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Sympsionics™ (sim-si-an-iks) The study, science, geometry and mathematics of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics, Scalar Physics or the Science of Mind and its philosophy, technology and application. Especially a symbolic math that speaks directly to the higher mind or heart. If only mathematically very skilled can read complex equations then those equations and what they mean is denied those who cannot read that math. Creating a symbolic math brings new tools for understanding the world and mathematics, and unites the intellectual and intuitive realms. Sympsionics™ is for all curious and open minded people especially the children because it will be they who build a better future for us all.
Symbols have been used since day one. In essence every letter of our alphabet is a symbol and these symbols can be grouped into larger symbols (words) and it all conveys meanings. In Sympsionics™ we want to develop symbols that represent certain whole concepts, principles and laws. These concepts can then be grouped into equations or sentences that make sense and convey meanings. Throughout my studies symbols have played an important role regardless of their origins. Some have basic easily understood meanings and these can form a development base.
That is exactly what Sympsionics™ does with a focus on the math side. But with Sympsionics™ will come the transformation of math into something definitely not math but a new method of understanding the universe (which includes ourselves) and this new method will be accessible to all.
No doubt some of the symbols already posted will go through a "morphing" process until a final design is settled. I'm looking for simple 'standard' design (aliquot) elements (with their meanings) that can be used and/or combined in related or complex symbols not unlike simple letters in complex words. What is posted to date is new and has not had a lot of thought invested into it yet. As time allows these ideas will mature and patterns will emerge as families of these aliquot elements develop.
SYM is a prefix as in SYMPATHY or SYMPATHETIC, means "together, at the same time" PSI comes from connection to MIND, "parapsychological or psychic faculties or phenomena", as also the anagram for our research and educational institute "Pond Science Institute".
ONICS -> (sonic) relating to sound or sound waves. Which is the research we do with Sympathetic VIbratory Physics."The Sympsionics™ message is what the whole world needs to know. It is already connecting and growing in a lush field of love." Jana
"The grand book of the universe was written in the language of mathematics and its characters are triangles, circles and other geometric figures, without which it is impossible to understand a single word of it." Galileo Galilei, 1623
"We shall therefore borrow all our Rules for the Finishing our Proportions, from the Musicians, who are the greatest Masters of this Sort of Numbers, and from those Things wherein Nature shows herself most excellent and compleat." Leon Battista Alberti (1407-1472)
"The harmony of the world is made manifest in form and number, and the heart and soul and all the poetry of natural philosophy are embodied in the concept of mathematical beauty." Sir D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson (1860-1948)
Nature and art
Apart from creating a symbolic math, Sympsionics™ includes activities which help to approach deeper understanding of the world. Building one's relationship with nature in an artistic way is a part of this.
"The discerning of nature's rhythms“ that will be true natural science." Rudolf Steiner, Three Streams in the Evolution of Mankind, lectures in 1918, Rudolf Steiner Press 1965, p. 100
"....art is not a mere discovery of man but a domain wherein the secrets of nature are revealed to him at a level other than that of ordinary intelligence, a domain in which he gazes into the mysteries of the whole universe." [Rudolf Steiner, Education Lecture XI, 1923]
Simple arithmetic symbols shall be maintained such as +, -, x, /, n2, n2, etc. Electronic Symbols, standard Math Symbols as used with html standard Table of Math Symbols (use sparingly)
Line x Line = Line Squared = Square
Line x Line x Line = Line Cubed = Cube
Equations for transforming Scalar (source) Potential into Kinetic Energy...
1.0 Scalar Source Plus Differentiation Equals Polarization

1.1 Polarity implies Motion Becomes Syntropy and Entropy Balanced Interchange (wave motion or vibration)

1.2 Wave Motion centralized times Triple (orbital) Planes = Matter in Motion

for clarity of concepts and terms on the above equations see
Mind Force the hidden Scalar Force
Keely Chart Symbols
Sympsionics Adjectives
Sympsionics Adverbs
Sympsionics Example Equations
Sympsionics Nouns
Sympsionics Numbers
Sympsionics Operators
Sympsionics Pronouns
Sympsionics Standards and Rules
Sympsionics Verbs
See Also
Connecting Link
Keely Chart Symbols
language of Light
Language of Men and Animals
Mind Force
Quantum Arithmetic
Sympathetic Association
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
Sympsionics Example Equations
Sympsionics FAQ
Sympsionics Numbers
Sympsionics Operators
Sympsionics Standards and Rules
The Connecting Link Between Mind and Matter - Keelys Progress - Part 2
Vibratory Physics - The Connecting Link between Mind and Matter
Vibratory Physics - True Science
Wisdom in Mystery - Keelys Progress - Part 1