Manly Palmer Hall
"The material visible sun is a reflector rather than a source of power. The visible sun reflects the light of the invisible spiritual sun which is the true source of life, light and truth. The ever intriguing revealing words of [Manly Palmer Hall] See Central Sun
Mr. Keely does not accept this theory. He says: "l consider the sun as a vast neutral centre to a system of worlds, and that its regeneration depends entirely upon the reactive sympathetic vibratory streams which, emanating from its own body, are received in the system of worlds it controls, and are sympathetically returned to it, to be projected again, until the vibratory force, that has controlled it through the ages; is expended." [COMMENTS OF JOHN WORRELL KEELY ON DR SCHIMMELS LECTURE] See cycle of motion
Keely Researching the force of a sunbeam
Mr. Keely gives a few introductory words concerning the necessary graduating of his instruments, for effecting conditions necessary to ensure perfect sympathetic transmission which serve to show the difficulties... attendant upon getting his machines under control and equate the differentiation in molecular masses, requiring greater skill than in researching the force of a sunbeam. He writes: "The differentiation in the molecular metallic masses, or grouping, is brought about in their manipulations in manufacturing them for commercial uses; in the forging of a piece of metal, the drawing of a length of wire, and in casting a molten mass of any form. [GRADUATION OF MACHINES]

Sun Spectra
(click to enlarge)
"What is light and heat, and how are they evolved? and why are they so intensely perceptible as emanating from the solar world?
"light and heat, considered theoretically, belong to the highest orders of the phenomenal. They can only be accounted for by the velocity of sympathetic streams, as interchangeable to and from centres of negative and attractive focalization. In considering the velocity of vibration, as associated with the projection of a ray of light, to be at least one hundred thousand billions per second, it is easy to account for the origin and demonstration of these two elements by the action of celestial sympathetic streams.
1st. Light and heat are not evolved until the force of the vibratory sympathetic stream, from the neutral center of the sun, comes into atomic percussive action against the molecular atmosphere or envelope of our planet. The visibility of the planets can only be accounted for in this way, some in a great degree, some in less. Innumerable thousands, it may be, remain invisible to us by not having the conditions surrounding them, and associated with them, which favour the atomic and molecular antagonistic friction necessary to make them visible. The velocity of a steel ball passing through the atmospheric envelope, at a speed of thousands of billions times less than an etheric sympathetic stream, would be dissipated into vapour in an indefinite period of a second of time. Light and heat, in a certain sense, are one and the same; light giving heat, and heat giving light. The whole mystery, as associated with their evolution, is explained by the bombardment of the sympathetic etheric stream on the dense portion of the molecular, in seeking the sympathetic concordant neutral center of the planetary mass that surrounds the point of focalization.
"The positive and negative interchange of this true sympathetic stream keeps intact the magnetic force of the polar envelope of the earth; making it, as it were, a great magnet of itself. The fact of this magnetic force being universally present, on and in our planet, proves the immensurable speed and power of etheric sympathetic interchange. Thus it is that, from the velocity of these sympathetic rays, the earth's standard of heat and light is evolved and kept in balance. This interchange of sympathetic radiation, between the solar world and its system of planets, equates the sympathetic volume by the reception of the full amount expended on sympathetic distribution; thus showing the never-ending restoration of equilibrium by the same medium that disturbs it during intermittent sympathetic action. There are very many facts in vibratory physics which prove that the volume of heat, supposed by many to emanate from the sun, if concentrated upon a centre of the volume represented by the sun, would give enough focal force, if projected upon the system of planets that is under its control, to vaporize then in one month's time. A ray of heat one billion times greater than the whole volume of the sun represents could not pass through the dark vacuous boundaries which lie between us and the sun without being neutralized and absorbed." [Vibratory Physics - The Connecting Link between Mind and Matter]
Dimensional or Inter-Dimensional Beings
"There is much atmospheric celestial material that has never been revealed to man's senses. Attenuated elements extend to infinite reaches beyond hydrogen, including actual substances or compounds which have never been revealed to our senses. Beings fashioned of these substances could walk by our sides unseen and cast no shadow in the noonday sun." [Keely, The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit, The Connecting Link Between Mind and Matter - Keelys Progress - Part 2]
"In God's Creation He limits all motion to that point in compression where invisible white light has been reached between
[p. 36]
the two visible yellows of flame in fission state. When a sun has become a true sphere its center has reached the white invisible still point in the spectrum where motion has ceased. Up to that very point the inward speed of compression has multiplied to its limit of 186,400 miles per second. At that point also the sun has reached its maximum temperature. At that point also, there is but one center of gravity. Until then there are two. White light is always invisible, for it is always still. It could not be white otherwise. Any motion, whatsoever, would be visible as yellow." [Atomic Suicide, - Chapter 2 - How Radioactivity Kills - VI, page 35-36]
One of the greatest mysteries of science is the source of the sun's renewing energy. ? At the present rate of solar radiation, the sun should have burned out long ago.?
