

Laws of Thermodynamics, Russell's Fifth law of; "Static cold and dynamic heat express their opposite energies at angles of ninety degrees from their axes of rotation. Cold retains its static, motionless condition along wave axes where motion ceases at points of maximum heat, while heat extends along equators to again expand as cold. This balanced interchanging completes the wave cycle."
<–––90° Shift from Polar Contraction to Equatorial Dispersion - 90°–––>
<–––90° Shift from Polar Contraction to Equatorial Dispersion - 90°–––>
Maximum Polarization,
- - -
Critical Tension - The Point in Time and Potential where Syntropic Force and Entropic Energy are at maximum Compression or Opposition where their conflict or antagonism creates concordant and discordant harmonics, partials and/or overtones as developed via the Law of Cycles and Principle of Regeneration. In other words Critical Tension is when Syntropic Compression reverts to and becomes Entropic Radiation.
Law of Cycles - "Coherent aggregates harmonically united constitute centers of vibration bearing relation to the fundamental pitch not multiples of the
harmonic pitch, and the production of secondary unions between themselves generate pitches that are discords, either in their unisons, or overtones with the original pitch; from Harmony is generated discord, the inevitable cause of perpetual transformation."
<–––90° Shift from Polar Contraction to Equatorial Dispersion - 90°–––>
<–––90° Shift from Polar Contraction to Equatorial Dispersion - 90°–––>
Laws of Thermodynamics, Russell's Fifth law of; "Static cold and dynamic heat express their opposite energies at angles of ninety degrees from their axes of rotation. Cold retains its static, motionless condition along wave axes where motion ceases at points of maximum heat, while heat extends along equators to again expand as cold. This balanced interchanging completes the wave cycle."
Radiation begins
Law of Repulsion - "Juxtaposed coherent aggregates vibrating in discord are mutually repelled."
Square Law begins.
most Compression - Most Diminished Volume

Return to Table of Transformation Polar Interchange - Part II.

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday March 6, 2013 04:36:29 MST by Dale Pond.