Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth
9. The inherent characteristic of the Loving Intelligent Creative Power was LAW & ORDER.
The undeviating order and reliability apparent in creation, even governing the tiny entities ('cells') within the body, were astonishing and far transcended any human endeavor. Therefore, the entire universe was operating under a system of perfect LAW & ORDER.
I realized on ever higher and higher levels of spiritual exaltation that the 'creative power' exhibited intelligent purposefulness and loving concern for all living things. I realized that life was not something nebulous or amorphous but an intelligent loving creative power which I could actually feel within myself as a tremendously heightened state of being, perception, radiance, ecstasy, joy, love. I knew myself to be one with it - filled with it - and I was one with everything around me and one with the sky and stars.
And - most wonderful and glorious of all - the very 'Nature' and 'Function' of this 'Father - Creative Power' was to work in order to create joy, beauty, and comfort to ensure mankind's well-being, to work within mankind to provide interior joy, health and comfort, and to work through mankind, inspiring him with new realization and understanding.
Wonderful vistas of glorious creativity came to mind. Once we became truly 'at one', purified channels and instruments of the 'Intelligent Creative Power', we could gradually ascend in consciousness until we truly expressed through our minds and hearts the very 'NATURE' of the 'Universal Creative Power'.
Then 'life on earth' would indeed become a 'state of heaven' at all times and we would enter into a state of eternal life! [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 1, page 15]
"For you to fully understand what I am talking about, I want you to strive to VISUALISE & REALISE that the Nature of Divine Consciousness of Universal Equilibrium is limitless Power, since the equilibrium-harmony arises out of equal constraint between the universal impulses of the:
the male and female,
intelligence and love,
the will to experience and the will to remain acquiescent,
the yearning to be active and the yearning to hold back and maintain the status quo,
in order to form bonds and stability.
"These primal IMPULSES of Being, as I explained in Letter 4, are the 'Reality' which has given life, form, shape, being to all visible things.
"This dimension is a state of beauty, joy, harmony, rapturous ecstasy, reverence, intelligence, love. It is all that the earth can demonstrate - but on a scale beyond your even remotest conception.
"Try to take into your consciousness the meaning of the two foregoing paragraphs. Understanding and making the meaning your very own, will change your whole perspective of your Divine origins and of existence itself. In these paragraphs directly above, I have described to you - the nature and essence of LIFE - which comes into action within the sperm and ovum when they are united in giving form to a child.
"This is your truth, your reality, your soul, psyche, your deepest state of being.
"Instinctively you are aware of this. The baby is the embodiment of joy. The joy it expresses as it develops consciousness of its relationships and environment, comes out of the deep well of Divine LIFE Which has grown it cell by cell, according to genetic instructions, into its present form." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 7, page 166-167, (12-13)]
". . . they that would have cooperation must cooperate by the giving of self to that as is to be accomplished - whether in the bringing of light to others, bringing of strength, health, understanding, these are one in Him . . . This is a natural consequence of self service, self sacrifice, self bewilderment, in Him. Being the channel is cooperation. Being a blessing is it in action. In whatever state of being, meet that upon the basis of their position - and lift up, look up - and this is cooperation." [Cayce (262-3)]
See Also
Disturbance of Equilibrium
Laws of Being
Laws of Being - Annotated
sympathetic assimilation
The Laws of Being
10.04 - The Aetheric state of Being and Mind
14.09 - Brintons Laws of Being