Same as condition, wavefunction, 9.30 - Eighteen Attributes of a Wave, dimension and 12.11 - Eighteen Attributes or Dimensions.
In thermodynamics: A thermodynamic state is a set of values of properties of a thermodynamic system that must be specified to reproduce the system. The individual parameters are known as state variables, state parameters or thermodynamic variables. Once a sufficient set of thermodynamic variables have been specified, values of all other properties of the system are uniquely determined. The number of values required to specify the state depends on the system, and is not always known. Wikipedia, State
The Neutralization of Magnets
"Thus, either present elements are the true elements, or else there is the probability before us of obtaining some more high and general power of nature, even than electricity, and which at the same time might reveal to us an entirely new grade of matter, now hidden from our view and almost from our suspicion. - [FARADAY]
Question. How can a magnet be robbed almost instantaneously of its magnetic power?
Answer. The peculiarity of the sympathetic conditions which conserve a magnet to polar and anti-polar currents of the earth, prove perfect sympathetic equation between reception and distribution in that part of the electrical field which is classified, in my system, as interatomic vibratory oscillation.
This oscillation represents, in its corpuscular field of action, an alternating wave-motion of one hundred and twenty-eight thousand four hundred vibratory exchanges per second, between polar reception and depolar distribution, thus establishing its perfect sympathetic concordance to that third of the electric triple stream which represents the sixths in vibratory sympathetic physics. The sympathetic action of the magnet, when electrically sensitized, becomes subservient to polar attraction as a medium through which a portion of its flow is diverted; no longer latent, but highly active as long as its magnetic sympathy (as electrically induced) continues, and it will then associate itself with every medium in nature in which this element exists in its latent state, from steel to oxygen at a low temperature.
We have now reached a starting-point from which to obtain a conception of the manner in which a magnet can be neutralized, that is, robbed of its coincident unity, or subservience to polar negative attraction." [The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit]
"The positive vibrations are the radiating or propulsive, the negative vibrations are the ones that are attracted towards the neutral center. The action of the magnetic flow is dual in its evolutions, both attractive and propulsive. The sound vibrations of themselves have no power whatever to induce dissociation, even in its lowest form. Certain differential, dual, triple and quadruple chords give introductory impulses which excite an action on molecular masses, liquid and gaseous, that increase their range of molecular motion and put them in that receptive state for sympathetic vibratory interchange which favors molecular disintegration, then, as I have shown, the diatonic enharmonic is brought into play, which further increases the molecular range of motion beyond fifty percent of their diameters, when molecular separation takes place, giving the tenuous substance that is necessary to induce progressive subdivision. This molecular gaseous substance, during its evolution, assumes a condition of high rotation in the sphere or tube in which it has been generated, and becomes itself the medium, with the proper exciters, for further progressive dissociation. The exciters include an illuminated revolving prism, condenser, and colored lenses, with a capped glass tube strong enough to carry a pressure of at least one thousand pounds per square inch. To one of these caps a sectional wire of platinum and silver is attached; the other cap is attached to the tube so screwed to the chamber as to allow it to lead to the neutral center of said chamber." [Snell Manuscript - The Book, ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS, page 6]
Keely does not give an analysis of the structure of the etheric, but from the fact that he was able to subdivide it through the same process of "triple subdivision" into "interetherons" we may assume that three interetherons, each with its etheric capsule whirling about it, existed within the envelope of the etheron, vibrating with an oscillatory frequency greater than any of the lower subdivisions.
The fundamental mode of vibration changes as we reach the fifth subdivision, to the dominant, the diatonic third of the mass chord, which controls the vibratory states of both etheron and interetheron. The awful might concealed in the depths of the etheric and interetheric subdivisions utterly transcends anything Science has ever known. Even the theoretical energy value of radium now accepted by Science, pales into insignificance in comparison to the energy value of an equal amount of water subdivided to the etheric or interetheric state. [Snell Manuscript - The Book]
"Reception and dispersion are kept up on the atmospheric envelope of the earth by the atomic and interatomic conflict as "between the dominant and the enharmonic". This is brought about by the reception and dispersion of sympathetic streams, the ruling mode of whose vibration is the dominant, and the density of the coarser grades of matter, whose ruling vibratory mode is the enharmonic.
