himself. The public, for the present at least, must be content with its visible results; but these are sufficiently noteworthy to amply repay consideration. They indicate two things: First, that Mr. Keely is no longer dealing with a power arising from gaseous pressure; and, second, that he has made this power capable of producing rotation, levitation, and other effects of mechanical energy. What he claims, in regard to the source of his new system of power, is that he is able to draw vibratory energy directly from space by the aid of special resonating expedients, and that this energy can be made to yield powerful attractive and repulsive force and be converted into vigorous rotary motion through the use of certain apparatus. The power obtained, he asserts, is duplex, or has two opposed conditions, like the positive and negative states of electricity. Mr. Keely denominates these conditions positive and negative, though with the reservation that these terms do not imply excess and deficiency, but simply opposite conditions of energy. He is able, he declares, to disturb the equilibrium of these opposed states of vibratory activity as they exist in the elements of nature, to draw them separately into his apparatus, and to produce mechanical motion as a result of the effort of nature to restore the disturbed equilibrium." [Apergy - Power Without Cost]
"Disturbance of equilibrium is the prime mover, aggregator and disperser of all forces that exist in nature. The force of the mind on matter is a grand illustration of the power of the finer over the crude, of the etheric over the molecular. If the differential forces of the brain could become equated, eternal perpetuity would be the result. Under such a condition the physical would remain free of disintegration or decomposition.
"But the law, laid out by the Great Master, which governs the disturbance of equilibrium, making the crude forms of matter, subservient to the finer or higher forms, forbidding anything molecular or terrestrial to assimilate with the high etheric, the law that has fixed the planets in their places, is an unknown law to the finite mind, comprehended only by the Infinite One." [Keely, True Science]
"Disturbance of equilibrium and sympathetic equation constitute the dual power that governs all the varied forms of life and motion which exist terrestrially, of which the electric or magnetic is the prime mover and regulator. All electrical action, no matter of what character, has its sympathetic birth by the intervention of that current of the triune flow, which I call the dominant, with the Polar harmonic current; all sympathetic flows being composed of three currents." [Vibratory Physics - The Connecting Link between Mind and Matter]
"The problem of the origin of life would become a matter of easy analysis, writes Keely, if the properties governing the different orders of matter could be understood in their different evolutions. Disturbance of equilibrium is the prime mover is a grand illustration of the power of the finer over the crude, of the etheric over the molecular. If the differential force of the brain could become equated, eternal perpetuity would be the result. Under such a condition the physical would remain free of disintegration or decomposition. But the law, laid out by the Great Master, which governs the disturbance of equilibrium, making the crude forms of matter subservient to the finer or higher forms, forbidding anything molecular or terrestrial to assimilate with the high etheric, the law that has fixed the planets in their places, is an unknown law to the finite mind, comprehended only by the Infinite One." [More Science]
"Keely has discovered and was the first to demonstrate that electricity has never been handled; that it is not merely a force or a form of energy, - that it is matter; and that what we call electricity, and have diverted for commercial use in electric lighting, is but one of the triune currents, harmonic, enharmonic, and diatonic, which are united in pure electricity; that the enharmonic current seems to be sympathetically and mysteriously associated with the dominant current; and that the dominant current can no more be brought under control than can the lightning itself. The diversion of the dominant current would mean destruction to any mechanical medium used for that purpose, and death to the operator. The intense heat evolved by the electric stream Keely attributes to the velocity of the triple subdivision at the point of dispersion, as each triple seeks its medium of affinity. Sudden unition induces the same effect; but demonstration shows that the concentration of this triple force is as free of percussion as is the breath of an infant against the atmosphere; for the three currents flow together as in one stream, in the mildest sympathetic way, while their discharge after concentration is, in comparison to their accumulation, as the tornado's force to the waft of the butterfly's wing. The enharmonic current of this triple stream, Keely thinks, carries with it the power of propulsion that induces disturbance of negative equilibrium; which disturbance is essential to the co-ordination of its flow, in completing the triune stream of electricity. When this fluid is discharged from the clouds, each triplet or third seeks its terrestrial concordant, there to remain until that supreme law which governs disturbance of equilibrium again induces sympathetic concordant concentration, continuing to pass through its evolutions, positively and negatively, until the solar forces are expended." [Keelys Contributions to Science]
"The system of arranging introductory etheric impulses by compound chords set by differential harmonies is one that the world of science has never recognized. Beyond disintegration lies dispersion, and it is as easy to disperse as to disintegrate."
