

noun: Tune or tuning
noun: Improvement;
noun: Exaltation of qualities.
noun: The act of marking with degrees.
noun: The process of bringing a liquid to a certain consistence by evaporation.
noun: A marking of a flask, tube, gauge, etc. with a series of degrees for measuring.
noun: An arrangement or classification into grades according to amount, size, etc.

Wikipedia, Graduation - the art of dividing straight scales, circular arcs or whole circumferences into any required number of equal parts.

Apparently there are three levels of graduating sympathetic machinery:

Molecular Graduation
atomic Graduation
Etheric Graduation

[see Modes of Vibration, Three Laws of Being]

"He obtained such control of the mysterious polar current that he was able to show on the "third or molecular graduation of the propellor of his airship" 120 revolutions per minute; on the sixths or atomic graduation, 360 revolutions per minute, and had still the etheric field to conquer." [POLAR CURRENT]

"To move suddenly a square inch of air at the velocity of his vibratory circuit, on full line of graduation and at a vibration only of 2,750,000 per second, would require a force at least of twenty-five times that of gunpowder, and at 21,000 lbs. per sq. inch it would be 525,000 lbs. per square inch. The finer the substance the greater the power and velocity under such vibrations." [JOHN ERNST WORRELL KEELY]

Mr. Keely gives a few introductory words concerning the necessary graduating of his instruments, for effecting conditions necessary to ensure perfect sympathetic transmission which serve to show the difficulties... attendant upon getting his machines under control and equate the differentiation in molecular masses, requiring greater skill than in researching the force of a sunbeam. He writes: "The differentiation in the molecular metallic masses, or grouping, is brought about in their manipulations in manufacturing them for commercial uses; in the forging of a piece of metal, the drawing of a length of wire, and in casting a molten mass of any form. [Snell Manuscript - The Book, GRADUATION OF MACHINES, page 5]

"Therefore, it is necessary to submit the wire to a system of graduation in order to find what the combined chords of these nodal interferences represent when focalized to one general center. Then the differentiation between these nodal waves and the intermolecular link must be equated, by what I call a process of vibratory induction, so as to induce pure concordance between one and the other. To elaborate on this system of graduation, for effecting conditions necessary to ensure perfect and unadulterated transmission, would make up a book that would take days to read and months to study. [Snell Manuscript - The Book, GRADUATION OF MACHINES, page 5]

"The graduating of a perfectly constructed instrument, to a condition to transmit sympathetically, is no standard whatever for any other one that may be built, nor ever will be, because no concordant conditions of compound molecular aggregation can ever exist in visible groupings. If it were even possible to make their parts perfectly accurate one to the other, in regard to atmospheric displacement and weight, their resonating qualities would still have a high rate of sympathetic variation in their molecular groupings alone. If one thousand millions of coins, each from the same die, were sympathetically graduated under a vibratory subdivision of 150,000, the most amazing variation would be presented, in regard to molecular grouping (mass) and resonance. [Snell Manuscript - The Book, GRADUATION OF MACHINES, page 5]

"I have been repeatedly urged to repeat my disintegrations of quartz rock, but it has been utterly out of my power to do so. The mechanical device with which I conducted those experiments was destroyed at the time of the proceedings against me. Its graduation occupied over four years, after which it was operated successfully. It has been originally constructed as an instrument for overcoming gravity, a perfect, graduated scale of that device was accurately registered, a copy of which I kept, I have since built three successive disintegrators set up from that scale, but they did not operate. This peculiar feature remained a paradox to me until I had solved the conditions governing the chords of multiple masses, when this problem ceased to be paradoxical in its character. As I have said, there are no two compound aggregated forms of visible matter that are, or ever can be, so duplicated as to show pure, sympathetic concordance one to the other. Hence the necessity of my system of graduation, and of a compound device that will enable anyone to correct the variations that exist in compound molecular structures, or in other words to graduate such, so as to bring them to a successful operation." [Keely] [Snell Manuscript - The Book, MINERAL DISINTEGRATION, page 7]

"The nearest approach to molecular uniformity in metallic masses is in the wire drawn for commercial uses, gold and platina being the nearest to freedom from differentiation. But even these wires, when tested by a certain condition of the first order of intensified molecular vibration for a transferring medium between centers of neutrality, I find to be entirely inadequate for the transfer of concordant unition, as between one and the other, on account of nodal interferences. We can appreciate the difficulty of converting such a medium to a uniform molecular link, by knowing that it can be accomplished only after removing all nodal interferences, by inducing between the nodal waves a condition in which they become subservient to the inter-sympathetic vibratory molecular link of such structure or wire."