As every mass consists of vibrations in thirds, balanced in harmonic equilibrium without cancellation or diminution of energy, it stands therefore in harmonic relation to every other mass. All forms of matter and of motion are thus interrelated and interchangeable. Through resonance, increasing this sympathy, we can control the states of matter." [Mass Action, Snell Manuscript - the book]
Law of Corporeal Oscillations
"All coherent aggregates not isolated from like bodies, oscillate at a period-frequency varying with the tensions that augment and diminish the state of equilibrium." [Keely, 1894]
"If the sympathetic condition of any physical organism carries a positive flow of 80 per cent on its whole combination, and a negative one of 20 per cent., it is the medium of perfect assimilation to one of the same ratio, if it is distributed under the same conditions to the mass of the other. If two masses of metal, of any shape whatever, are brought under perfect assimilation, to one another, their unition, when brought into contact, will be instant. If we live in a sympathetic field we become sympathetic, and a tendency from the abnormal to the normal presents itself by an evolution of a purely sympathetic flow towards its attractive centres. It is only under these conditions that differentiation can be broken up, and a pure equation established. The only condition under which equation can never be established is when a differential disaster has taken place, of 66 2/3 against the 100 pure, taking the full volume as one. If the 66 2/3 or even 100 exists in one organ alone, and the surrounding ones are normal, then a condition can be easily brought about to establish the concordant harmony or equation to that organ. It is as rare to find a negative condition of 66 2/3 against the volume of the whole cerebral mass, as it is to find a coincident between differentiation; or, more plainly, between two individuals under a state of negative influence. Under this new system it is as possible to induce negations alike as it is to induce positives alike." [Keely - Cure of Disease]

(courtesy Wikipedia) (click to enlarge)
a maximal motion results, whose harmonic counterpart is the creation of the minimal form of motion, because the latter represents the totality in a single point. This is the turning or anomaly point out of which is born the creation-of-motion from which in turn the self-enclothing motion-of-creation arises.
This physical formation is the product of organic formative processes and it is obvious that in order to construct such physical forms, we must make use of certain basic shapes. This basic shape we find in the ellipse, which once set in motion, produces the mirror-image, opposite form. As the natural counterpart, the latter also creates the opposite temperament or reciprocal temperatures, which on their part give rise to the potentials and the form of motion associated with them.
Since we are here concerned with pure morphological patterns, there can be no state of equilibrium and therefore that state cannot exist, which we understand as 'rest'. In reality this apparent rest is the very highest state of motion and at the same time the point of material transformation, of the ur-generation [From Special Edition Mensch und Technik, Vol. 2, 1993, section 3.1]
In Nature there are only structures and orifices. From these arise all forms of materialisation and dematerialisation, if orifices and vessels are organised in an inversely symmetrical configuration and within them the reciprocal gaseous substances are correctly dosed. Pressure and suction, and most important of all, the temperature-gradient should be aligned in the right sense (+ not -), through which the desired energy is freed at the point of intersection.
This can be accumulated if the thing is cooled during its motion, becoming homogenously structured in the process. In this manner it is even possible to decompose ordinary air into animalistic electrical essences, or to produce an artificial thunderstorm, whose transformative essences discharge into metal conductors, calling into being a physical vacuum with which a thunderstorm can be produced in the tube, whose power exceeds that of a cyclone. While it is still necessary to use small quantities of earthly substances in the artificial production of petrol (gasoline), no fuels of any kind are needed to operate the air-turbine[4]. This will avert the crisis that will inevitably ensue if nature-alienated humanity continues to combust substances in its machines, which are preordained by Nature for the provision of food. The seemingly remarkable behaviour of liquids under the influence of light is the totally natural permanent condition of the eternal 'Arising' and 'Passing Away', of the evolution from small to large and vice versa, whose vital harmony Goethe has already explained to us so beautifully that all we need to do is read his works so as to create the perpetual interaction required by all molecules in order to exist in a state of well-behaved order. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Conclusions]
Space and volume are inversely disposed opposites, which consume or animate one another depending on whether one is made to burn by the other or
[4] See description of air-turbine in Austrian Patent No. 145141, p. 115 of this book. —Ed.
is itself ennobled intrinsically through this reciprocal intensification and polarization. Today's technology mistakenly chose the former of the two processes and it is therefore no wonder that cancer is on the rampage here, there and everywhere.
