Jesus by Akiane Kramarik
(courtesy Akiane Kramarik)
(click to enlarge)
Message From Jesus
1997, 06/01, Dawn Stranges
Dear students of Life, and beloved ones, I give warm embrace to your spirit and body. My message today is one of comfort to each. It is my desire that you find much warmth in the words here, as a result of a sympathetic resonance between your Soul and the Truth here presented. [Jesus, Good Heart]
"The entity was in one of the experiences when the Master walked through the wheat fields on a Sunday morning, among those who heard the disputations between some regarding the Sabbath day, regarding the labor on the Sabbath day, and saw and heard and these make in the consciousness of the entity a vision of the Master as might be put on canvas if the entity were to attempt to do so and be entirely different from all these which have been depicted of the face, the body, the eyes, the cut of the chin and the lack entirely of the Jewish or Aryan profile. For these were clear, clean, ruddy, hair almost like that of David, a golden brown, yellow-red, but blue eyes which were piercing; and the beard, not cut, but kept in the proportion at the contour of the face, and the head was almost perfect." [5354-1 F 34 (Housewife, Writer, Protestant)]
as the savage state. The savage is the sunken state of man, consequent on falling away from God by distrust and disobedience, and the loss of paradisial converse with Him. We may presume that music in the beginning, when the first human pair sang out with unbroken voices the joy of their hearts, was in the scale to which mankind, risen and restored by God's mercy, have returned. Our last days are thus become like the first again; and the lost dominion of Nature has returned, in the Incarnate One, into the hands of mankind. [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 79]
Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth
'I have come to rectify the misinterpretations placed on the teachings given when known as 'JESUS' in Palestine, 2000 years ago.' [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth]
"This cosmic revelation filled me with joy and astonishment. What a wonderful world we lived in! It was the culminating point in my enlightenment and my overall view of the TRUTH concerning the SOURCE of ALL BEING." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Christ Letters - Letter 1, page 15]
"Up to this time, some of you have had faith in 'Jesus Christ' but you have been like precocious children. Your faith has been partially blind and accepting, yet interwoven with much doubt. Therefore, whatever you needed to be done for you, you depended on 'Jesus' for the work to be accomplished. Whereas, in fact, much of what you believe you have derived directly from 'Jesus' has been your own 'faith in Jesus' made visible in the form of things asked for. [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 3, page 64-65]
"I, the CHRIST, am writing this LETTER 5 to clearly define the hidden REALITY, which I will also refer to as the 'UNIVERSAL' and 'DIVINE' to help you stretch your minds to understand that whilst you are an 'individual, THAT WHICH HAS GIVEN YOU 'BEING' AND 'INDIVIDUALITY' is ITSELF Universal - Eternal - Infinite - Everywhere without beginning or end. For the sake of those people who have chosen to read LETTER 5 before my earlier Letters describing my life and true teachings on earth, I will make a further statement that my true 'Jesus' CHRIST self must not in any way be confused with the 'Jesus' recorded in the New Testament.