What keeps its fires burning? What is it that generates heat in the sun to keep it from cooling? ? One theory is that its contraction generates it, for contraction supposedly heats.?
But that is not the answer, for contraction does not heat nor generate. Contraction is possible only as a result of generation, not as its cause.
Generation must precede contraction. It does not follow it.
Heat follows as a result of contraction. Heat radiates. Radiation is the opposite of generation, and opposites act in opposite ways.?
Radiation expands and the resultant expansion cools; while generation contracts and the resultant contraction heats.
?Here again is the father-mother principle manifesting its law of equal, opposite and sequential interchange.
The cold of expanded space generates the sun’s heat by compressing large volume into smaller volume.
The high pressure of incandescence is born from the low pressure of vacuous blackness, in accordance with the law of rhythmic balanced interchange between all pairs of father-mother opposites. [Walter Russell, The Secret of Light, pages 187-188]
"Prolating spheres, such as our sun, are becoming incandescent inward toward their centers, while oblating spheres, such as our planets, are becoming cold inward towards their centers." [Russell, The Secret of Light, page 232]
“Since the very beginning of time the Sun has stood above everything, staring down in icy silence at the frenzied activities of humankind, who regard it as a fiery orb. How could it be otherwise, such is their direct mental approach towards life! The closer we approach this source of light and heat, the colder and darker its face will become. The nearer we are to it, the brighter the stars will be and as its light diminishes, heat, atmosphere, water and life will also disappear…..
We shall therefore examine the two claims of darkness and cold more closely. Let us begin with the aspect of darkness, for there is some evidence to support his view that, without any atmosphere, no stars would be visible.” [Viktor Schauberger]
Space and volume are inversely disposed opposites, which consume or animate one another depending on whether one is made to burn by the other or
[4] See description of air-turbine in Austrian Patent No. 145141, p. 115 of this book. —Ed.
is itself ennobled intrinsically through this reciprocal intensification and polarization. Today's technology mistakenly chose the former of the two processes and it is therefore no wonder that cancer is on the rampage here, there and everywhere.
Goethe said, "The driving wheels of Nature are polarity and intensification and whoever understands enough to untie also knows enough to bind." What is born in light, disintegrates in the coolness of the ground. It rises up and returns again as a ray of energy in order to quicken that which stands ready to become new life at the boundary between space and volume.
Every leaf is an animalistic magnet in monoplanar form, which attracts and radiates, depending on whether the Sun shines on it or cold caresses it. This great law of reciprocity also operates in water, which constantly restructures itself by altering its space and volume. The space is shaped by light and heat. The volume is a product of darkness and coolness. If we understand how to apportion the opposing relation between space and volume and how to organise its intrinsic structure, then the substance - water - will become 'The Space' and the formless volume its realisation, which is transformed instantaneously with heat-pressure, thereby creating the motion that fills the over-lying inter-space.
If nature-alienated humanity, however, reverses this purposeful process and combusts precisely those substances that occasion life, then they should no longer be surprised when the Sun burns up that which serves it as an intermediate space, and which serves humankind for the maintenance of life.
Life unfolds itself in three spheres:
1. in the Carbone[5] - sphere
2. in the Atmosphere
3. in the Stratosphere
The connection between these spheres is created by water. Conversely, the various states of aggregation of water form the bridges for the formation and reconstitution of the basic elements carried by water, which succeed in reaching the Earth's interior from the stratosphere and vice versa. The purely mechanical circulation of the physical form - water - operates in the opposite direction to the circulation of energy. The rising of the C-substances with their carrier - water - is countered by the sinking of the oxygen. Where these
[5] Carbone: In contrast to the normal use and definition of 'carbon', Viktor Schauberger grouped all the known elements and their compounds, with the exception of oxygen and hydrogen, under the general classification of 'Mother Substances', which he described with the word 'Kohle-stoffe', normally spelt 'Kohlenstoffe' and meaning carbon. Apart from the above definition the hyphen also signifies a higher aspect of carbon, both physically and energetically or immaterially. The additional V in the English word is therefore intended to redefine and enlarge the scope of the usual term 'carbon' in accordance with Viktor's concepts. On occasion carbone will be represented by the term C' [to] differentiate it from the normal term for carbon — C - Ed.