Goethe said, "The driving wheels of Nature are polarity and intensification and whoever understands enough to untie also knows enough to bind." What is born in light, disintegrates in the coolness of the ground. It rises up and returns again as a ray of energy in order to quicken that which stands ready to become new life at the boundary between space and volume.
Every leaf is an animalistic magnet in monoplanar form, which attracts and radiates, depending on whether the Sun shines on it or cold caresses it. This great law of reciprocity also operates in water, which constantly restructures itself by altering its space and volume. The space is shaped by light and heat. The volume is a product of darkness and coolness. If we understand how to apportion the opposing relation between space and volume and how to organise its intrinsic structure, then the substance - water - will become 'The Space' and the formless volume its realisation, which is transformed instantaneously with heat-pressure, thereby creating the motion that fills the over-lying inter-space.
If nature-alienated humanity, however, reverses this purposeful process and combusts precisely those substances that occasion life, then they should no longer be surprised when the Sun burns up that which serves it as an intermediate space, and which serves humankind for the maintenance of life.
Life unfolds itself in three spheres:
1. in the Carbone[5] - sphere
2. in the Atmosphere
3. in the Stratosphere
The connection between these spheres is created by water. Conversely, the various states of aggregation of water form the bridges for the formation and reconstitution of the basic elements carried by water, which succeed in reaching the Earth's interior from the stratosphere and vice versa. The purely mechanical circulation of the physical form - water - operates in the opposite direction to the circulation of energy. The rising of the C-substances with their carrier - water - is countered by the sinking of the oxygen. Where these
[5] Carbone: In contrast to the normal use and definition of 'carbon', Viktor Schauberger grouped all the known elements and their compounds, with the exception of oxygen and hydrogen, under the general classification of 'Mother Substances', which he described with the word 'Kohle-stoffe', normally spelt 'Kohlenstoffe' and meaning carbon. Apart from the above definition the hyphen also signifies a higher aspect of carbon, both physically and energetically or immaterially. The additional V in the English word is therefore intended to redefine and enlarge the scope of the usual term 'carbon' in accordance with Viktor's concepts. On occasion carbone will be represented by the term C' [to] differentiate it from the normal term for carbon — C - Ed.
mutually contra-directional currents intersect, energy is freed. These energetic interactions can never reach a state of rest due to the constant variation in the length of night and day. Inevitably therefore, there is a continual shift in the individual microclimatic conditions, which further result in variations in the quantity and quality of the basic elements. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Conclusions]
the alteration of the above fermentation process at its most fundamental phase. To make this even clearer: Allotropic oxygen conformations are liberated through pressure- and heat-intensifying dynamic effects or volume-enlarging thermal influences, because the fat-concentrates with opposite polarity become inactive and are maintained in a passive state under such influences. This results in the inner fission (dissociation) of the previously internally interconnected and highly evolved, therefore extremely pressure- and heat-sensitive trace-elements, which like yeasts initiate the process of raw-material transformation - the fermentation process described above. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]
Both expressions of temperament - and all forms of temperature can be viewed as such - serve for the build-up of tension, charge and potential. On the one hand these give rise to life-affirming dynagen currents, which come into being when naturalesquely fermented fatty-matter, which the chemist calls 'carbons' (sweet matter), consumes (binds) the oxygenes[3] in an allotropic (condensed) state. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Bio-Technology: Active and Reactive Temperatures]
Either this important, or more correctly, vitally important process and the products of development arising from it are wholly unknown, or the possibility has been suppressed, which, with the aid of that which 'radiates' formatively, would enable the enlightening life-flame to be supplied with qualigen. Here we are concerned with the end-product of a life-affirming (reactive) metabolic process, the most highly evolved fatty-matter already in a metaphysical state, without which no increase in intellectual activity (ability) of any kind would be possible. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Bio-Technology: Active and Reactive Temperatures]
What is here involved are the colossal carrying and tractive forces that maintain the whole Earth in an unstable floating state and cause it to rotate in peculiar spiral space-curves (cycloid-space-curve-motion). They are the same forces that maintain the delicate equilibrium of a trout in fast-flowing water and enable everything that crawls and flies on this dung-heap - Earth - to overcome their own physical weight. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