Since my original teachings, in the form of the four Gospels, have been distributed world-wide and grossly misinterpreted, it is my intention to begin teaching TRUTH of EXISTENCE by explaining the true meaning of my original terminology as quoted in the Gospels. This is necessary to dispel and eventually eradicate from people's consciousness the misunderstandings which have persisted and misinformed generations of spiritual seekers since my life on earth." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 5, page 1]
As Jesus, I told the people that the Prince of this world tempted me but I did not respond. I was referring to the Ego when I spoke of the Prince of this world - for so it is. I believe that my Letters can lead those who study and practise the teachings sincerely, to ascend from the grip of the ego into a spiritual dimension where they will be able to control their every thought and action by the rule of unconditional love. [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth]
Harvey Spencer Lewis
The Mystical Life of Jesus (Part 21) - (The Meaning of Entering The Wildness)
"Going up onto a mountain meant, in the mystical terminology of the Great White Brotherhood, and in all of the mystical writings of the Avatars and Masters of the past, the raising of one's inner spiritual self to a great height where Cosmic contact, or Cosmic Consciousness, was definite and complete. We find that all such experiences in the Old Testament, including the one regarding Moses and the spiritual contact he made with God, were for the purpose of attaining spiritual illumination or the development and test of some spiritual principle. Logically, the very opposite of this expression was also true. Whenever one of the great mystics or Masters of the past had to contact or come in contest with one of the earthly, nonspiritual phases of life and wrestle with a problem that was purely worldly, he went into the valley or into the wilderness and not to the mountaintop. Thus we see why the first incident of the life of Jesus, which concerned objective principles and earthly trials and tribulations, took Him into the desert wilderness instead of onto a mountaintop." [Dr. Harvey Spencer Lewis, 1883 - 1939]
"All that Jesus told the world about the unity of God and man, and the location of the Mind-kingdom within every man, has no meaning except for the very few illumined ones and the very many who now so deeply desire that illumining." [Atomic Suicide, page 190-191]
"You may ask me if I deny that there was such a man as Jesus. I answer, No. I do not doubt there was, any more than I doubt that there was such a man as Washington. But I have doubts that Jesus was the author of the Christian religion or had anything to do with it. Its author lived in heathen ages and it has been modified as science developed itself. I believe it is a stain on the character of the man, Jesus. I will here give my ideas of Jesus and the introduction of Christ, which was Jesus' teacher or the God in Jesus, or God manifest in the flesh. I will here give my ideas of Jesus and the introduction of Christ, which was Jesus' teacher or the God in Jesus, or God manifest in the flesh." [Quimby, Religion Analyzed: Part 2—Jesus and His Teachings] http://www.ppquimby.com/nletters/dec23_2018.htm
“Jesus tried to separate his knowledge called Christ from his own knowledge as a man. This was the hardest thing to be done, for if this one fact could be settled, it put an end to all the controversy, and the science of health and happiness would be established on earth as it was in heaven. This never was established, so the people to this day look forward to Christ just as they did eighteen-hundred years ago. And the Christians say that if Christ was on earth now as he was then they could be cured of all their diseases. For when I ask them, Do you suppose that if Jesus was alive they could be cured? They all say, Oh, yes! Now was it the flesh and blood that cured or was it the power that acted and took flesh and blood? Of course, it was the power and not the flesh. Now if it was the power and not the flesh, what was that power? Here we are just back to the question we started with, this something or power called Christ.” [Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, Article: Christ Explained, Page: 164]
"The world that Jesus came from when he said he came from his father is not the Christian's world but the world of wisdom. And when he came into this world, as it is called, he did not mean this world of matter, called the globe, but the world of opinions or the people's beliefs. Christ came from wisdom into error to teach the child of science that we are held in bondage by the errors of religion, that this world was not his home. For he had a house not made with hands or man's belief but by wisdom, which is eternal, and that the temple or belief which held him must crumble to pieces and be destroyed, the matter returning to matter to be subject to wisdom. To convince the people of this was to teach a new science, and when a person grows up and rids himself of error or opinions, then he lives in wisdom and is no longer a man of matter. [Phineas Parkhurst Quimby]
"I have no belief in regard to religion of any kind; neither do I have any belief in another world of any kind. I have no belief in what is called death. In fact I am a total disbeliever in any wisdom that ever taught any religion outside of man's beliefs. Then you may ask what kind of a man are you without a belief? I have a belief like all men, but it does not apply to what I have been talking about. I have a belief on all subjects that are agitating the country. My remarks are confined to this one thing — mind or belief in what is called spiritualism or religion. To me both are the same. I believe there was one person who had these same ideas and to that person I give all the credit for introducing this truth into the world, and that was Jesus. I have no doubt of his being the only true prophet that ever lived who had ideas entirely superior to the rest of the world; not that he as a man was any better, but he was the embodiment of a higher wisdom of that peculiar kind, more so than any man who has ever lived before or since." [Phineas Parkhurst Quimby]
“I will try to explain or separate the true Christ from the false Christ and show that ‘Christ’ was never intended to be applied to Jesus as a man, but to a truth superior to the natural man, and this truth is what prophets foretold. It has been called by various names, but is the same truth. There is a natural body of flesh and blood - this was Jesus. His mind like all others was subject to a law of truth that could be developed through the natural man. This power Jesus tried to convince the people of, as I am trying to convince the people that there is such a state as clairvoyance, that is, that there is something around us which the natural man is unaware of that has an identity and can act upon the natural man. When this power acts upon his senses it acts in the form of an idea or thought. The natural man receives it like the servant, but acts as though he was the father of the idea. The world gives him the credit for this superiority over his fellowmen. But unwilling to admit this power, the world attributes it to some unknown cause as the best way to get out of their trouble.” [Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, The True Christ and the False Christ, page 576]
"He came, the Master, in flesh and blood, even as thou didst come in flesh and blood. Yet as He then proclaimed to thee, there is a cleansing of the body, of the flesh, of the blood, in such measures that it may become illumined with power from on high; that is within thine own body to will! "Thy will, O God; not mine, but Thine, be done in me, through me." Cayce (1152-1)
"thus He that came into the earth as an example, as a way, is an ideal - is the ideal. They that climb up some other way become robbers of that peace, that harmony which may be theirs - by being at-one with that He manifested in the earth." Cayce (2537-1)
Jesus, the natural man became awakened when He became the Christ.