mutually contra-directional currents intersect, energy is freed. These energetic interactions can never reach a state of rest due to the constant variation in the length of night and day. Inevitably therefore, there is a continual shift in the individual microclimatic conditions, which further result in variations in the quantity and quality of the basic elements. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Conclusions]
The potential differences in constant existence between inner and outer temperatures are none other than forms of energy, which complete the cycle of water and at the same time kindle it anew.
Evolutionary manifestations are therefore,
1. of material, and
2. of immaterial nature.
Stone, plant, animal, human being, planet and Sun are organisms possessed of body and soul. Every ray of light or heat requires a physical form in which it can evolve, or organise itself. Every body requires an inner energy that builds it up or transforms it. When a body disintegrates then those energies
that created it will again be freed. They are never lost. If they lose their place of abode with the decaying of the body, then they are willingly taken up by the water that eternally circulates in, on and above the Earth and which conducts them once more to a new life. Therefore wherever we look there is life, constant formation and transformation. Should we look into apparent emptiness, then a sea of spiritual life, passed and future generations, returns our gaze. Every material form of vegetation is always the reflection of an immaterial form consisting of light, heat and radiation.
Every change in sphere changes the outer and inner relations of the whole, changes the weight and the intensity of the inner radiation of water and thus the direction in which this carrier of life moves. Disturbances to the inner and outer conformities with natural law lead to a disturbance in the organisation of the whole evolution of life. The disappearance of water or its substantial transformation is a very serious warning sign, because the character of the water also changes with its inner composition, and with this the character of all forms of life, including human-beings. The qualitative decline of the vegetation and above all the deterioration of the highest plant-organism - the forest, the psychic and moral degeneration of humankind, are only the legitimate consequence of the disturbance of the physical composition of water and the disruption of the geosphere occasioned by humanity's subversive activity in the organism of the Earth.
What we are experiencing today is no crisis, but rather the demise of the whole, i.e. the qualitative, physical degeneration of all organisms, brought into effect through the disturbance of Nature's water-balance. In step with this devolution goes the moral, mental and spiritual collapse of humanity, which has already reached such an advanced state, that despite all warning signs people still do not recognise the seriousness of the situation. Worse than animals, they seek their final salvation in the decimation of humanity with weapons of war, that our priests even bless along with the banners under which our children are supposed to bleed to death.
The decision, whether we take the latter path or whether at the final hour we can protect ourselves from our own self-mutilation, only lies with us, or with those men of science and the state, who take upon themselves an altogether appalling responsibility, when out of personal interest, with no consideration of the gravity of the situation and being incapable of bringing any effective help, they continue to adhere to their present point of view. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Conclusions]
The same applies to all natural means of producing light and power (viz. the natural increase in the Sun's heat, when the distance from the Sun increases in summer and the developmental path of its energies elongates, or according to the findings of Pickard's research, it gets all the colder and darker, the closer this supposedly fiery orb is approached.) [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Bio-Technology: Active and Reactive Temperatures]
When the Earth approaches the Sun in winter the intensity of light increases, because in this case the resisting power of the Earth's almost hermetically sealed pores (nozzles) becomes greater. If this natural reciprocity is copied naturalesquely, then the production of power, light, heat and cold will be virtually free. On the other hand, germinating- and growth-energies will continuously and progressively rise to about an average of 30% per annum, which roughly corresponds to the normal increase in the human population. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Bio-Technology: Active and Reactive Temperatures]