Curiously enough, since then apparently no scientifically trained individual has bothered about the causes of the mysterious motion of this dung-heap Earth, and the purpose of its exceptional form of motion. This disinterest, however, was only feigned. In reality, since Galilei's discovery, people were very much on their guard in order to avert the immeasurable repercussions resulting from the revelation of: 'Why' does the Earth ceaselessly rotate about her own peculiar system of axes in an unstable state of equilibrium in so-called free space in very particular looping movements in defiance of the laws of gravity? [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
Naturally, this ur-powerfully-active principal formative substance is barely perceptible in water or air, because the naturalesque motion of the Earth has already transmuted it into a metaphysically potentiated state, where in a semi-free and semi-bound condition it characterises the 'goodness' and 'intrinsic quality' of the aqueous or gaseous medium. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
This tremendous power arises from cold oxidative processes, which take place when stocks of bio-centrifugated carbonic acid - as was stated above - react to bio-centrifugence, and under the effects of certain other co-factors attain their relatively highest state of expansion (ray-form state). [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, New Forms of Motion and Energy]
This ideal fuel is present in a latent state in the stones, which emit a cold golden glow when rubbed together under water - a sign that these energy-concentrations are mature and properly alloyed. Austria, and the Tyrol in particular, is exceptionally rich in such minerals, charged with allotropic formative and levitative substances, which can be used to generate reactive temperatures by very simple means. These can provide a quite ideal form of domestic heating and cooling, because it is in this way that Nature keeps the ground cool in summer and warm in winter. Thanks to this mineral abundance, Austria will become immensely rich, if only it has the will and the determination finally to rid itself of those, who do everything entirely back-to-front so as to secure their continuing existence as so-called experts and [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, New Forms of Motion and Energy]
When the fruit juices that have flourished in the Sun begin to ferment, it is a sign that reactive temperature differences have triggered the fermenting movement, which in the initial stages has to separate the inferior from the superior. The former will be separated and centrifugated out through cycloid-space-curve-motion. The latter interconnects with itself, as it were, and the product of this remarkable marriage process is that something, which also brings us out of the delicately balanced equilibrium that the Earth ceaselessly enjoys. Not being in a state of stable equilibrium, she has constantly to rotate about her own axis in a form of movement that declinates and oscillates in two directions. This is how she generates the inversely symmetrically- and inversely proportionally-acting force, which enables everything that crawls and flies on this dung-heap Earth to move 'originally' (autonomously) in order to seek out its food, which also contains allotropic energy-producing substances. These are then broken down through the vibration of the organs, leading to the familiar development of physical strength and mental vigour, whose ur-causes have not been perceived by physico-technical scientists, who calculate with common calories and measure them with decimal scales and rulers. Moreover, they also believe they have captured everything with their tweezers that is proper to Nature. Unfortunately, however, this cannot be accomplished with such an instrument, because the producer of 'measure' and 'weight' is an imperceptible extraordinary energy-form, which as the 'essential' is the 'reactivated' itself, which actively moves the ordinary. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, New Forms of Motion and Energy]
To return to what is contained in good vintage wine, the process is reversed from the outset, for in this case once again activated forces move us reactively, i.e. dislodge us from a state of stable equilibrium. As future bio-technologists, it is with these latter forces that we wish to maintain this instability. For in so [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, New Forms of Motion and Energy]
boundless self-intensifying formative build-up, which also results from the universally operating cycloid-space-curve-motion. This would happen merely by reversing the process that they and physico-technical science teach in school and church alike. Consequently - and one can believe it or not - there are two marvellously functioning forms of perpetual motion that direct and produce the eternal coming into being and passing away. For a change, it would be worth setting the other in motion, in order - as already stated - to become somewhat more blissful while actually on Earth than we are under the direction of those who, apart from heating our living spaces unnaturally, also commit all manner of other blunders, for which the present state of affairs is proof. And thus on the next and final page everyone can seek out for themselves what best pleases or appeals to them. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, New Forms of Motion and Energy]
