

adjective: concerned chiefly or only with self; i.e., ego. OneLook Dictionary

"Know that if the expression of others is only of the self, or for the gratifying of the individual vanity, or the individual ego, they as individuals are NOT to be trusted (and a very large not!) - in material things." Cayce (1823-1)

"For, while selflessness is the law, to belittle self is a form of selfishness and not selfless." Cayce (2803-2)

"And, most of all, be unselfish! For selfishness is sin, before first thine self, then thine neighbor and thy God." Cayce (254-87)

"Unless those activities among men are the aid for the greater number, rather than for the class or the few, they must eventually fail." Cayce (826-2)

Rudolf Steiner
"The attainment of selflessness alone will enable humanity to be kept from the brink of destruction." [Rudolf Steiner, GA 93 The Work of Secret Societies in the World, Berlin, December 23, 1904]

Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth
The Path leading into the Kingdom of Heaven is difficult to follow because it means that – FIRST – you have to deal with your ‘SELF’.

Why is it the ‘SELF’ you have to deal with? Because out of your desire to protect and promote your own personal good come all your selfish thoughts, words and actions." [The Christ Letters, L2]

"Each thong represents a person's habitual thoughts, responses to people and events, prejudices, hates, animosities, anxieties, sorrows, all of which bind him down and shut out the Light from his inner vision drawn from the 'Creative Power'. Thus he enters into darkness but does not know it. He believes he is growing up and becoming mature in the ways of the world which will enable him to forge ahead and make 'good' - become successful - the aim of most people on earth.
In fact, the more mature he becomes and versed in worldly ways, the more densely do his chains and thongs imprison him within the grip of the twin IMPULSES of 'Bonding-Rejection'.
Furthermore, each chain is forged out of selfish and deceitful desires, greed, aggression, violence and rape. These chains hang heavy around him and burden the psyche, which is the 'creative consciousness power' deep within him. Chain and thong will bind him tighter with every passing year until he realizes what he is doing to himself and sincerely repents each thong and chain and makes due restitution to others whom he has harmed." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 1, page 17]

"With this vision I learnt a most valuable aspect of existence. Man himself is born with all the potential to make a beautiful life for himself but he, himself, by indulging his selfish desires and hatreds, creates a prison of misery for himself from which there was no escape until such times as he realizes the TRUTH OF EXISTENCE.
All the problems of harsh existence lay within the thought processes of man himself!
Only people's 'consciousness forms', their thoughts, words, feelings, actions created a dense barrier between their consciousness and the Universal Creative Consciousness interpenetrating the universe in every leaf, tree, insect, bird, animal and human being." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 1, page 17]

"It came to me, strongly, that the 'Father-Creative Consciousness' was perfect protection, nourishment, fulfillment of need, and so the hunger would be taken care of, if I asked the 'Father' for relief.
I realized that if the little 'i', the human me, in my need, used the 'Creative power' for selfish reasons, I would be erecting a barrier between the 'Father-Creative Consciousness' and myself, and everything I had just learnt might well be taken away from me.
This frightened me, and swiftly I asked the 'Father-Creative Power' for new strength to carry me back to habitations and Nazareth again. I also asked for relief of hunger in the form that would be right for me.
Immediately, the hunger pangs subsided and I felt a surge of energy flow through my entire body. Thus I proved that all I had seen, heard and understood was 'reality' and not some vain imagining born of my time in the desert, fasting and alone." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 1, page 20]

See Also

As a Man Thinketh
I Am
Natural Man

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday February 7, 2024 21:50:43 MST by Dale Pond.