"Therefore, it is necessary to submit the wire to a system of graduation in order to find what the combined chords of these nodal interferences represent when focalized to one general center. Then the differentiation between these nodal waves and the inter-molecular link must be equated, by what I call a process of vibratory induction, so as to induce pure concordance between one and the other. To elaborate on this system of graduation, for effecting conditions necessary to ensure perfect and unadulterated transmission, would make up a book that would take days to read and months to study. (underline added)

"The graduating of a perfectly constructed instrument, to a condition to transmit sympathetically, is no standard whatever for any other one that may be built, nor ever will be, because no concordant conditions of compound molecular aggregation can ever exist in visible groupings. If it were even possible to make their parts perfectly accurate one to the other, in regard to atmospheric displacement and weight, their resonating qualities would still have a high rate of sympathetic variation in their molecular groupings alone. If one thousand millions of coins, each from the same die, were sympathetically graduated under a vibratory subdivision of 150,000, the most amazing variation would be presented, in regard to molecular grouping and resonance.

"That tuning forks can be so constructed as to show coincident or concordant association with each other, is but a very weak illustration of the fact which governs pure acoustic assimilation. The best only approach a condition of about a fortieth, as regards pure attractive and propulsive receptiveness. By differentiating them to concordant thirds, they induce a condition of molecular bombardment between themselves, by alternate changes of long and short waves of sympathy. Bells rung in vacuo liberate the same number of corpuscles, at the same velocity as those surrounded by a normal atmosphere, and hence the same acoustic force attending them, but are inaudible from the fact that, in vacuo, the molecular volume is reduced. Every gaseous molecule is a resonator of itself, and is sensitive to any and all sounds induced, whether accordant or discordant." [Snell Manuscript]

"Keely very properly terms his methods as "radiophonic vibratory positions with microphonic adjustments."

"To illustrate the necessity for accuracy, he states the best of our tuning forks, the actual standards of pitch, are usually about 1/40th from being concordant!

"The mechanical requirements necessary to successfully conduct my researches will never be properly appreciated until my system is demonstrated under perfect control for commercial use."

"Keely states that his "compound device" will, with his system of graduation, enable anyone to correct the variations existing in "compound molecular masses."

"He states that commercial drawing, forging and casting of metals leaves differentiation in their molecular masses, and that this differentiation must be equated before the proper action can be obtained from the metallic mass.

"Drawn wire of silver and of platinum nearest approaches molecular uniformity but even these, when tested by a certain condition of the first order of intensified molecular vibration for its effectiveness as a transferring medium, is found entirely inadequate on account of interference in the transfer of concordant unition. All nodal interference must be removed by inducing between the nodal waves a condition in which they become subservient to the intermolecular vibratory link in their structure. It is therefore necessary to submit the wire to a system of graduation to find what combined chords these nodal interferences represent when focalized to a general center."

"The graduation of Keely's device for overcoming gravity - with which he also disintegrated quartz rock - occupied over four years. It was operated successfully and exhibited on several occasions and Keely destroyed it to prevent it falling into the hands of his enemies at the time of the court proceedings against him. Some time afterwards he was urged to repeat the experiment of quartz disintegration and constructed three successive disintegrators from scale drawings he had prepared from his first instrument, but they would not operate. Keely stated the difficulty was caused by the fact that no two chord masses can be made alike by duplication. After solving the conditions governing chords of multiple masses he later said this paradox was fully explained so as to be perfectly clear to him and the underlying reasons fully understood." [Snell Manuscript]