"Jesus, as Jesus, never appealed to the worldly-wise." Cayce (2067-007)
"No greater psychic lived than Jesus of Nazareth." Cayce (2630-1)
"And then as He hung upon the Cross, He called to those that He loved and remembered not only their spiritual purposes but their material lives. For He indeed in suffering the death on the Cross became the whole, the entire way; THE way, THE life, THE understanding, that we who believe on He may, too, have the everlasting life." Cayce (5749-6)
"Jesus is the man - the activity, the mind, the relationships that He bore to others. Yea, He was mindful of friends, He was sociable, He was loving, He was kind, He was gentle. He grew faint, He grew weak - and yet gained that strength that He has promised, in becoming the Christ, by fulfilling and overcoming the world! Ye are made strong - in body, in mind, in soul and purpose - by that power in Christ. The power, then, is in the Christ. The pattern is in Jesus." Cayce (2533-7) [see Christ Consciousness, Awakening, Word]
(Q) Was Judas Iscariot's idea in betraying Jesus to force Him to assert Himself as a King and bring in His kingdom then?
(A) "Rather the desire of the man to force same, and the fulfilling of that as Jesus spoke of same at the supper." Cayce (2067-007)
21. (Q) Tell about Judy teaching Jesus, where and what subjects she taught him, and what subjects she planned to have him study abroad.
(A) "The prophecies! Where? In her home. When? During those periods from his twelfth to his fifteenth-sixteenth year, when he went to Persia and then to India. In Persia, when his father died. In India when John first went to Egypt - where Jesus joined him and both became the initiates in the pyramid or temple there.
22. (Q) What subjects did Judy plan to have him study abroad?
(A) What you would today call astrology.
23. (Q) At what major events in Jesus' life was Judy present, - such as casting out of demons, healing, feeding 5,000, etc.?
(A) At his teaching - for a period of some five years.
24. (Q) Was she present at any of the healings or the feeding of the multitudes?
(A) Those where she chose to, but she was very old then. She lived to be sufficiently old to know, of course, of the feeding of the first five thousand. She was present, but rather as one that brought the crowds together, than as contributing to the activities at the time. For, there the divisions arose, to be sure.
25. (Q) Was Judy present at the Crucifixion or the Resurrection?
(A) No. In spirit, - that is, in mind, - present. For, remember, Judy's experience at that time was such that she might be present in many places without the physical body being there!
26. (Q) Tell of instances when Judy and Thesea, the Essene, worked or planned together.
(A) Only at the regular periods, or meetings of the Essenes, as we find.
We are covering too great a period here. Draw something on the self!" Cayce (2067-11)
11. (Q) Please give facts about Jesus' education in Palestine, the schools He attended, how long, what He studied, and under what name He was registered.
(A) The periods of study in Palestine were only at the time of His sojourn in the temple, or in Jerusalem during those periods when He was quoted by Luke as being among the rabbi or teachers. His studies in Persia, India and Egypt covered much greater periods. He was always registered under the name Jeshua.
