

Blood formation or blood decomposition - synthesising or analysing current - vitalisation or devitalisation - health in mind and body or disease, death and economic disaster, all these are decreed by what in the opening paragraph science calls molecular motion whilst having no knowledge of the differences in the forms of motion, which not only determine existence or non-existence, but also all economic progress or decline. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]

This two-fold interplay of perpetual motion can be directly observed and studied in deep, cool cellars, for through differences in temperature, what has grown large in the Sun and then reduced in size by squashing, will be moved 'cycloidally' in the cellar. First refined, then made 'cloudy', it slowly becomes clear after termination of this adolescent period. This is how wise Nature operates, who is known to have unlimited developmental periods at her disposition for all things. We, poor souls, to whom only a single, unique life is available in which we will also be forced to make use of cycloid-space-curve-motion in order to alleviate almost intolerable reactive energies through their abreaction, will have to behave more sensibly in order to become somewhat more blissful while still on this Earth than has been the case due to the efforts of 'active' technicians. In other words, we must reverse the way things are done. Cycloid-space-curve-motion must therefore be given pride of place, which logically leads to the almost cost-free mechanical generation of reactive differences in potential, which in turn give rise to increased and intensified active differences in motion. Harnessed once more, these trigger further high-grade differences in potential of a reactive nature, and so on and so forth until temperatures and reactive forces of such a kind are triggered that it is a veritable art to devise an operating load heavy enough to brake and control these elemental suctional and pressural forces. At the right time, therefore, we must keep our eyes open for the specialists and experts, who function as super-brakes on development!! Most certainly, however, we must replace those, who today brake the normal course of development with the reversed interplay of forces, which they do in such a way as to increase and intensify precisely those kinds of energy that promote decomposition and the expulsion of what is unsuitable for further development. In so doing they trigger a form of perpetual motion, because here too the self-intensifying decomposive and repulsive forces also increase by the square owing to the cycloid-space-curve-motion of the Earth. Sadly they do not see what they have themselves created, namely boundless decline and disintegration instead of an equally [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, New Forms of Motion and Energy]

Implosion is a biochemical reaction and takes place equally rapidly, during which a strong increase in low pressure occurs, whose active force increases by the square of the rate of the decline in heat. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Explosion and Implosion - Expansion and Impansion]

Since no heat or kinetic equivalence exist, but only the reactive intensification of development-fostering or development-impeding energies, an economic, social, moral and cultural decline had to take place as the scope of pressure-inducing machines and other such devices increased and intensified. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism - Electricism]

It cannot be disputed that contemporary science, which is founded on far too low a level of basic knowledge, has made exclusive use of pressure-intensifying (development-crippling) motion and arbitrary dynamic shapes that in no way correspond to those required by Nature. The formative components of suctional force, which act in an enlivening (cooling) way, were completely neglected. Hence science created even more dangerous degenerative forces as purported successes were achieved to the detriment of the reactive formative forces. A more rapid economic decline was therefore inevitable, the more widespread and more intensive technology, hydraulics and dynamics became. The soil's energies must also become depleted in the same proportion, because the [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism is the Function of Levitism and Electricism is the Function of Gravitism]

The open secret of water consists in the fact that processes of organic synthesis take place in the naturalesque conduction of water, whereas processes of organic analysis occur when it is conducted unnaturally. In the former case, the growth of water and an increase in latent energy occurs, hence a qualitative improvement. In the latter case, it results in the disappearance of water, to losses in latent energy and logically to a decline in quality. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Transport of Ore in Double-Spiral-Flow Pipes]

Because of this curious attitude, conventional science has made a serious mistake, which we have to thank for the general economic decline, the world-wide unease and unrest, and not least, the constant wars. As long as this mistake remains uncorrected, any lasting peace is unthinkable, for owing to the serious disruption of natural development, the quality of the soil is declining, the shortage in raw materials is increasing and the various sources of food and fodder are dwindling in the same ratio that the population is increasing. It is therefore obvious that under such circumstances no lasting peace can come about. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]

See Also


Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Monday October 17, 2022 03:46:23 MDT by Dale Pond.