
atomic triplet

"Every revolving body is impressed by nature with certain laws making it susceptible of the operation of force which, being applied, impels motion. These laws may all be expressed under the general term, "Forces", which, though various in their nature, possess an equalizing power; controlling each other (as in the case of the atomic triplets) in such a way that neither can predominate beyond a certain limit. Consequently, these bodies can never approach nearer each other than a fixed point. Hence, these forces are, at some mean point, made perfectly equal, and therefore may be considered as but one force; therefore, as but one element. It matters not that other and disturbing forces exist outside or inside the space these bodies revolve in, because if this force must be considered as acting uniformly - applying itself to each of these bodies in a way to produce a perfect equation on all, it is as if this outside force were nonexisting." [Keely, Chapter 5 Keely and His Discoveries]

"All the forces of nature, writes Keely, proceed from the one governing force; the source of all life, of all energy. These sympathetic flows, or streams of force, each consists of three currents, harmonic, enharmonic, and dominant; this classification governing all orders of positive and negative radiation. The sympathetic flow called "Animal Magnetism" is the transmissive link of sympathy in the fourth, or interatomic, subdivision of matter. It is the most intricate of problems to treat philosophically; isolated as it is from all approach by any of the prescribed rules in "the orthodox scheme of physics." It turns upon the interchangeable subdivision of interatomic acting agency, or the force of the mind. The action of this etheric flow, in substance of all kinds, is according to the character of the molecular interferences which exist in the volume of their atomic groupings. These interferences proceed from some description of atomic chemical nature, which tend to vary the uniformity of structure in the atomic triplets of each molecule. If these groupings were absolutely uniform there would be but one substance in nature, and all beings inhabiting this globe would be simultaneously impressed with the same feelings and actuated by the same desires; but nature has produced unlimited variety. Since, as yet, has not made so much as an introductory attempt to solve this problem of "the mind flow," but has left it with the hosts of impostors, who always beset any field that trenches on the land of marvel." [Vibratory Physics - The Connecting Link between Mind and Matter]

The structure of the air molecule according to Keely is as follows: Broken up, by vibratory action, he finds it to contain the "atomic triplet." This exists in a triangular position within the molecule, at its center, unless acted upon by electricity, when the molecule becomes oblate and the three atoms are ranged in a line within unless broken up by vibration. Nature never gives a vacuum, consequently the space within the molecule not occupied by the atomic triplet must be filled with something. This is where the "all-pervading ether" has made its secret abode through untold aeons. [Laurence Oliphant] [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 3]

Triple Cardinal Directions, Vectors or Dimensions
Three Vectors
(click to enlarge)
Triple Cardinal Directions, Vectors or Dimensions
Three Planes
(click to enlarge)
Triple Cardinal Directions, Vectors or Dimensions
Three Spheres
(click to enlarge)

Figure 4.13 - Triplet Originations and Centralizations of Matter resultant from Three Relative Motions, Planes and Axis

See Also

velocity of rotating etheric stream

Rotating Triplets Animation
Figure 7B.06 - Rotating Triplets Animation
Showing Rotation on Three Planes

Three Rotating Bodies on Three Planes

"The molecule itself is a world ruled by the same sympathetic forces that govern the planets of our solar system. Its three component intermolecules, each like a small sphere, oscillate within its shell-like etheric envelope with a frequency of 20,000 per second, and the molecular etheric capsule rotates about them with inconceivable velocity. Within the molecule no intermolecule ever comes in contact with even its nearest attendant. Each is held by its gravital neutral center within its proper sphere of action. Molecular dissociation by intermittent vibration does not disturb in the next higher, the atomic subdivision, the fixed neutral center of the atomic triplets. Centripetal and centrifugal forces rule the orbits and revolutions of the components of the molecule in the same manner as interplanetary forces of the same type rule the elements of the solar system. [Snell Manuscript - the book]

"The structure of the air molecule, as believed in by Keely, is as follows: - Broken up, by vibratory action, he finds it to contain what he calls an atomic triplet. The position of a molecule, on the point of a fine cambric needle sustains the same relation to the point of the needle that a grain of sand sustains to a field of ten acres. We will, then, imagine a molecule magnified to the size of a billiard ball, and the atomic triplet magnified to the size of three marbles, in the triangular position, within that molecule, at its center; unless acted upon by electricity, when the molecule, the billiard ball, becomes oblate, and the three atoms are ranged in a line within, unless broken up by the mighty force of vibratory action. Nature never gives us a vacuum; consequently, the space within the molecule not occupied by the atomic triplet must be filled with something. This is where the Genii - "the all-prevading ether" - has made its secret abode through untold eons." [Bloomfield-Moore Chapter 7 of Keely and His Discoveries] See Force and Energy to understand Keely's term "Force". See [Quadrature of the Circle] wherein Keely talks of the arithmetic and geometric relationships of these three revolving bodies.

Rotating Atomic Triplets
Wait for it. There is a buffering delay of several seconds.
Animation by theonlyreallaz

See Also

Atomic Force
atomic mass
atomic number
atomic weight
Figure 4.13 - Triplet Originations and Centralizations of Matter
Figure 4.14 - Feynmans Triplet Structures of the Proton and Neutron
Figure 7B.05 - Triplet Forming a Unity
Figure 7B.06 - Rotating Triplets Animation
Figure 7B.09 - Feynmans Triplet Structure of Photon
Figure 13.06 - Atomic Subdivision
Figure 14.03 - A section from one of Keelys charts showing his generous use of Triplets
Law of Oscillating Atomic Substances
Resonantly Interacting Particles can form weakly bound Trimer States very important paper
Triplet Attraction
Triplet Rotation
Ultimate Constitution of Matter and Action of Force Regulating its Phenomena
3.14 - Vortex Theory of Atomic Motions
7B.04 - Triplets Form Larger Units of Unity
7B.05 - Rotating Triplets
7.9 - Ultimate Constitution of Matter and Action of Force Regulating its Phenomena
13.04 - Atomic Subdivision

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday January 22, 2023 04:36:17 MST by Dale Pond.