
negative condition

"If the sympathetic condition of any physical organism carries a positive flow of 80 per cent on its whole combination, and a negative one of 20 per cent., it is the medium of perfect assimilation to one of the same ratio, if it is distributed under the same conditions to the mass of the other. If two masses of metal, of any shape whatever, are brought under perfect assimilation, to one another, their unition, when brought into contact, will be instant. If we live in a sympathetic field we become sympathetic, and a tendency from the abnormal to the normal presents itself by an evolution of a purely sympathetic flow towards its attractive centres. It is only under these conditions that differentiation can be broken up, and a pure equation established. The only condition under which equation can never be established is when a differential disaster has taken place, of 66 2/3 against the 100 pure, taking the full volume as one. If the 66 2/3 or even 100 exists in one organ alone, and the surrounding ones are normal, then a condition can be easily brought about to establish the concordant harmony or equation to that organ. It is as rare to find a negative condition of 66 2/3 against the volume of the whole cerebral mass, as it is to find a coincident between differentiation; or, more plainly, between two individuals under a state of negative influence. Under this new system it is as possible to induce negations alike as it is to induce positives alike." [Keely - Cure of Disease]

"Electricity is the result of three differentiated sympathetic flows, combining the celestial and terrestrial flows by an order of assimilation negatively attractive in its character. It is one of Nature's efforts to restore attractive differentiation. In analyzing this triple union in its vibratory philosophy, I find the highest order of perfection in this assimilative action of Nature. The whole condition is atomic, and is the introductory one which has an affinity for terrestrial centers, uniting magnetically with the polar stream; in other words, uniting with the polar stream by neutral affinity. The magnetic or electric forces of the earth are thus kept in stable equilibrium by this triune force, and the chords of this force may be expressed as 1st, the dominant, 2nd, the harmonic, and 3rd, the enharmonic. The value of each is, one to the other, in the rates of figures, true thirds. E flat- transmissive chord or dominant; A flat- harmonic; A double flat- enharmonic. The unition of the two prime thirds is so rapid, when the negative and the positive conditions reach a certain range of vibratory motion, as to be compared to an explosion. During this action the positive electric stream is liberated and immediately seeks its neutral terrestrial center, or center of highest attraction." [Vibratory Physics - The Connecting Link between Mind and Matter]

See Also

01 - Symbols and Conditions of Vibratory Streams
05 - Chart Showing the Conditions Governing the Transmittive Link of Sympathy
06 - Chart Showing the Conditions Governing the Discordants
07 - Chart Showing the Conditions Governing Harmonious Chords
attractive negative
Concentrative Negative
disturbance of negative equilibrium
dual sex condition
electro-magnetic negative attraction
electro-negative discharging system
Figure 13.03a - Showing receptive concussion of Positive and Negative forces at the Neutral Center
Figure 8.8 - Polar States or Conditions as Seeming Opposites
law of negative electricity
Lorentz Gauge Condition
Negative Accelerator
negative affinity
negative antagonism
negative attraction
Negative Attractive
negative charge
Negative Covariance in Russell and Keely
negative current
negative discharge
negative discordant
Negative Electricity
Negative Energy
Negative Entropy
negative field
negative focalization
negative hole which acts like a proton
negative oscillation of expansion pressure
negative radiation
negative reaction
Negative Refraction
negative resistor
negative ring
negative sympathetic polar stream
negative thirds
negatively charged mass
Neutral Negative Aggregation
Neutral Negative Attraction
One changeless condition
polar negative attraction
Polar Negative Attractor
polar negative disc
Polar Negative Harness
polar negative machine
polar negative stream
positive and negative interchange
Positive Negative
positive negative attractor
pressure condition in motion
Reflex - Conditioning
sex-conditioned pairs
sex-divided condition
Signal Conditioner
Sympathetic Conditions
Sympathetic negative
Sympathetic Negative Attraction
Sympathetic Negative Interference
sympathetic negative outreach
sympathetic negative polar stream
Sympathetic Negative Transmitter
sympathetic polar negative flow
Sympathetic polar negative transmitter
Table 15.01 - Negative Radiating Focalizing Bar
thermal condition
Unconditional Love
vacuum condition
11.13 - Dominant Conditions are Mated Opposing Pairs as Fifths
13.25 - Etheric Negative Attractor
16.15 - Negative Electricity is Expansion
16.16 - Negative Electricity - Russell
16.17 - Negative Electricity - Tesla
16.22 - Magnetic Flow is Negative Sympathetic Polar Stream
16.24 - Triune Vibratory States or Conditions
7B.18 - Sympathetic Negative Attraction

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday November 29, 2022 04:13:24 MST by Dale Pond.