

A person who has awakened from the dream or false beliefs of the ego. Also known as Awakening, Satori, Christ, Enlightenment, Self Realization, Christ Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, Illumination

"The immortal EGO is an entity of which man can become thoroughly conscious while here on earth, but to arrive at this consciousness necessitates the entire abandonment of all the petty considerations involved in the transient and subordinate EGO, which is the only self of which the unenlightened man is conscious. Let him who desires to reach this inner consciousness enter his inner sanctuary, wherever that sanctuary may be; it matters not whether it be his own chamber, the open field, the mountain top, the seashore, the stately cathedral, or the humble village chapel. Let him realize fully the transient character of his own personality and contrast therewith his eager longing to know the immortal. Let him concentrate his whole consciousness upon his personality, fully arousing all his personal conditions as a distinct individual; then with all the aspiration of which this personality is capable, let him beseech of the immortal EGO - which is eternal and does not incarnate, but overshadows all incarnations, waiting until one is formed capable of illumination, to whom it may reveal itself - to consider him worthy of illumination, and according to his preparedness to receive illumination will it then be granted. He who asks this, knows not what he asks; for were the prayer answered, life henceforth for such an one would be a weary round, as Hamlet says: "to-morrow and to-morrow and to-morrow brings in this weary round of life"; for, having seen the glory of this immortal EGO, all else seems so base, so commonplace and mean, so inglorious, that oftentimes the personality has utterly collapsed when thrown back from the radiant vision of this glorious immortal entity possessed by all alike, though scarcely dreamed of by any save the very few who, discontented with the ignorance and emptiness of terrene existence, aspire to know the great reality of the supernal. As the incarnations of every entity, passing through certain orders of experience through numerous lives, inevitably culminate in this moment of conscious realization of the immortal entity; the Buddha says: "All shall reach the sunlit snows." [Amplitude of Force]

Dialogue on Awakening
"Do you want a definition of being Awake versus being asleep? You've just got it. It is only that; it is your acceptance of the recognition of who you are. And there is obviously nothing to do to attain that except believe it. So whatever process you may ask for or concoct for yourself, it is a process with but this one goal; making you believe what you know to be true." [Dialogue on Awakening page 24]

"The earth recognizes people in whom Source flowers. There is a sensuousness, a centerness, a grace to their movement. There is a relaxed gentility of power flowing quietly within and beneath their action. There is a humble assurdness about them, a reverence, a sense of humor and a sense of the sacred entwined. They are the magical people, for whom the earth has longed." [Ken Carey]

Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth
In the LIGHT OF CHRIST's SPIRITUAL TRUTH, doctrines become meaningless & are swiftly jettisoned from the illuminated mind. [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 3, page 64-65]

"Until people truly wake up and open their eyes to the full realisation that they are the individualisation of the SOURCE of their BEING which is a combination of PERFECT IMPULSES of Creativity & Love, they will remain attracted to the enticements of materialism, satisfactions of body lusts, and the desire for self-promotion above all others - which ranges from take-overs and strikes in business and industries, and gross disharmonies in relationships to murder, rape and war. Wherever a person exerts his ego over another, angry discords abound.
This is the very first Law of Existence which must be publicised throughout the world." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Christ Letters - Letter 9, page 11]

H.P. Blavatsky?
"There are persons who never think with the higher faculties of their minds at all; those who do so are the minority and are thus, in a way, beyond, if not above, the average of human kind. These will think even upon ordinary matters on that higher plane. The idiosyncrasy of the person determines in which "principle" of the mind the thinking is done, as also the faculties of a preceding life, and sometimes the heredity of the physical. This is why it is so very difficult for a materialist - the metaphysical portion of whose brain is almost atrophied - to raise himself, or for one who is naturally spiritually-minded to descend to the level of the matter-of-fact vulgar thought." [H.P. Blavatsky?]

Manly Palmer Hall
"We can only escape from the world by outgrowing the world. Death may take man out of the world but only wisdom can take the world out of the man. As long as the human being is obsessed by worldliness, he will suffer from the Karmic consequences of false allegiances. When however, worldliness is transmuted into Spiritual Integrity he is free, even though he still dwells physically among worldly things.
Ignorance fears all things, falling, terror-stricken before the passing wind. Superstition stands as the monument to ignorance, and before it kneel all who realize their own weakness who see in all things the strength they do not possess.

Wisdom fears no thing, but still bows humbly to its own source, with its deeper understanding, loves all things, for it has seen the beauty, the tenderness, and the sweetness which underlie Life's mystery.
The true student is cutting out a finer character from the rough ashlar that has been given him. He is struggling to improve each day just a little, asking not for power or light but for strength to shape his destiny more truly to the standards of Wisdom.

These are the labors of the student. His worthiness to receive greater knowledge is tested by long years of ignorance, often by much suffering. Through all he must be patient, and true, realizing that each sorrow is an opportunity, each misfortune a lesson in disguise. These lessons he must learn; when this task has been done, they vanish to return no more." [Manly Palmer Hall]

Awakened Man - Osho
"People are afraid, very much afraid of those who know themselves. They have a certain power, a certain aura and a certain magnetism, a charisma that can take out alive, young people from the traditional imprisonment. The awakened man cannot be enslaved - that is the difficulty - and he cannot be imprisoned. Every genius who has known something of the inner is bound to be a little difficult to be absorbed; he is going to be an upsetting force. The masses don't want to be disturbed, even though they may be in misery, but they are accustomed to the misery. And anybody who is not miserable looks like a stranger. The awakened man is the greater stranger in the world; he does not seem to belong to anybody. No organization confines him, no community, no society, no nation." [Osho]

Partial List of Awakened Individuals
I think there are degrees to the Awakened state of Mind. If we examine the works of those considered awakened we see variations in their abilities and work. They are here to do different things or missions so their awareness, skills and talents are tailored for such. Here is an additional list of awakened individuals. There are more of course.

Walter Russell
John W. Keely
Edgar Cayce
Harvey Spencer Lewis
H. P. Blavatsky
Manly Palmer Hall
Phineas P. Quimby
Mary Baker Eddy
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

See Also

Awakening - Shortcuts
Christ Consciousness
cosmic awareness
Cosmic Consciousness
Four Steps to Awakening
God Consciousness
Light of inner knowing
Mind of God
Part 24 - Awakening Your Genius

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday December 27, 2022 03:19:41 MST by Dale Pond.