Here the concern would be for the propagation and build-up [of] fast-growing high-quality fruits and cereals through the selection and correct distribution of principal crops and intercrops through the supply of allotropic fat-concentrations in a liquid, vaporous or even an energetic state - the supply of noble water by underground means or the direct supply of noble elements by means of Repulsators (see figs. 24-26). [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Practical Application of Cycloid-Space-Curve-Motion arising from Processes of Cold Oxidation]
(c) the fabrication of naturalesquely designed water turbines, pumps, etc. (see figs. 11-13) with about a 90-fold increase in output and performance under otherwise equal conditions through the combination of both components of motion (pressural and suctional forces in a reactive state) on a common developmental axis. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Practical Application of Cycloid-Space-Curve-Motion arising from Processes of Cold Oxidation]
acid are bio-centrifugated with the aid of cycloid-space-curve-motion and so strongly expanded by mechanical means, that they become free, unipolar, cool and highly active in a kind of ray-form. They consume (bind) the oxygenes which become inactive due to the effect of this reactive temperature influence, when these seminal substances[6], which concentrate around the longitudinal axis are dispersed mechanically. In this way they are made palatable as it were, in a manner similar to branches which, swayed up and down by the wind, prepare or pre-masticate the food for the young saplings growing under the protection of the mother-trees. The ultimate products of this digestive process are the high-grade forms of fructigen which, through a progressive series of transformative and formative processes, are produced in similar fashion, when one entity is consumed by a higher one, which in turn falls victim to an even higher lover. The fructigens thus produced are finally consumed by the Earth herself, who gives upward birth to primary products of synthesis, which are created through a progressive series of interactions involving the etherealisation of former fatty-matter derived, for example, from naturalesquely broken down and transformed worm-fat. This etherealising process then ur-produces the more highly influential substances in an energetic state, which the community of worm descendants once more brings to life and moves 'originally'. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]
By means of progressive interactions with reactive forms of potential, this results in the segregation of those elements, which in the form of allotropic intermediate substances were left untouched, whereas the more inferior substances descend even further under even stronger influences of heat and are even further broken down. Once again what is still useful will be precipitated out and deposited, until the most inferior substances of all attain their relatively lowest state of evolvement and thereby their greatest degree of separation from the most noble, which on the other side has risen to the highest state. In terms of its height and depth, this is how the above threshold-element deposit comes into being. Therefore through a graduated process of deposition according to quality, the variously potentiated indifferent elements have different developmental periods. Those with a smaller separation interact earlier than the others, and logically, have to cover shorter developmental paths in order to reach the next higher evolved state. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]
substances of water or air, could also be whirled around at high speed in cycloid-space-curves. At the same time oligodynamic (decay-promoting) and catalytic (growth promoting) secondary influences also evolve and in this way the process of formation and transformation can take place within seconds due to the slip-pressures and suctional forces, which intensify by the square. This is how it is possible to build up the 'ur-primordial' levitative and supplementary forces in the form of metaphysical suctional and pressural forces almost without cost, in other words the creation of an energy-gradient, which 'ur-originates', as it were, from dynamic elements in a latent state. This opens the way for practically exploitable atom-transformation, or expressed otherwise, for the transubstantiation of former matter (fatty-matter) into negatively potentiated dynagens, those spiritual animating and dynamising energies; a transmutation that has been demonstrated many times over two millennia by the priest when making the symbolic sign of the cross over the Holy Grail - the extreme egg-shape (the calyx). All that hitherto was lacking was the practical design - the model - that proves what is actually obvious, namely, that with annihilating fire and decay-promoting forms of heat, no form of culture can develop. These models, which are now operational and available, merely await the 'extreme unction', as it were, in order to set them in motion and thus inaugurate a new age of development, wherein all privation and other problems will come to a natural end. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]
The cause of an implosion is the sudden binding (emulsion) of oxygen, which becomes passive (inactive) with a decrease in heat and in this state is consumed by the sweet substances, which attain their charged state at +4°C (39.2°F). The mechanical atomisation of the oxygen is necessary, however. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Explosion and Implosion - Expansion and Impansion]