His first system requires introductory mediums of differential gravities air as one, and water as the other, to disturb equilibrium and liberate the etheric vapor. This subdivision only reaches the interatomic position and the "atomic and molecular leads" were submerged in the Generator he then used. He could not go beyond the atomic with his instrument and could not dispense with water until the Liberator was invented. In his first system he did not reach full maximum line of vibration. His first system embraced Generator, Engine and Gun.
His second system he considered complete as far as liberation of the ether is concerned but was not perfected so as to assure safety to the operator. His sundry devices for indicating and governing the vibratory etheric circuit also left much to be desired.
His third system embraced aerial and submarine navigation. He was then completing an experimental sphere intended to test the combination of the positive and negative in rotary action. [DISINTEGRATION OF MATTER - THREE SYSTEMS]
With his Generator, which was invented for the purpose of multiplication of vibrations, he secured higher frequencies by disturbance of equilibrium of mediums of different specific gravities, air as one, water as the other.
In the disintegration of water in his "Liberator" he produced the "etheric order of ozone." This he is said to have used in a "carbon register" to produce a high vibratory circuit that proved sufficient to break up cohesion, which he states is simply molecular magnetism. At that time he used, in molecular dissociation, one tuning fork of 620 per second, setting chords on the first octave, in atomic separation, two forks, one of 620 and one of 630, setting chords on the second octave, and in etheric separation used three forks, one of 620, one of 630 and one of 12,000, setting chords on the third octave. [VIBRATORY MULTIPLICATION]
Gustave Le Bon
"All of the foregoing phenomena observed with the electric fluid as with the material fluids are the result of the disturbance of equilibrium of a fluid which obeys certain laws in regaining its equilibrium. Disturbances of equilibrium producing electric phenomena manifest themselves whenever by any means - friction, for instance - a separation is made between the two elements positive and negative, of which the electric fluid is supposed to be formed. The re-establishment of the equilibrium is characterized by the recombination of these two elements." [Gustave Le Bon, The Evolution of Matter, page 217-218]
"To better understand this take the cobalt out entirely. Only the zero of equilibrium is now there. Now turn on the current and you immediately divide that equilibrium, balanced zero into four opposite and equal pairs, all of which units are in perfect balance with their mates. The cathode is also in the exact middle instead of being off-center. That is the way Nature creates atoms. Cobalt is an unbalanced unit of a pair. It cannot be divided into equal pairs when used as a cathode." [Atomic Suicide, page 276]
"Every effect in Nature is divided into pairs of opposition. Each one of each pair is the reverse of the other. Each one is like a mirror reflecting the other. Nature is like unto a clock with two hands which bend away from each other in opposite directions but equal potentials. If one hand multiplies potential the other simultaneously multiplies it equally. Nature will not allow her balance to be disturbed. Each polarized hand moves away from the other from zero to four. Each then reverses its polarity from a charging body to a discharging one. Generation also reverses and becomes radiation. Heating bodies cool. Living bodies die. Solids become gases and dissolve. Fast motion slows until it ceases." [Atomic Suicide, page 288]
Nikola Tesla
"One day, as I was roaming in the mountains, I sought shelter from an approaching storm. The sky became overhung with heavy clouds but somehow the rain was delayed until, all of a sudden, there was a lightning flash and a few moments after a deluge. This observation set me thinking. It was manifest that the two phenomena were closely related, as cause and effect, and a little reflection led me to the conclusion that the electrical energy involved in the precipitation of the water was inconsiderable, the function of lightning being much like that of a sensitive trigger.