When the fruit juices that have flourished in the Sun begin to ferment, it is a sign that reactive temperature differences have triggered the fermenting movement, which in the initial stages has to separate the inferior from the superior. The former will be separated and centrifugated out through cycloid-space-curve-motion. The latter interconnects with itself, as it were, and the product of this remarkable marriage process is that something, which also brings us out of the delicately balanced equilibrium that the Earth ceaselessly enjoys. Not being in a state of stable equilibrium, she has constantly to rotate about her own axis in a form of movement that declinates and oscillates in two directions. This is how she generates the inversely symmetrically- and inversely proportionally-acting force, which enables everything that crawls and flies on this dung-heap Earth to move 'originally' (autonomously) in order to seek out its food, which also contains allotropic energy-producing substances. These are then broken down through the vibration of the organs, leading to the familiar development of physical strength and mental vigour, whose ur-causes have not been perceived by physico-technical scientists, who calculate with common calories and measure them with decimal scales and rulers. Moreover, they also believe they have captured everything with their tweezers that is proper to Nature. Unfortunately, however, this cannot be accomplished with such an instrument, because the producer of 'measure' and 'weight' is an imperceptible extraordinary energy-form, which as the 'essential' is the 'reactivated' itself, which actively moves the ordinary. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, New Forms of Motion and Energy]
This two-fold interplay of perpetual motion can be directly observed and studied in deep, cool cellars, for through differences in temperature, what has grown large in the Sun and then reduced in size by squashing, will be moved 'cycloidally' in the cellar. First refined, then made 'cloudy', it slowly becomes clear after termination of this adolescent period. This is how wise Nature operates, who is known to have unlimited developmental periods at her disposition for all things. We, poor souls, to whom only a single, unique life is available in which we will also be forced to make use of cycloid-space-curve-motion in order to alleviate almost intolerable reactive energies through their abreaction, will have to behave more sensibly in order to become somewhat more blissful while still on this Earth than has been the case due to the efforts of 'active' technicians. In other words, we must reverse the way things are done. Cycloid-space-curve-motion must therefore be given pride of place, which logically leads to the almost cost-free mechanical generation of reactive differences in potential, which in turn give rise to increased and intensified active differences in motion. Harnessed once more, these trigger further high-grade differences in potential of a reactive nature, and so on and so forth until temperatures and reactive forces of such a kind are triggered that it is a veritable art to devise an operating load heavy enough to brake and control these elemental suctional and pressural forces. At the right time, therefore, we must keep our eyes open for the specialists and experts, who function as super-brakes on development!! Most certainly, however, we must replace those, who today brake the normal course of development with the reversed interplay of forces, which they do in such a way as to increase and intensify precisely those kinds of energy that promote decomposition and the expulsion of what is unsuitable for further development. In so doing they trigger a form of perpetual motion, because here too the self-intensifying decomposive and repulsive forces also increase by the square owing to the cycloid-space-curve-motion of the Earth. Sadly they do not see what they have themselves created, namely boundless decline and disintegration instead of an equally [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, New Forms of Motion and Energy]
The plus and minus elements dissociated from the water separate from one another. The small quantities of carbone present in poor quality water make their escape immediately, because they dematerialise themselves. The phos-elements[3] incorporated by the Sun disperse, enter the horizontal potential field, become highly aggressive, spread themselves over the active substances and await things now imminent. The 'imminent' is a geospheric gas, which is ingested with great cold. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Letter to Werner Zimmermann]
The vertically propagating energy-form, which in a vacuum tube produces an intense and dazzling light - or a Sun in statu nascendi as it were - likewise describes a cycloid-space-curve path, but one in which the transverse radius reduces. The faster the water-droplet falls and the higher the vacuum-bulb is positioned on the longitudinal axis, the more dazzling and intense the light becomes. The further the vacuum-bulb is removed from the source of the horizontally emitted energy-form, the darker the strongly pulsating blood-red glow becomes. If heavily insulated shields (such as paraffin wax), which have a braking effect, are interposed around this radiant energy-bundle, then under the influence of atmospheric light and heat, positively charged water is produced. However, if the same process is repeated with the exclusion of light and heat, then negatively charged water results. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Ennoblement of Water]
This pipe should be laid to a particular gradient and oriented in certain direction[13]. It should then be charged with water - the best kind being sea-water thoroughly irradiated by the Sun - to which coal dust, carbonic acid and other things have been added. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