This special form of motion, still unknown to conventional science, can magnetise a tripolar mass of air or water up to a maximum of 36% virtually without cost. To do this a particularly constructed, profiled and suitably alloyed form is required, which promotes the evolvement of a developmentally progressive energy, the power of which increases in proportion to the centripetating rotational velocity. In this process it is possible to overcome physical weight and mental torpor effortlessly at almost no expense. Accordingly, magnetism is therefore levitism, the creative (metaphysical) counterforce to electricism, the latter being the decomposive energy-form that actuates gravitism, or physical and mental relapse (the death state). [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism - Electricism]
In this regard the following must be explained: Viewed as a whole, all matter is a tripolar product of motion in which lower-grade dynagen concentrations, i.e. higher-grade qualigen in a pre-developmental embryonic state (here referred to as vitamin molecules), are present in an allotropic (polymorphic - solid, liquid, gaseous) state. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism - Electricism]
Energy in its almost purest state is produced when any given mass (e.g. air or water) is propelled above the speed of sound in order to separate the lower from the higher grade and to ennoble the latter through magnetolytic (formative) chain reactions. This gives rise to the substance-increasing retro-influent[1] energy-form, which endows what has been increased with reproductive and evolutive potency. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism - Electricism]
In the unnatural, degenerative direction of acceleration, which operates along the transverse axis (centrifugally), i.e. in an axial->radial mode, the magnetism (= levitism) here acts as the resistance. Compared to the counter-flowing electricism, it appears to be in a certain state of rest, the magnitude of its resistance or support increasing commensurately with the acceleration of the downwardly flowing electricism (= gravitism). This is the origin of the tragic misconception that in all motion the resistance increases by the square of the starting velocity. However, in reality this only happens when any given mass (matter) is made to move technically, hydraulically or dynamically[2], i.e. axially->radally (centrifugally), therefore unnaturally. For if any given mass (matter) is made to move radially->axially (centripetally), then the upwardly flowing magnetism (levitism) increases at the expense of the disintegrative (destructive) electricism (gravitism) and thus the naturally ordained formative and levitative forces intensify in proportion to the starting (radial->axial) rotational velocity. With this type of motion, which is of course only possible with very special motion-inducing shapes (profiles), the effective performance amounts to about 96%. In this case only about 4% of the original formative energies are lost in producing the resistance to motion required by Nature. In technical, hydraulic and dynamic motion precisely the opposite is the case and this is how the enormous consumption of fuel came about, which is exclusively expended in a manner destructive of Nature. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism is the Function of Levitism and Electricism is the Function of Gravitism]
between two basic substances). This is how the highest-grade element of matter, the floating vitamin-molecule, is created. While it contains too much raw material to be able to float upwards of its own accord (autonomously), it nevertheless does not gravitate, because it is already endowed with strong levitational forces. Indeed in this state, and after the loss of the higher-grade heat- and light-creating forces, it only requires a slight invigorating (cooling) impulse to transform such a mass of ennobled matter into the relatively highest light- and temperature-less state. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism is the Function of Levitism and Electricism is the Function of Gravitism]
A small, temperature-increasing, material or physical axial->radial impulse suffices to transform such a concentration of highly critical threshold matter in a latent state into the relatively most powerful, destructive energy, whose decomposive force increases in proportion to the strength of the impulse. Thus, for example, a lightning-like recoil in the form of a descending ion is triggered, which with elemental ur-force disintegrates the resistance that brakes its lightning descent. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism is the Function of Levitism and Electricism is the Function of Gravitism]
[9] Inhomogenously: Since some of the water's gases are transformed into a non-spacial state through densation and the remaining water is densified through cooling, two different states of densation exist and therefore the water is densified inhomogenously. Similarly, despite the overall cooling of the water, the peripheral flow are always warmer than the central core. - Ed. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Transport of Ore in Double-Spiral-Flow Pipes]
individualities and while similarities occur, identicalities never do. This fact alone suffices to show that any rigid conformity to law or dogma-derived process is just as impossible as an identically formed product, for the form and type of the product of synthesis is determined by a process of constantly changing change. It was Heraclitus, who long ago stated that one cannot bathe in the same water twice, because it is in continual motion even when apparently still, and is thus in a constant state of metamorphosis. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
