
compound molecular aggregation

"The graduating of a perfectly constructed instrument, to a condition to transmit sympathetically, is no standard whatever for any other one that may be built, nor ever will be, because no concordant conditions of compound molecular aggregation can ever exist in visible groupings. If it were even possible to make their parts perfectly accurate one to the other, in regard to atmospheric displacement and weight, their resonating qualities would still have a high rate of sympathetic variation in their molecular groupings alone. If one thousand millions of coins, each from the same die, were sympathetically graduated under a vibratory subdivision of 150,000, the most amazing variation would be presented, in regard to molecular grouping (mass) and resonance. [Snell Manuscript - The Book, GRADUATION OF MACHINES, page 5]

"I have been repeatedly urged to repeat my disintegrations of quartz rock, but it has been utterly out of my power to do so. The mechanical device with which I conducted those experiments was destroyed at the time of the proceedings against me. Its graduation occupied over four years, after which it was operated successfully. It has been originally constructed as an instrument for overcoming gravity, a perfect, graduated scale of that device was accurately registered, a copy of which I kept, I have since built three successive disintegrators set up from that scale, but they did not operate. This peculiar feature remained a paradox to me until I had solved the conditions governing the chords of multiple masses, when this problem ceased to be paradoxical in its character. As I have said, there are no two compound aggregated forms of visible matter that are, or ever can be, so duplicated as to show pure, sympathetic concordance one to the other. Hence the necessity of my system of graduation, and of a compound device that will enable anyone to correct the variations that exist in compound molecular structures, or in other words to graduate such, so as to bring them to a successful operation." [Keely] [Snell Manuscript - The Book, MINERAL DISINTEGRATION, page 7]

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday January 17, 2021 04:02:13 MST by Dale Pond.