"lower effect than the fifth; the seventh, B, has a higher effect than the sixth; but the eighth, C, has a lower effect than the seventh. If the effects of notes or chords depended wholly on the mathematical primes by which they are measured and located, or the ratios inherent in them, then the effects of the tonic, subdominant, and dominant chords would have been alike, for these chords are measured by exactly the same primes, and have exactly the same ratios. It is the position of the tonic chord which gives it its importance and not any special primes by which it is produced, nor any special ratios inherent in it. Notes by the power of 2 have a pure unmixed and invariable character. Notes by the first, second, and third powers of 3 have different degrees of centrifugal force; and the character of the notes produced by the first power of 5 depends on the character of the notes from which they are derived. The final character of notes and chords is determined by the amount of force which they have acquired from the way in which they have been derived, and from their position in the system. And no matter where these notes may be afterwards placed, like chemical elements, they never lose their original forces and tendencies. What Tyndal says of the inorganic chemical elements of the brain is true of the inorganic notes of music, "They are all dead as grains of shot." It is the organic state which gives the notes and chords their gravities and levities, and these two tendencies, the one upward and the other downward, constitute the vital principle of music. It is true that the mathematical operation is required to give birth and life to music, and that the mathematical system gives the knowledge of causes down to the law of gravitation, yet the artistic effects are fully realised from the tempered system deriving its organic harmony from this vital principle of music. The centrifugal tendencies of the notes of the subdominant, are too strong to be at all disturbed by the system being tempered. The enormous power of these chords corrects the effect which might otherwise arise from tempering, as the enormous power of the sun corrects the perturbations of the planets." [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 29]
"All the bodies in the Solar System, in a general way, are attracted to the sun according to the Law of Masses; but all the satellites are attracted to their planets according to the Law of Distance. The subdominant and dominant chords in the Musical System, in a general way, are attracted to the tonic center; but each note in the octave scale is attracted to its nearest note by the Law of Proximity. [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 96]
"Study is like the heaven's glorious sun,
That will not be searched out by saucy looks."
Shakspere. [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Reflections on the Scheme3, page 45]
"Science and Revelation are mutually, though gradually, clearing each other; but as a little warmth of the rising sun only calls up the very mists which are to be dissipated by its more powerful shining, so a vague and chilling popular unbelief is to be dispelled, not by withholding knowledge, but by shedding abroad all possible light. Christianity has one most dangerous mental foe, and that is ignorance." Ignorance is the parent of Atheism; but we should carefully distinguish between "sinful doubt" and candid inquiry, the former of which generally arises from a too great love of, and belief in, our own mental powers. [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Reflections on the Scheme3, page 45]
"The owlet Atheism,
Sailing on obscure wings across the noon,
Drops his blue fringed lids and shuts them close,
And, hooting at the glorious sun in heaven,
Cries out, Where is it?" [Coleridge]. [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Reflections on the Scheme4, page 46]
Dale Pond
"The Sun is the Great Neutral Center of our solar system and all contained therein. It's Neutral Center connects to (sympathetic with) every neutral center of every atom and molecule in our system - including those within us." - [Dale Pond]
Nikola Tesla
"All this energy emanates from one single center, one single source - the sun. The sun is the spring that drives all. The sun maintains all human life and supplies all human energy. Another answer we have now found to the above great question: To increase the force accelerating human movement means to turn to the uses of man more of the sun's energy." [Nikola Tesla, Century Illustrated Magazine, June 1900; THE PROBLEM OF INCREASING HUMAN ENERGY WITH SPECIAL REFERENCES TO THE HARNESSING OF THE SUN'S ENERGY]
"If we could produce electric effects of the required quality, this whole planet and the conditions of existence on it could be transformed. The sun raises the water of the oceans, and winds drive it to distant regions where it remains in a state of the most delicate balance. If it were in our power to upset it whenever and wherever desired, this mighty life-sustaining stream could be controlled at will. We could irrigate arid deserts, create lakes and rivers, and provide motive power in unlimited amounts. This would be the most efficient way of harnessing the sun to the uses of man." [Nikola Tesla, June 1919]
"The heart in the human body may be compared to the sun of a solar system. Then by analogy the sun is the center of forces of the solar system. Similarly to the blood flowing from the heart through the arterial system. Force emerges from the sun drawn to the opposite polarity of the planets and in this outgoing flow it would be possible to develop magnetism, electricity, light, color, heat, sound, and lastly matter, in the order of lessening dynamic degrees of vibration. Matter then would be the offspring of energy and not the parent, as is often thought." [Cayce (195-70)]
"The strongest power in the destiny of man is the Sun, first; then the closer planets, or those that are coming in ascendency at the time of the birth of the individual..." [Cayce 254-2]
Q.: What argument would be most conclusive to prove that sun is not hot at surface?