What could be more desirable than to move water or air in such a way naturalesquely that the beneficial and valuable inner factors attain their relatively highest state as ethericities, which on their part lead to the most beneficial processes of reproduction and further development. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
The two bipolar inner constituents, which appear in a nascent state in every organic substance, should be viewed as latent energy-compounds, which require appropriate prior preparation in order to be combined (married) naturalesquely. As a result a product of synthesis is produced that is substantially different from what science describes as 'synthetic petrol (gasoline)'. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
We therefore arrive at the following transformative phenomena:
1. The inner constituents freed through mechanical abrasion (removal of the outer envelope) are transferred into two different states due to the cooling of the carrier-substance. Through this increasing cooling the terrestrial substances or carbones attain their relatively highest potential. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
insulation against heat are bound into the water, which is swirled in towards the central axis by the inclined angle of the resistances - guide-vanes.[4]. Having been drawn there by the increase in axial velocity, the water-masses inwinding towards the central axis now bind the highly active dynagens, which have been released through the mutual abrasion of the carbones. No longer reacting to any mechanical centrifugence, these energised terrestrial elements then begin to encircle the centrally moving oxygenes. Through the continuous approach of the through-flowing water-masses towards the anomaly point of +4°C (+39.2°F), on the one hand the terrestrial elements attain their relatively highest energetic state and on the other, the oxygenes become increasingly indifferent and more dispersed, thus reaching the condition proper to a fertilising substance. If this state is reached at the anomaly point, then the highly energised terrestrial residues (the former carbones) bind their fertilising counter-parts, and the naturalesque product of synthesis is complete.[The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
ALTHOUGH I am confident that the foundation on which I have been building is firm, and will never fail, I also feel that there are probably errors in raising the superstructure. "Truthful deductions must ultimately harmonise; like light, they will shine by their own effulgence." "If, however, we determine that we will not receive any truth against which objections can be raised, we shall remain in a state of universal scepticism, for against truths of every description objections have been and may be suggested." Appearances are often contrary to facts— "the straight stick looks crooked in the tide." And the question has always to be decided, whether the objections neutralise the positive evidences in favour of the truth of any assertion. [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, General Remarks on Harmonies of Tones and Colours, page 12]
"The real animating power of knowledge fills us with wonder and joy; a joy for which, observe, ignorance is just as necessary as the present knowledge. The man is always happy who is in the presence of something which he cannot know to the full, which he is always going on to know. This is the necessary condition of finite creatures with divinely rooted and divinely directed intelligence; this, therefore, its happy state—but observe, a state not of triumph or joy in what he knows, but of joy rather in the continual discovery of new ignorance, continual self-abasement, continual astonishment."—Ruskin. [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Reflections on the Scheme2, page 44]
See Also
10.04 - The Aetheric state of Being and Mind
12.10 - Increasing and Decreasing Vibratory States
12.11 - Eighteen Attributes or Dimensions
16.14 - Thermionic and gaseous state diodes
16.24 - Triune Vibratory States or Conditions
2.12 - The Neutral State
3.15 - Modern References to Polar States
7.3 - Law of Love - Reciprocal Interchange of State on Multiple Subdivisions
7.7 - Reciprocal States of Matter and Energy
8.11 - Polar States of Attraction and Repulsion
anomaly state
atomic state
cosmological equation of state
developmental state
diffuse state
Efimov state
Eighteen Attributes or Dimensions
Figure 12.09 - Dimensions and Relationships
Figure 12.13 - Some Multi-Dimensional as Inverse and Direct Reciprocal Relationships
Figure 13.16 - Compound Equilibrium States
Figure 18.05 - Two Power States of Mind Force
Figure 18.16 - Mind States when Demanding and Receiving Higher Knowledge
Figure 2.7 - Swinging Pendulum showing equal but opposed Polar States
Figure 2.8 - Alchemists Artwork showing duality or Polar States
Figure 5.0 - Under a common influence different entities move differently according to their Energy State
Figure 7.9 - Gravity aggregates Light into States of Matter
Figure 8.8 - Polar States or Conditions as Seeming Opposites
ground state
higher state
organic state
Part 02 - Origin of Polar States
pathogenic state
quantum state
receptive state
Russell Wavefunction
state of being
state of change and transformation
state of consciousness
state of equilibrium
state of evolvement
State of Mind
state of opposition
state of readiness
state of turmoil
states of aggregation
The Physics of the Primary State of Matter
transitional state
Triune States of Matter and Energy
Universal Ground State
zero state of rest