12. (Q) Please describe Jesus' education in India, schools attended - did He attend the Essene school in Jagannath taught by Lamaas, and did He study in Benares also under the Hindu teacher Udraka?
(A) He was there at least three years. Arcahia was the teacher.
13. (Q) Did He attend the schools in Jagannath -
(A) ALL were a portion of the teachings as combined from the Essene schools, but these were not the true Essene doctrine as practiced by the Jewish and semi-Jewish associations in Carmel.
14. (Q) Did He study in Benares also under the Hindu teacher Udraka?
(A) Rather that as indicated, - Arcahia.
15. (Q) Please describe Jesus' education in Egypt in Essene schools of Alexandria and Heliopolis, naming some of His outstanding teachers and subjects studied.
(A) Not in Alexandria, - rather in Heliopolis, for the period of attaining to the priesthood, or the taking of the examinations there - as did John. One was in one class, one in the other.
16. (Q) Please describe Jesus' contact with schools in Persia, and did He at Persepolis establish a method of entering the Silence as well as demonstrating healing power?
(A) Rather that was a portion of the activity in the "city in the hills and the plains." (Persian incarnation as Zend)
17. (Q) Name some of His outstanding teachers and subjects studied.
(A) Not as teachers, but as being EXAMINED by these; passing the tests there. These, as they have been since their establishing, were tests through which ones attained to that place of being accepted or rejected by the influences of the mystics as well as of the various groups or schools in other lands. For, as indicated oft through this channel, the unifying of the teachings of many lands was brought together in Egypt; for that was the center from which there was to be the radial activity of influence in the earth, - as indicated by the first establishing of those tests, or the recording of time as it has been, was and is to be - until the new cycle is begun.
18. (Q) Why does not the Bible tell of Jesus' education, or are there manuscripts now on earth that will give these missing details to be found soon?
(A) There are some that have been forged manuscripts. All of those that existed were destroyed, - that is, the originals - with the activities in Alexandria. Cayce (2067-7)
32. (Q) Please describe Jesus' initiations in Egypt, telling if the Gospel reference to "three days and nights in the grave or tomb," possibly in the shape of a cross, indicate a special initiation.
(A) This is a portion of the initiation, - it is a part of the passage through that to which each Soul is to attain in its development, as has the world through each period of their incarnation in the earth. As is supposed, the record of the earth through the passage through the tomb, or the pyramid, is that through which each entity, each Soul, as an initiate must pass for the attaining to the releasing of same, - as indicated by the empty tomb, which has NEVER been filled, see? Only Jesus was able to break same, as it became that which indicated His fulfillment.
And there, as the initiate, He went out, - for the passing through the initiation, by fulfilling - as indicated in the baptism in the Jordan; not standing in it and being poured or sprinkled either! as He passed from that activity into the wilderness to meet that which had been His undoing in the beginning." Cayce (2067-007)
1. Cayce: Yes, we have the body, the enquiring mind, (1158) and the information that has been given regarding the experience of the entity in Palestine.
2. In giving further interpretations of those records as we find in the experience of the entity, and their application in the present, it is very well, very befitting that such should come at a season or time when there were the experiences of the entity as the sister of the risen Lord; that there may be in the experience of the entity those practical experiences and practical applications.
3. For as has been intimated, each Soul that has named the Name and who keeps in the Way may know, may hear, may see, may have a consciousness of that ENTITY; yea, the consciousness of being at an at-onement with Jesus, the Christ.
4. Not merely as a condition, not merely what may be termed in the universal sense as being at an at-onement in the Christ Consciousness (which is a condition, an experience, an activity), but that it may be fulfilled even as He has given in His promises; "Abide in me and I in thee, and I in the Father, that we may be One, even as I and the Father are One; that I may bring to remembrance thy remembrance from the book of thine own records ALL that has been from the foundations of the earth!"
5. Then as each Soul meditates, uses, applies, consciously, His promises, and makes them its own, then indeed may it again walk and talk with Him.
6. How much more then should this mean to self? For even as He in the consciousness of the separations bade John to take her, thy mother, His mother, as his own, how much more would be that consciousness in self that the life, the self, the experience is dedicated to His at-onement with the Father in thee; that the glory as He had before the world was is His.