Here was a stupendous possibility of achievement. If we could produce electric effects of the required quality, this whole planet and the conditions of existence on it could be transformed. The sun raises the water of the oceans and winds drive it to distant regions where it remains in a state of most delicate balance. If it were in our power to upset it when and wherever desired, this mighty life-sustaining stream could be at will controlled. We could irrigate arid deserts, create lakes and rivers and provide motive power in unlimited amounts. This would be the most efficient way of harnessing the sun to the uses of man. The consummation depended on our ability to develop electric forces of the order of those in nature. It seemed a hopeless undertaking, but I made up my mind to try it and immediately on my return to the United States, in the Summer of 1892, work was begun which was to me all the more attractive, because a means of the same kind was necessary for the successful transmission of energy without wires.
The first gratifying result was obtained in the spring of the succeeding year when I reached tensions of about 1,000,000 volts with my conical coil. That was not much in the light of the present art, but it was then considered a feat. Steady progress was made until the destruction of my laboratory by fire in 1895, as may be judged from an article by T. C. Martin which appeared in the April number of the Century Magazine. This calamity set me back in many ways and most of that year had to be devoted to planning and reconstruction. However, as soon as circumstances permitted, I returned to the task." [Nikola Tesla]

ChatGPT review of the above data [Dale Pond, ChatGPT 12/3/24]: https://chatgpt.com/share/674ef210-5e50-800d-9fc6-24b7fb72e2f6
ChatGPT explores Sweet VTA, Dynasphere Actuators, material and harmonic interactions and functional principles of Free Energy [2/10/25]: [1] https://chatgpt.com/share/67aa0596-f7a0-800d-944e-a45ba2a67f24
See Also
AI Interpretations of SVP
10.05 - The Neutral Zone or Undifferentiated Mind
12 - Chart of Differentiation of Setting Chords on Vibratory Bar
13.12.1 - Disturbance of Equilibrium
13.27 - Differentiation
13.28 - Differentiating Thirds
14.05 - Thirds as Differentiations
14.06 - Differentiation
15.06 - Power of Dissociated Water
15.20 - Dissociation Frequency
16.23 - Differentiation of Magnetic Stream
17.10 - Gravitation Differentiation Cayce
18.02 - Keely on Brain Disturbance
2.11 - Beginning as Undifferentiated One
4.11 - Matter is Centralized Condensed and Differentiated Light
5.8.5 - The complete Contraction Expansion Cycle is as follows
6.13 - Density Differentiation
Apergy - Power Without Cost
attractive differentiation
Bearden - Precursor Engineering: Via Tickling of the Dirac Sea Vacuum
center of disturbance
concordant disturbance
contractile stimuli
depolar differentiation
development-disturbing reactive forces and resistances to motion
development-disturbing rising temperature gradient
differentiated mass
differentiation of mass
differentiation to concordant transmission
disturbance of atomic equilibrium
Disturbance of Equilibrium
disturbance of negative equilibrium
disturbance of rest
disturbance of stillness
disturbance of sympathetic equilibrium
disturbance of the interchange
electrical disturbance
etheric disturbance
Figure 13.20a - Hurricane Polarities - Polarization and Differentiation at root of Rotation
Figure 18.08 - One Still Mind of Cause before Differentiation
Figure 18.13 - Scalar or Undifferentiated Mind Force
Figure 18.15 - From One Still Mind comes all Force and Motion by Differentiation
Figure 4.15 - From One Comes all seeming things through Refraction or Differentiation
Figure 9.9 - Wave Disturbance from 0 Center to 0 Center
Inert Gas
infinite differentiation
Infinite Exciter
intermittent periodic disturbances
Keely - Electricity from Space
Keelys Mechanical Inventions and Instruments
Law of Cycles
Law of Disturbance of Equilibrium
Le Chateliers Principle of Equilibrium Shift
List of Synonyms for Disturbance of Equilibrium
List of Synonyms for Scalar
molecular differentiation
molecular disturbance
Newton of the Mind
PoL - Chapter 9
polar circuit
polar differentiation
polar negative disc
Power from Space or Vacuum
prime mover
Scalar Differentiator
Scalar Potential
stimulative influence
sympathetic disturbance of equilibrium
Sympathetic Disturbance
sympathetic disturbers of its equilibrium
three differentiated sympathetic flows
Trinity of Matter and Force - Annotated
Trinity of Matter and Force
Undifferentiated Mind
Undifferentiated White Light