
Chapter 7 - Our Eternal Universe - IV, page 160

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We shall now build up the nature of the electric current to make its multiplying and dividing two-way principle more clearly understood. The very first principle to make clear is that electricity cannot run in a straight line. It always spirals around a hole in one direction to create its two-way effect. An electric current on a straight wire does not run through the wire in a straight line, it spirals around on its surface. There is always a hole in the center of the wire. A current strong enough to fill the whole wire would melt it. A still stronger current would vaporize it into gases.

Consider the electric current as expressed by the wave as shown

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in Fig. 45. In that case the wave spirals around its axis of gravity like a cone. You can demonstrate our meaning by taking a clock spring of closely twisted wire and pulling it apart. You will see it coiling around its axis of gravity like a spirally whirling cone. That is electricity at work which you see spirally whirling around its centering hole.

Now consider the wave shaft itself. Motion whirls around that centering hole in four pairs of cones to every cycle. That is where electricity multiplies its terrific power to compress matter in order to create the explosives of which this entire universe consists. The wave is REPEATED in cycles, but each wave cycle is a series of four conical pairs.

The first essential for you to completely understand is the fact that there is always a hole in all matter and in every part of an electric current, except where collisions occur between pairs to destroy them by breaking them up into spiral ring systems. The other essential fact is that cycles pulse in two-way compression-expansion sequences to live and die. Then they must expand into the four ring formations of their cathodes to again live and die. It is an extremely interesting, and very simple process which you must thoroughly know, for there is nothing else beyond it to know. Every action in Nature repeats that one formula, from your thinking, to your breathing. Because of its great basic import we will leave no stones unturned to have you comprehend that master key of wave mechanics and space geometry which could make a new world of science if properly applied, and a new destiny of your own commanding if you apply it understandingly to every decision which you must make.

Helium, for example, is the inert gas record of the carbon octave. If you "electrocute" carbon by a million volt current the carbon will return to its cathode birthplace as helium to again become carbon. Likewise, if your body is electrocuted it will return to its eternal record of you to born a new body of you.

There are nine of these inert gases in Nature, as you will see by the nine stringed harp of the universe. The only difference in their structure is that each consecutive inert gas, from one to

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nine, is smaller than its predecessor, for each octave is a multiplication of its predecessor. Chapter XI will more fully describe the inert gases as bridges between man and God.

The following series of diagrams constitute the entire constructive principle of the electric current, as it flows around a wire, not through it, and as it is expressed by waves. One cycle is the same as a million cycles, so we will confine our explanation to just one of them.

Explanation of Fig. 42. The upper diagram, marked A--A, represents the creation of an octave of tones, beginning with the inert gas of four motionless rings, centered by the stillness of universal energy, to act as cathodes at both ends. This pair of four rings divide and extend their pairs of four rings toward approaching mates. Electric compression causes the rings to begin to spin, then to become smaller and turn faster as they approach the plane of collision where all four pairs unite to form a sphere. This represents the centripetal half of the journey which charges, polarizes, heats and multiplies potential. These are the qualities necessary for increasingly vitalized life.

Between the cathodes is the sun of the atom or solar system thus created by the manifested energy which has been projected from its cathode Source, to simulate that energy by motion.

The central diagram, marked B--B, gives the octave names to the four pairs of tones of the carbon octave. The centering sun is marked carbon. Carbon is a united pair. It is a true sphere when hot, and true cube when cold. An equator marks the plane of union of the carbon pair. One hemisphere is on the red side of its wave, and the other hemisphere is on the blue side. The names of the elements are marked under each ring and their places in the spectrum are marked above them.

The lower diagram, marked C--C, represents their place in the tonal octave of the musical scale. The inert gas is the keynote of the electrical octave just as the note of C in the musical scale is the keynote for that octave. The keynote is omnipresent in all of the elements of matter as well as being omnipresent in the musical scale. By omnipresent we mean that it is in each note as well as its own tone. In music, for example, one is always conscious of

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Electric Current Cycle

Figure 42 - Electric Current Cycle.
(scan courtesy of University of Science & Philosophy)
(see Atomic Suicide, colorized version)
(click to enlarge)

Fig. 42. Three examples of tonal rhythms of the electric current. Every cycle of an electric current is a complete octave of four pairs and an inert gas keynote. All motion in Nature is tonal and rhythmic. Its rhythms are geometrically and mathematically cube-based.