7. How much more may it shine in thee, that would make such an application of self? Not unto self-glory, not unto self-indulgence. These are only that thy name may be well-spoken of, or that thou might be different, or that in self there might be that even as He hath given to thy friend in the mother of John and James when He said, "That these may be upon the right or the left is not mine to give, but is prepared for those who are able, who are willing to drink of the cup even as I."
8. So as thou hast dedicated thyself, so as thou dost apply thyself in thine appreciations of the awareness being brought to thee of thy closeness in a physical or in a material sense, so may thy own inner self become more aware of His presence, His abiding presence with thee.
9. For as He hath given, "I - Behold, I - stand at the door and knock, and whosoever will open I will come in and sup with him."
10. How much more then may be those very influences and forces that may arise in thine own experiences, as ye look to him?
11. Oft, to be sure, it has come in thine own consciousness, how could, how COULD He be in heaven, in earth, in this place or that place, and be aware of an individual and at the same moment or same time be aware of that same presence in places miles, yea leagues and leagues apart? (See Sympathy)
12. There is no time, there is no space in the UNITY of the at-onement. THIS ye know, this ye oft have a consciousness of, yet not a full awareness of. But how hath He given it? "All things that were made, by Him were made. Without Him there was not anything made that was made."
13. Then in all, through all, is the permeating influence of Christ Consciousness.
14. Ye crystallize, ye demonstrate, ye make an at-onement by thine own attunement to His conscious presence that becomes a reality in material expressions as Creative Forces can, do, and ARE in those who are of one mind, one purpose, one intent, one desire.
15. For these, though names, are influences that prevent or aid according to their application, their appreciation, in the mental forces of the individual.
16. In that particular period then, of which ye seek to know more - as to the occasions, in a physical manner, when there were the contacts with the INDIVIDUAL as a personality - that ye experienced physically:
17. As has been given, while the physical body or entity Jesus was studying in Egypt, in Persia, in India, ye came into the experience - or were born in the earth.
18. When there was the death of Joseph, He returned to thee - yea, then a lassie - as a stranger; yet there was a binding influence from those very tendernesses, those very influences as brought to bear that draw upon thine inner self.
19. Yet thine orthodox teachings (as ye would term today) held thee aloof. The first appearances then were at the burial of Joseph.
20. At those periods when there was the first preaching in Capernaum, ye again heard His words. Then with the attempts of all of those in authority, even those of thine own faith, to dispute, to do bodily harm, again there arose that cry - as ye oft asked of Mary - "How CAN such things be? How CAN he without father come into the world?"
21. It was against nature, against thine own reasoning. Yet as has been given, as has been shown, Creative Forces bring into being that as of the Father through the PURPOSES, through the intents, through the desires! Then as He hath made, He hath builded and without Him there was nothing made, does it become strange to thee that He entered into His own to become a part of same?
22. Yet this ye could not comprehend, and yet ye say ye may see a manifestation of the presence or power of God in moving, in activating, in the hearts and minds of peoples and of individuals, animate and inanimate things. Yet He came to His own and His own received Him not!
23. Then again with thine own training ye were separated far, as has been indicated; and only was there the comprehending in the last days when there was the triumphal entry, when there was the evening of the night in the Garden, and ye came to thy mother in her physical bereavement, and ye understood, ye comprehended - WHEN there was related to thee the walk to Emmaus!
24. Those were the periods. In life ye saw Him, in experience and manifestations as when He healed Peter's wife's mother, just before the rising of the rulers of the temple against Him. Then in death. Thus ye could not, ye did not comprehend.
25. How if He is Life, could He die? Why did He die? These were the burdens. WHY should He die?
26. Yet as He gave, "For this purpose came I into the world." Just as He gave, "If ye would have life, give life."
27. If ye would know Jesus, God, Be THAT, BE THAT, to thy fellow man!
28. For it has ever been and is, even in materiality, a reciprocal world. "If ye will be my people, I will be thy God." If ye would know GOOD, do Good. If ye would have life, give life. If ye would know Jesus, the Christ, then be like Him; who died for a Cause, without shame, without fault yet dying; and through that able to make what this Season represents - RESURRECTION!