If today, for the first time in your lives, you saw a harp, attuned and being played upon, and the science of music was unknown to you, you would hardly expect, without considerable time and study, to be able to reproduce the harp, attune its strings in proper relation to each other, and to play upon it so as to produce the harmonies which you had listened to. Mr. Keely's work is analogous to the illustration which I have presented, inasmuch as he is dealing with the subject of sound, or acoustics, but in a much more involved form than as applied simply for the production of harmonies for the delight of the ear. Mr. Keely's engine is analogous to the mechanism of the human ear, in the respect that it is a structure operated upon, and its motion induced by vibration; and to the end of securing and attaining in and by it uniformity or regularity of motion, there must be perfect unison, or synchronism, as between it and his structure which is the prime source of vibration. To attain this perfect unison or synchronism, has involved unparalleled research and experiment upon his part - experiments that have varied from day to day. No one, in my opinion, who had not stood by his side, as his shadow, watching every experiment, could have kept fully abreast of him. To pursue my simile, I may say that his harp (engine) is not yet perfectly attuned (graduated); when it is so, it will produce nothing but harmony (regularity of motion), and his work will be finished. [Etheric Force Identified as Dynaspheric Force]

"There is now introduced on its axis a ring which has seven tubes or graduating resonators, the ring being 2/3 the diameter of the globe (or 8" ID)..." [Keely, Inner Ring of Resonation]

"In reply to the question, "What do you include in the polar forces?" Keely answers, "Magnetism, electricity, and gravital sympathy; each stream composed of three currents, or triune streams, which make up the governing conditions of the controlling medium of the universe: the infinite ninths that I am now endeavouring to graduate to a sympathetic mechanical combination, will, if I succeed, close my researches in sympathetic physics, and complete my system. These sympathetic streams from celestial spaces, percussing on the dense atmospheric environment of our earth, by their infinite velocities, wrest from their atomic confinement the latent energies which we call heat and light." [Keely, Appendix II]

This would involve the propagation and build-up of fast-growing species of valuable timber by restoring cycloid-space-curve-motion through the re-establishment of naturalesque proportions in the intermixture of various crown and root systems. This will resuscitate the reactive temperature-differences (the reinstatement of microclimates through the graduated arrangement of over- and understoreys and juxtaposition of species) through which the heat-consuming upflows of refreshing and cooling substances ascend like cycloid whirlwinds, which trigger cold processes of oxidation enabling the propagation of species of fine timber on the forest floor (formation of the germinating zone). [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, New Forms of Motion and Energy]

By means of progressive interactions with reactive forms of potential, this results in the segregation of those elements, which in the form of allotropic intermediate substances were left untouched, whereas the more inferior substances descend even further under even stronger influences of heat and are even further broken down. Once again what is still useful will be precipitated out and deposited, until the most inferior substances of all attain their relatively lowest state of evolvement and thereby their greatest degree of separation from the most noble, which on the other side has risen to the highest state. In terms of its height and depth, this is how the above threshold-element deposit comes into being. Therefore through a graduated process of deposition according to quality, the variously potentiated indifferent elements have different developmental periods. Those with a smaller separation interact earlier than the others, and logically, have to cover shorter developmental paths in order to reach the next higher evolved state. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]

See Also

15.15 - Progressive Dissociation
15.15.05 - Progressive Association
dual genetic scale
Fast Fourier Transform
Finite Element Analysis
frequency response
full line of graduation
genetic direction
genetic engineering
genetic number
genetic origin
genetic position
genetic relation
Genetic Root
genetic scale
graduated scale
Holographic Interferometry
Impulse Response
Modal Analysis
New Concept - Creation - Postulated Progressively
Positive graduating Chladna
Progressive Disintegration
Progressive Evolution
progressive link
progressive order
progressive root
Progressive Science
progressive subdivision
progressive synthesis
progressive third
progressive vibration
Ramsay - The Solid Octave in the Genetic Scale
Ramsay - The Three Primes and their Genetic Operations
Ramsay - The Three Primes and their Genetic Operations
resonant frequency
sympathetic graduation
three genetic magnitudes
Vibratory Physics - True Science

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Thursday October 6, 2022 13:59:30 MDT by Dale Pond.