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the presence of the keynote, no matter which one is being sounded, nor how many of them. In matter the inert gas is not so mind-consciously aware of its omnipresence but the sudden electrocution of any element, by passing a heavy current through it, will release all of the tones except the eternal keynote. By this process the area of gravity, represented by the hole, is gradually compressed out until the hole is closed up by the united pair and the very dense, hot, solid sphere is the product. The life half of the polarized body, which was created by an effort, comes to an end, and the death half, which requires no effort, begins.

This reversal from maximum compression to the beginning of expansion, and from heat to cold, and from charge to discharge and depolarization, is the most confusing of all phenomena in Nature to the physicist. It is the one thing all observers have missed. As we have mentioned before, even Einstein missed it in his Equation of 1905, for the validity of that equation ends right here and its reversal, which voids its validity, also begins right here. All observers throughout the centuries have failed to see that one direction of motion has produced a two-way effect, which is as applicable to a mathematical equation as it is to a state of motion.

Observe carefully what now happens, centripetal force reaches its maximum and begins to die, and centrifugal force takes over. Look again at the top diagram in Fig. 42 and carefully note that the four rings of the inert gas are like the four rims of wheels placed within each other, with one common hub. Now note that these four rims become the hub when they are compressed and extended. Observe, also, that the extensions cause the appearance of cones as centripetal force winds the cone bases into a sun at the apex point of collision. Observe this effect also in figures 43 and 44.

Now for the reversal. If you look again at A-A in Fig. 42, you will note that the center of the inert gas is the point marked zero in both cathodes. These two points now become the apices of cones instead of the center of cone bases. The shaft of gravity which runs through from zero to zero now begins to open up at the center of the sun (or earth - or cell of your body) and cause


Fig. 43. Complete life-death cycle as manifested in the electric current.

Fig. 44. Complete life-death cycle as manifested in the heavens.

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it to expand at its equator and flatten at its poles. Rings are then thrown off from the equator which are the bases of cones whose apices are the zero centers of the cathodes.

Now look again at these zero points in A--A of Fig. 42. Note where we have indicated cone apices there by faint white tones.

If you can now imagine yourself opening up that shaft of gravity in the center of any spherical cell, whether sun or carbon atom, so that the center of the sun becomes the center of cone bases, instead of being their apices, you will have begun to comprehend a secret that the world has never yet known about the transition from life to death.

Can you not now clearly see how centrifugal force of desire to return to the zero universe of rest, is unwinding that which has been compressed out of it, to let it come back into it? Can you not now fully comprehend the loops of force in an electric current, or giant nebula, as shown in figures 43 and 44?

If you now study the ring nebulae of the heavens you can see numerous examples of these dying suns. Many of them are shown in these pages. The Owl nebula is a very interesting example of an "unwinding" sun. It has a big hole clear through it. The Ring nebula in Lyra is also interesting to note because what was left of a sun regenerated at the center to repeat throwing off rings until nothing is left.

A complete explanation of this great pulsing movement, which motivates the universe, needs volumes instead of a few pages, but if you will follow carefully what is given herein you will have the essence of the profound mystery of the life-death movement of Creation, which the senses of man have not yet fathomed. To help visualize the process as a whole, however, instead of its parts, we print Fig. 45, which shows a whole carbon octave wave, rather than the electric current confined to a wire. The more you study these diagrams the more you will comprehend them. New thinking is not readily grasped in one reading. Meditation and repeated reading finally reaches your omniscience, for your Mind really knows all things, and needs but to be awakened to recollect that which it has always known. If you are not yet aware of this

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Fig. 45. Complete octave of the carbon rings, as manifested in the wave.

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fact you will be some day, and the more deeply you desire the coming of that glorious day, the more quickly it will come.

The most important and direct reason why mankind should comprehend the way the Creator works in this respect, is because this book is being written to demonstrate that man cannot violate God's orderly, rhythmic processes of Nature without paying a price which is equal in measure to the violation. Atomic fission is a violent abnormalcy for the rhythm of environment necessary for man. This we must show electrically, chemically and in other ways which man understands by laboratory work, for morals in Nature do not have a metaphysical basis, nor even an ethical one. The behavior of all creating things is determined by their Source in the zero universe. These are the things which man who believes in free will to do as he chooses, must know. For this reason we must convincingly show him how close to God man is without having known it. That we must do in language and diagram which are familiar, and acceptable to science. A metaphysical or emotional language used with moral persuasion, in a plea to cease this terrific violation, would have no effect upon industry, government or science whose need for a life-saving fuel is great, unless accompanied with scientific conviction that such procedure is in defiance of Cosmic law, which will not allow such defiance. This volume is necessarily too brief for expanded detail. Since we must, therefore, keep to the point at issue, we will save much space by telling you briefly right here what the following pages are to reveal in respect to vital knowledge, which no man on earth today even suspects, and (to our knowledge) only one man of all the past ages has fully known and told to a world, which crucified Him because of it. Bear in mind that we shall not deal in abstractions, nor theory, nor affirmations, even though such affirmations may be admitted truths.