A.: "The breaking up of the rays, just as has been described, in that it takes BACK as well as gives off, being both positive and negative." [Cayce (195-70)]

See Also
Celestial Radiation
List of Synonyms for Scalar
Scalar Potential
Sun Spots
"See the immediate center of our solar system. Thou wouldst call it a dynamo, the great dynamo of the system. Right wouldst thou be, and wrong also. The attempt to define the sun as an analogue to a dynamo-electric machine has much to support it. But to define it as identical is erroneous. The trouble with that theory is the trouble which lies at the root of and weakens all other theories to account for sun-heat and sunlight. It is that science does not assign a sufficiently high value to the sun. The combustion theory is invalid; the solar mass contradiction theory is but partially tenable and meteoric showers do not account better that the first two. Neither does the electric-dynamo theory. Truly, the latter explains how sun-heat and sunlight may coexist and not be inharmonious with the awful degree of cold between earth, the planets and the sun. It explains that which denies the simple combustion theory so completely, viz. that the farther one goes from the earth center, either in a balloon or on a high mountain, the colder and colder the air gets, so that interstellar space is several hundred degrees below zero, and black as midnight, with the sun a luminous disc, without rays. But the dynamo theory does not explain the solar spectrum, nor the bands of spectra, nor coronal "flames," nor "sun spots," nor solar nor lunar eclipses."
"I have said that the value accorded by astronomers is too small. Seeing fire, they would seek to explain by its means the sun. Finding this untenable, and aware that a contracting mass gives off heat, they next essay explanation on that hypothesis. But this will not do, nor will meteoric showers, nor any hypothesis based on facts now known, all are too low in aim; the Infinite cannot be explained by the finite, nor will less explain greater; fire is energy, and electricity is energy, and God is energy. But fire will not solve the query, "What is electricity?" nor will electricity answer "What is God?" but God will explain both the others, for the sum of the parts is equal to the whole. But as man does not know the full number of the parts, the partial sum he does know will not explain God."
"Nature has a dual aspect, is double, is positive and negative; that the great positive side is the side known as mundane science, while the other or negative, or "Nightside," or, as it was once known in the earth by the men of Atla (Atlantis), "Navaz," is a side all unknown, and scarcely quested in the most exceeding flights of speculation, left unbroached, secretly kept by a few, who know not that they entertain an angel, an angelic wisdom that in a century more, yea, less time! shall overturn much of the face of terrain things, shall bestow aerial vessels, and all else once known to those men of Atl of whom I spoke."
"The suns of systems are centers of forces of the Nightside of Nature whereof I spoke, and are force, and matter of a higher value than are planets and satellites, just as water above a cataract is water, truly, but being above and mobile, flows over and down, developing energy. In other words, out of the cold, dark, negative side, or "Nightside," force emerges, drawn to the positive polarity which constitutes in its outgoing flow that termed Nature, and develops in its fall, magnetism, electricity, light, color, heat and sound, in order of descent, and lastly solid matter, for this latter is a child of energy, not its parent. When the Navaz forces drop to light, if the light waves enter a spectroscope, they will emerge as colors; these will correspond to the various spectrum bands, and will, as the descend progresses, give the noted lines of the solar spectrum, as the great "B" line of oxygen, the conspicuous "1474" line, and the brilliant "H" and "K" violet bands."
"Thus the evidence of flames, and metals on fire, and all that leads astronomers to think sun and stars flaming hells. But their "fires" will not decrease, for the Father is immanent, and the forces of "Navaz" are perpetually fed by Him. The graphic picture of a burned-out sun is a dream, never to be fulfilled. A day will come again in the earth when instruments will be made which Atlantis once well knew, when the prismatic rays from a spectroscope will be found to be a source of heat, and of sound, so that the so-called "flames" of the sun, and of the stars will produce music, harmonious divine. Yea, further, for going down, the dark green solar spectrum of iron will be made to yield iron for use in the arts, and so with the other bands and lines, the intense greens, blues, and blue-greens give copper, lead, antimony and so on. It is by these Navaz currents that the circulation in the universe is kept up, as blood in a man's arteries. The suns are the systemic hearts. But thou art tired, my brother, or I would explain yet more, that the planets which receive all these currents must return their equivalent. And thus would another vast field open before thy sight. This last would explain that which so worries science on earth, the molten terrain interior. That also is something of an error. All the phenomena which seem to declare the earth to be in a melted condition inside do not prove it so in truth; all point to the return currents, the positive; all exhibit the venous currents of our universe, back to its hearts." [Phylos, A Dweller on Two Planets; Borden Publishing Company, Los Angelos, California, 1952]
Solar System
Jacob Boheme
“The Sun stands in the center of the deep and is the Light or Heart which proceeds out of all Stars. The Sun is the Heart of all powers in the world and is compacted, framed, or composed out of all the powers of the Stars. Understand it magically: For it is a mirror or likeness of the Eternal world.” [Jacob Boheme]
Traces of the Sun's Motion
“...for all the force that is valid on earth radiates and emanates exclusively from the Sun's photosphere, and this without the visible mediation of any important substance, and overcomes this twenty — million mile space, which separates the sun from the Earth, almost without time, if in this space does not collide with any material resistance-and the observed delay of sunlight is not a consequence of overcoming space, but from resistance of the earth's atmosphere.
