Question: And where do these sympathetic conditions or streams of force have their origin?
Answer: "All sympathetic conditions, or streams of force, are derived (if we dare to make use of such a term in speaking of Deity) from the cerebral convolutions of the Infinite; from the center of the vast realm of the compound luminous. From the celestial intermediate, the brain of Deity, proceed the sympathetic flows that vitalize the polar terrestrial forces." [see Table 15.02 - Triune Polar Streams] [KEELYS PHYSICAL PHILOSOPHY - Snell, Snell Manuscript - the book]
Babcock writes in 1880:- "This discoverer has entered a new world, and although an unexplored region of untold wealth lies beyond, he is treading firmly its border, which daily widens as with ever-increasing interest he pursues his explorations. He has passed the dreary realm where scientists are groping. His researches are made in the open field of elemental force, where gravity, inertia, cohesion, momentum, are disturbed in their haunts and diverted to use; where, from unity of origin, emanates infinite energy in diversified forms." [Vibratory Physics - True Science, Keely and Science - Part 1 and Ether the True Protoplasm]
Newton, who scoffed at Epicurus's idea that "gravitation is essential and inherent in matter," asserted that gravity must be caused by an agent acting, constantly, according to certain laws. Heat, gravity, light, electricity, magnetism, chemical affinities, are all different phases of the primal force discovered by Keely, and all these forces, it is said, can be obtained from a single ray of sunlight. "The evidence of unity or oneness even between the physical, vital, mental, and spiritual is seen in the light of this law of correlation," says J. J. Smith. "A great portion of our muscles contract and relax in obedience to our wills, thereby proving that the mental force can be, and is, in every such instance actually converted into the muscular or the physical." Keely demonstrates the truth of this assertion, claiming that "all forces are indestructible, immaterial, and homogeneous entities, having their origin and unity in one great intelligent personal will force." [The Key to the Problems. - Keelys Secrets]
"Comparing it (etheric vapor) with steam it is as different as it is opposite in origin. Steam is derived from heat or combustion, and so may be said to have a chemical origin; the vapor is a production of mechanical action, a spontaneous energy. Vibration, whether considered as an energy or a motion, is an inherent property or concomitant of matter, and therefore spontaneous. Keely’s inventions for producing this power are so entirely original, and so unlike any other devices that have been constructed, that there is nothing in the annals of research to afford a starting point for the understanding. The mechanical means by which this occult energy under consideration is educed and economized, are as unique as those which belong to electricity. Keely’s instruments are no more like electrical apparatus than they are like the machinery used with steam, the product of the crude molecular dissociation of water by heat." [Bloomfield-Moore in Keely and His Discoveries]
There is insufficient space here to explain the nature of biomagnetic and bioelectric currents or their origin and purpose in more detail. They always come into being and operate simultaneously, because everything is bipolar, i.e. in every man the feminine also exists, and in every woman the masculine. Here too it is merely a question of which type of molecular motion took place first, thus giving precedence to processes of oxidation or reduction. All it takes therefore is a small starting impulse to determine the fate of all living things and whether they are dispatched on a downward or upward path. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
In order to throw more light on their origins, there are two types of seeds:
1. Those responsible for all physical forms of growth, which according to their degree of maturity fall down and upon returning into the earth, germinate and produce the increased and qualitatively ennobled forms of growth. These are the provenances of sweet-matter (carbones), or the
2. Seminal fruits, which having fulfilled their reproductive function, become dormant, die off and become the seminal substances, as it were, for the creation of quality-matter, which after decomposition are then transmuted through 'cycloid-space-curve-motion'. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]
In the unnatural, degenerative direction of acceleration, which operates along the transverse axis (centrifugally), i.e. in an axial->radial mode, the magnetism (= levitism) here acts as the resistance. Compared to the counter-flowing electricism, it appears to be in a certain state of rest, the magnitude of its resistance or support increasing commensurately with the acceleration of the downwardly flowing electricism (= gravitism). This is the origin of the tragic misconception that in all motion the resistance increases by the square of the starting velocity. However, in reality this only happens when any given mass (matter) is made to move technically, hydraulically or dynamically[2], i.e. axially->radally (centrifugally), therefore unnaturally. For if any given mass (matter) is made to move radially->axially (centripetally), then the upwardly flowing magnetism (levitism) increases at the expense of the disintegrative (destructive) electricism (gravitism) and thus the naturally ordained formative and levitative forces intensify in proportion to the starting (radial->axial) rotational velocity. With this type of motion, which is of course only possible with very special motion-inducing shapes (profiles), the effective performance amounts to about 96%. In this case only about 4% of the original formative energies are lost in producing the resistance to motion required by Nature. In technical, hydraulic and dynamic motion precisely the opposite is the case and this is how the enormous consumption of fuel came about, which is exclusively expended in a manner destructive of Nature. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism is the Function of Levitism and Electricism is the Function of Gravitism]
What actually is water? Whence does it come? And where does it go? Countless individuals have already attempted to answer these questions. Not long ago, Professor Gerlach from Munich declared that water was an unfathomable enigma, whose origins and reasons for disappearance remained a mystery. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Ennoblement of Water]
The origins of all motion are differences in potential. If these differences cannot be maintained during flow, the water's kinetic energy wanes and the sediment is deposited in the wrong place. New bends are formed in this way, which have a greater significance than has hitherto been assumed. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Transport of Ore in Double-Spiral-Flow Pipes]
Here it should be noted that experiments established that all substances of terrestrial origin[16] react to centrifugence, whereas the higher refluent or inward-falling substances, namely all forms of so-called oxygen, react to centripetence. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
See Also