29. Resurrection means what? It is reciprocal of that which has been expressed. How hath it been put again by him whom ye knew but disliked (for ye loved Peter the better)? "There is no life without death, there is no RENEWAL without the dying of the old." Dying is not blotting out, it is transition - and ye may know transition by that as comes into the experience by those very activities, that "With what measure ye mete it shall be measured to thee again." That was His life, that is thy life, that is each one's life. Then how near, how dear has grown in the hearts, in the minds of all, those who put away self that they may know Him the better?
30. HE put away self, letting it be nailed to the Cross; that the NEW, the renewing, the fulfilling, the BEING the Law, becomes the Law!
31. For it is the Law to BE the Law, and the LAW is Love! Even as He showed in all of His manifestations, in the material experiences in the earth; that ye doubted, honestly - that is in the eyes, in the heart, in the Soul even of the Creator counted - even as of old - desire, honest desire (not because faults did not arise in the material world but they were meted to Abraham, even as he said) - as FAITH!
32. Faith is manifested by that evidence of things not seen, but the hope in the promises of that which is Creative in thine inner self, thine own Soul, as it seeks expression, hopes for in the life, yea in the blood of the Lamb which is the Life that lights the whole world! Cayce (1158-009)
(Q) When did the knowledge come to Jesus that he was to be the Savior of the world?
(A) When he fell in Eden." Cayce (2067-007)
(Q) Is it true that Jesus is the only begotten son of God, and what does this mean?
(A) In this to give the full concept is to give the history then of all those who have entered into flesh WITHOUT that act which man knows as copulation. For as those experiences Jesus, known as Jesus, the brother of this entity, came into the earth, the FIRST that were of the sons of God to enter flesh, THERE the first and only begotten of God. Again, as names would say, Enoch walked with God, became aware of God in his movements - STILL that entity, that SOUL called Jesus - as Melchizedek, without father, without mother, came - STILL the Soul of Jesus; the portion of God that manifests.
But each son, each daughter, through these very acts of the only begotten, of the son of Mary, of the first in the earth, of that without father and without mother, without days, without years - becomes then as the elder brother to all who are BORN in the earth, as the maker, as the creator, as the first, as the last; as the beginning, as the end of man's soul's experience through the earth and throughout the spheres of consciousness in and about the earth.
Thus is He the only begotten, the firstborn, the first to know flesh, the first to purify it.
And so man in his concepts, in his understandings, in his wisdom of God, purifies - here a little, there a little." [Cayce (1158 - 005)]
"For, as then ... the evolution of man's experiences is for the purpose of becoming more and more acquainted with the relationships with his fellow man, as a manifestation of Divine Love, as was shown by the Son of Man, Jesus. Each and every soul must be the Savior of some other soul, to even comprehend the purpose of the entrance of the Son into the earth. It was that man might have a closer walk with, yea the open door to, the very heart of the Living God." [Cayce (1472)]
Source Books
'Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus' by Jeffrey Furst
Edgar Cayce readings, Association for Research and Enlightenment
Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth
Paramahansa Yogananda
“We must know Jesus as an Oriental Christ, a supreme yogi who manifested full mastery of the universal science of God-union, and thus could speak and act as a savior with the voice and authority of God. He has been Westernized too much.
Jesus was an Oriental, by birth and blood and training. To separate a teacher from the background of his nationality is to blur the understanding through which he is perceived...
Hence to understand Jesus Christ and his teachings one must be sympathetically open to the Oriental point of view—in particular, India’s ancient and present civilization, religious scriptures, traditions, philosophies, spiritual beliefs, and intuitive metaphysical experiences.” [Paramahansa Yogananda, The Second Coming of Christ]
WOMEN (an-Nisa'): 171. O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, is the Messenger of God, and His Word that He conveyed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain—it is better for you. God is only one God. Glory be to Him—that He should have a son. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth, and God is a sufficient Protector. [Quran in English, page 42-43, www.clearquran.com]
See Also
Christ Consciousness
Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth
Christs Letters
Cosmic Consciousness
Dialogue on Awakening
Healing Vibration, Personal
I Am
Jesus Christ
Mind of God
Part 24 - Awakening Your Genius
The Second Coming