The corresponding radiation from the Sun can not be also caloric or only light rays but, in fact, energetic, otherwise will not have a magnetic influence on the earth's mass, will not be able to set it into whirling motion and at the same time circular about the sun, you will not be able to give the mass of the earth's gravitational and electrical condition — for all the revival of the dead mass of the Earth is the result of such irradiation, through the invigorating sun's rays contained in its energy states all these basic elements, namely: movement, light, heat, electricity, magnetism, chemistry and biomechanism...” [Franciszek Rychnowski: "A critical look Aat the essence of science, and its social impact", 1924]
"If sound traveled through space, the Sun would be deafening. The Sun has about a million convection cells, each about the size of Texas, that violently rise and sink over the course of just 5 minutes. “Imagine 10,000 Earths covered in police sirens, all screaming,” says heliophysicist Craig DeForest
Bernard Trevisan
“The Moon reduced to first Matter, is passive Matter; for truly she is the Spouse of the Sun, and they are one and the other in very near affinity. Such is the agreement between the Male and the Female of the Genus of the Art, from which is engendered the White and red Sulphur, conglutinating and congealing the Mercury.” [Bernard Trevisan "Verbum Dismissum"]
Eliphas Levi
"The Sun is the centre and source of all high Magical force, and this force nourishes and renews without pause that latent Light which is the grand agent manifested in ((magnetism)) and vital energy.
The Sun is the central and yet universal magnet of the stars. It has two poles, one possessing attractive force and the other repulsive force; it is alone by the balance of these two energies that it maintains cosmic equilibrium and universal motion.
The Sun it is which bestows radiance upon the planets and meteors, it is of the principle of Fire, and in this world, it is the source of phosphorescence of the sea and even of the scintillation of the glow-worm. It is the heat of the Sun which constitutes the stimulant essence of the generous wine from the fruit of the grape, and which brings to perfection the luscious sweetness of all fruits.
It is the Sun which awakens the dormant energies of all beings in springtime, and which prompts the enjoyment of all the sweet mysteries of love. It is the Sun's force which courses in our veins and palpitates in our hearts, and it is the light of the Sun which empurples our blood and makes it resemble the purple redness of wine.
The Sun is the sanctuary of spiritual beings who have been loosed from the ties of earth life, and there is the blazing tabernacle in which resides the Soul of the Messiah." [The Magical Ritual of the Sanctum Regnum by Eliphas Levi]
ChatGPT examines the Sun and its activities
Comprehensive Summary The Sun, as the Neutral Center, aligns with SVP principles by transducing etheric forces into manifest forms, sustaining life and maintaining cosmic equilibrium. Its vibratory dynamics demonstrate the interconnectedness of all systems, bridging the spiritual and material, the universal and individual.
ChatGPT examines the Sun and its activities [1/18/25]: https://chatgpt.com/share/678bbd49-e238-800d-a821-96a87f4b6c7a
See Also
AI Interpretations of SVP
Celestial Radiation
Dynaspheric Force
Father-Mother Principle
Negative Attraction
Neutral Center
Part 22 - Solar Rings and Planetary Formation
Primary Solar Ray
Propositions of Astronomy
PSI Solar Concentrator
Robert Scragg Solar Reactor Engine
Solar Eclipse
Solar Energy
solar force
solar heat
solar plexus
Solar System
solar wind
The Ox and the Chamois
Universal Heart Beat