Law of Attraction
"Juxtaposed coherent aggregates vibrating in unison, or harmonic ratio, are mutually attracted." [Keely, 1893]

It is near impossible to discuss this law without discussing the Bjerknes Effect which exemplifies the action of this law. Dr. Bjerknes’ experiment:
Dr. Bjerknes has followed out the theory of this action until he has succeeded in illustrating most of the fundamental phenomena of electricity and magnetism. He causes vibrations to take place in a trough of water about six inches deep. He uses a pair of cylinders fitted with pistons which are moved in and out by a gearing which regulates the length of stroke and also gives great rapidity. These cylinders simply act alternately as air compressors and expanders, and they can be arranged so that both compress and both expand the air simultaneously, or in such a way that the one expands while the other compresses the air, and vice versa. The cylinders are connected by thin india rubber tubing, and fine metal pipes to the various instruments. A very simple experiment consists in communicating pulsations to a pair of tambours, and observing their mutual actions. They consist of a ring of metal faced on both sides with india rubber and connected by a tube with the air cylinders. One of them is held in the hand; the other is mounted in the water in a manner which leaves it free to move. It is then found that if the pulsations are of the same kind, i.e., if both expand and both contract simultaneously[1], there is attraction. But if one expands while the other contracts, and vice versa, there is repulsion. In fact the phenomenon is the opposite of magnetical and electrical phenomena, for here like poles attract and unlike poles repel.
[1] Common rhythmic action gives rise to mutual attraction. - Law of Corporeal Vibrations - "All coherent aggregates when isolated from like bodies, or when immersed or confined in media composed of matter in a different state, vibrate at a given ascertainable pitch." [Keely]
Of course this dynamical action of mutual affinity or attraction is the very base of sympathetic vibration and sympathetic oscillation. Which brings in what was discussed last month concerning the Law of Sympathetic Oscillation and Keely’s work:
"My system, in every part and detail, both in the developing of this power and in every branch of its utilization, is based and founded on sympathetic vibration. In no other way would it be possible to awaken or develop this force, and equally impossible would it be to operate my engine upon any other principle." [Keely, Keely and His Discoveries]
Naturally, on the flip side of this dynamic is the Law of Repulsion to be discussed next month. These two laws of attraction and repulsion are the very heart of SVP. Every vibration alternates between these two states. The infamous 3, 6 & 9 is about this dynamic polar interaction. For instance sound (compression wave) in air is a periodic coming together of the air particles (compression via Law of Attraction) and an expansion of air particles (rarefaction via Law of Repulsion). In Russell terms these would be the Father (contraction, gravity) and Mother (rarefaction, radiation) states also known as Syntropy/Gravitation and Entropy/Radiation. Which is to say the interplay between these two states is governed by the universal Law of Assimilation or what Russell calls Rhythmic Balanced Interchange or Universal Heart Beat.
For more in-depth insight into dynamics of polarity interactions please see:
The Physics of Love, 2.0 - Polarity - The Undifferentiated One Differentiates into the Two of Polarity, page 33-42.
Keely’s Laws of Being - Chapter 7 - Polarity and Chapter 12 - The Laws of Being.
See Bjerknes Effect detailing experiments illustrating the action of this law.
"As will be and is gradually being understood, each metal, each element even, has its attractions and its repulsions for the other metals or combinations of same in the different degrees, and in different ways and manners.
"There are atomic vibrations, and as there is the breaking up of each element in its forces and forms, there is produced the attraction and repulsion. As an illustration (this you can't use, so we will give it as an illustration):
"All of uranium elements are an attractive force for those influences that produce same, you see, - platinum and all mercury products are attracted by uranium.
"Uranium, then, will indicate those locations of such pitchblende as would PRODUCE SOME form of its same elements, - or platinum or platinate. In the one - platinum - this would swing across, see? In the others - of the pitchblende - circular." [Cayce (2431-1)]
"As an individual or a group, by the natural law of attraction, sets self, chooses to be a channel that may aid others, it attracts, it draws those that need that which may be given through such a channel." [Cayce (281-22)]
1. Thinking creates an image.
2. The image stirs emotions.
3. Emotions cause action.
4. Action sets up a reaction.
When you’re thinking about what you want, rather than your current results, the reaction (see Step 4) creates new and improved results.
Then, you can start the process all over again by looking at the new result, adapting to the changes that have occurred, and thinking about what you want next.
That way, your life just keeps getting better and better! [Bob Proctor]
"To acquire wealth, be it soul wealth or material wealth, one must possess desire, determination and the power of concentration. And it is according to the degree in which one possesses these three attributes of mind that one succeeds. It is so important to realize this fact that a repetition of it, in a slightly different form, may be excused, for it embodies the general principles which bring success.
"To use the Law of Attraction successfully, therefore, one should:
- First. Desire intently to possess a thing or quality.
- Second. Determine, or will to possess it.
- Third. Concentrate all mental and physical effort to acquire possession.
This is mental efficiency.
"Never yield to disappointment, for that is a counter force to the Creative. Never stop working to attain your object, but keep persistently at it until success crowns your efforts. By so doing you create a condition which cannot be ignored by men or by Law; for a pathway of invisible, magnetic cords stronger than steel is created between you and your object - if you choose to make it so by your power of Concentration." [Ingalese, The History and Power of Mind]
(Q) How can I best draw people of the right vibration to me?
(A) By the correct vibration in self. Like begets like. Toned to a tone brings the proper tone from the perfect radiation of such. Each entity, each atom of the entity, radiates that vibration to which it attunes itself." [Cayce 2842-2]
"The reverse of this principle applies in depolarizing bodies. Depolarizing bodies on the radioactive half of any cycle project time accumulations from them at tremendous speeds. Helium and other inert gases explode outwardly from tungsten at approximately half the "speed of light" while similar "rays" explode outwardly from radium, actinium, thorium, uranium and uridium at almost the speed of light.
Conversely, generoactive rays explode inwardly at tremendous speeds in the first three invisible octaves. Alpha, beta, gamma and "cosmic" rays explode inwardly to center invisible generating matter as they and the older inert gases explode outwardly from degenerating visible matter." [Walter Russell, A New Concept of the Universe, pages 112-117]
See Also
14.18 - Law of Sympathetic Association
14.35.1 - Keely 3 6 and 9
8.12 - Law of Attraction
8.20 - Law of Sympathetic Oscillation
8.27 - Law of Sympathetic Oscillation
9.4 - Law of Attraction
As a Man Thinketh
attraction of local proximity
attraction of proximity
Bjerknes Effect
Bonding - Rejection
Connecting Link
etheric seeks center
Law of Assimilation
Law of Attraction
Law of Chemical Transposition
Law of Harmonic Pitch
Law of Harmonic Vibrations
Law of Proximity
Law of Repulsion
Law of Sympathetic Association
Law of Sympathetic Vibration
Laws of Being - Annotated
Laws of Being
Laws of Music
local proximity
Modes of Vibration - Annotated
Modes of Vibration
P.E.A.R. Proposition
Ramsay - Tendencies of the Notes form Proximity and Affinity
Scientific Basis and Build of Music
Sympathetic Vibration
There is But One Dynamic Force 58a
Tuning Fork
Will Force