The time must eventually come when man must know where God is at every moment in respect to himself. He must completely understand how God controls every action and desire of all living things, from man to fungus cell, or from galaxy to electron, during their entire journeys from their beginnings in Him to their endings in Him. These are the unknown things which

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unfolding man must know, before he can begin to manifest his own divine inheritance as an omniscient and omnipotent Being:

1. The invisible universe is in absolute control of the visible. The invisible universe dominates and controls all motion by magnetic division into cube wave-fields of zero curvature, beyond which no moving thing can pass. It can, however, repeat itself in neighboring wave-fields, but always in reverse, as mirrors reverse. The geometry of the zero universe is based upon the cube, and cube sections. Their planes are of zero curvature and they reflect their forms in matter in crystal structures, which are the only forms of zero curvature in Nature.

2. All motion in all the electric universe is curved. The curved universe of matured form is based upon the sphere. The sphere is a compressed cube. The sphere is a series of true circles no matter where it may be divided into sections by cutting through it in one plane, anywhere.

3. All motion is equally compressed in respect to gravity, therefore, all motion is in true gravity centered circles, which multiply into spheres, and again divide into true circles.

4. The Source of energy which creates true circles, is at their very center. The Source of all energy is the Creator. All motion of every nature, whether of thought or action, spins in true circular control around the omnipotent Creator of that motion, and in planes of 90 degrees from a shaft of any extension of motion.

5. No man, nor creating thing, can in the least way, become off-center from God, or can his orbit around God be aught, at any time, than a true circle, even though its seeming orbit is an ellipse. We think of orbits of planets as being elliptical. And so they seem, but such illusions in Nature are multitudinous, and must be overcome by comprehension. See Fig. 46

6. Man's body is compressed motion, which encircles man's invisible Mind-Source in true circles. He can never depart from these true circles. His thinking and his forming body cells encircle them without knowing that he is but manifesting his own immortal Self, or without knowing that the immortal Self which centers him is continually whispering to whatever of Mind-awareness has yet unfolded within him. The noise and turmoil of

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outer-sensing drown out those inner whisperings for long aeons, but there comes a day in his unfolding when he begins to hear that Inner Voice. More long ages pass before he knows that the Cosmos of all that IS is speaking to him and that he IS that Cosmos.

7. Gravity controls the moving universe but man has never known, nor even suspected, that his own immortality and gravity are ONE in their centering of his sensed-body. Nor has he ever known that gravity extends to a shaft as his body extends from thought-ring planes to mass, and as equators divide to become pairs and unite to lose their division. These things man must know together with the omnipresence of gravity which but seems to the senses to extend into shafts made up of many points, which are all ONE. When man overcomes this illusion of the senses he, likewise, outgrows the possibility of forming sensed-conclusions such as the nucleal atom, which violates all principle of this electric universe, which Nature is.

8. Man plainly senses the motion of a plane, or boat, or a speeding bullet and thinks of it as a direction of motion. He sees the motion of a wave, or the vibration registered by a harp string, or the cardiogram of a heart pulsation. His senses also interpret these as motion, and directions of motion, not knowing that they are but registering the curvature of gravity control, and that the direction of motion is ninety degrees removed from that direction of gravity control.

9. That which cannot be sensed in invisible space is yet to be dynamically known. The mystery of the crystal, and its cleavages which divides crystals into units, lies within the knowledge of space geometry, which can be scientifically organized into Mind-visibility, as bodies in motion can be scientifically organized into sense-visibility. There is nothing in nature which the senses can feel that the Mind cannot know.

10. The great mystery of all of the mysteries of matter lies hidden within the inert gases of the wave. The nature and structure of these keys to motion has never been known. It is time that they must be known.

All of these mysteries shall be briefly touched upon herein for the express purpose of giving enough knowledge of the true na-

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ture of the atom to prevent it being used to endanger the human race.

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Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday June 24, 2018 04:25:12 MDT by Dale Pond.