
Chapter 11 - The Material Nucleus of the Atom - V, page 246

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It is necessary to know why tungsten becomes helium. There are nine inert Soul-recording gases, why helium? The inert gas for the tungsten octave is xenon. Why should tungsten not refold into xenon? The answer is that it does refold into xenon, but all of the inert gases are within each other and helium is the balancing inert gas of the nine. Xenon expands into krypton. Krypton expands into argon, then into neon until it finds balance in carbon. This opens new worlds for further explanation for which we have not pages enough here. We can exemplify, however, by having you open the damper pedal of your piano and strike any one note hard. If you do this you will also hear every other octave note, above and below it, sounding in their own frequencies. One of these notes will dominate over all of the others, however, and that is the mid-tone of all the octaves. That mid-tone is the crest of the universal wave. All effects of Nature reach a wave-crest. They must, or perish, as the 9th octave perishes through inability to create a wave-crest by the uniting of balanced pairs.

Carbon is the mid-tone of all the elemental octaves. The radar principle of Nature is also another world for which we do not have pages for, but carbon is the radial cube of the zero universe and the radar principle in projected effect is cube-dominated. To fully comprehend radar one must fully comprehend the meaning and purpose of Light of Mind and pairs of lights of

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body, and how the latter act as mirrors and lenses in the light-pressures which constitute this light-wave universe. After all, a Cosmic cinema must have its projecting machine just as man's projector must have its mirrors and lenses. As a fact of Nature, the cube of nine light planes of zero curvature is the Cosmic projector, and the equipotential curved light-pressures, which are the product of that projection, are its lenses which divide and multiply projected effect. Out of this simple Cosmic process the curved universe of motion appears from within its cube planes of zero curvature and the 0-1-2-3-4-0-4-3-2-1-0 light-wave universe of seeming motion appears to deceive the senses of the human race of such an early stage of unfolding Intelligence as ours, into believing that the projected mirage-image is the real body, which thinks and knows, and lives and dies. Early man never gave a thought to the fact that his body is but an actor in the Cosmic drama of Cause and Effect created by Mind-desire to simulate the Love-Idea of balanced equilibrium by simulating that idea in moving imaged-forms by light-wave projections.

It is regrettable that we cannot help to further clarify this thought by giving the several chapters which would be necessary for explaining the light-wave which constitutes this entire universe, and radar, which repeats its seeming divisions. This was intended to be a small book, limited to one purpose. It could very easily become a massive one, by exceeding its purpose. We feel, however, that one paragraph can be spared to explain why it is that science is confused about light expressing itself as both wave and corpuscle.

The basis of that explanation rests upon the fact that the wave belongs in its entirety to the zero of gravity, while corpuscles of matter belong to electric motion. Every octave wave is a gravity shaft around which corpuscular matter spins.

IDEA IS ONE, but must be made two to produce motion by interchange between the two. If you will bear in Mind that such divisions merely simulate Idea, and that Idea is never created, you will more fully comprehend why John Smith could not be killed. John Smith the immortal was never created. John Smith, the eternal Idea, is divine. John Smith, the moving image, is

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but a simulation. That brings us back to two statements made heretofore which can be more clarified right here by adding the above stated thought to them. We stated farther back, that a certain point in the zero universe became your controlling center, or the Source of your Identity. The zero universe is not divisible, however. Mind-thinking at any one cathode point in it is universally repeated in every other point in it. In other words, your identity in the Mind-universe is God's Identity. Your identity is universally enfolded within all other identities. You are one created unit thought-body of the universal Idea of man. You are not one, you are all men - billions of them. You exist in them and they in you. Whatever you think you do individually you are doing universally. Your thoughts are every man's thoughts and theirs are yours. Every happening anywhere by any man or other body in Nature, simultaneously happens everywhere throughout the universe, but each happening in any body informs all other bodies of its new condition of effect at a light speed of 186,400 miles per second.

We have also said that there is no death in Nature. These two statements lead to much confusion to those who are not yet permitted to know that which they cannot see. One of the thoughts which thus confuses is the thought which is expressed by many who are grieved at the loss of loved ones. These continually ask why - if there is no death - they cannot communicate with their loved ones. This would be quite self-explanatory if one would but think things through by assembling the above stated facts as a foundation to reason from. Let us do this together.

We will draw a simple, and familiar picture. You are sitting by the bedside of your husband. He is sound asleep. He has not the slightest awareness of bodily existence. You do not expect him to exchange thoughts with you, or to accompany you to town, or to inform you of anything. Your companionship with him has as surely ceased as though he was in his casket, so far as his body is concerned. It would never occur to you to employ a medium to see if she could communicate with your temporarily dead-to-the-world husband's body, as many do whose loved ones bodies are in a similar, but permanent condition. Those who do this

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do so because they feel that their companionship with their loved ones has ended. As you sit there, however, are you not aware of a companionship of the eternal Thomas who cannot die? Everything of a Mind-nature which has come from him to you, you still have. They are a part of your identity. The memories of them which have helped you to become you are still companion to you. You see and hear his thoughts in his works around you, the house he built with you, the children he borned with you. What is the difference between that sleeping body and a dead one? The only difference is that the dead body of Thomas cannot awaken, but Thomas, the immortal, is still living and becoming a part of you, and of all men every moment of all future ages.

If you do not grasp this ask yourself if your own life is not being enriched by Beethoven, Wagner, Shakespeare, Walt Whitman and the Emerson you so deeply love the companionship of. Would you be the same woman without them? If so are they not a part of your identity? Again, if so can you say they are dead when you can have their companionship whenever you wish? Who can you say is dead, whose body once walked the earth to be an actor in the play of Love, which The Master Playwright is throwing upon the screen of imaginings to simulate His One Idea, and to help lay a stone in the structure of civilization as one coral marine animal leaves its calcareous skeleton with other calcareous skeletons to build an island in the sea?

Can you say that Lao Tzu, or Shakespeare, Socrates, Homer, Newton and Luther are dead when they are continuing to make scholars and cultural citizens each moment of each day? Can you rightly say that Jesus died on the cross and will come again, when He is already here transforming your life and ours, and countless others by His teachings, which you can hear and read as effectually as though He spoke them to you from the voice of His body?

Who are you, therefore? Are you not all that has ever been? And will there ever come a moment in all future ages in which you are not eternally living among eternally living mankind to make it a part of you? If you thus reason can you not see the

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great confusion which exists in man's minds, or senses rather, because of mistaking immortality for mortality? Can you not see, and comprehend, that material bodies and material values go hand in hand with early man, but as his spiritual nature unfolds from body-sensing to Mind-knowing of God-awareness in him, man gradually exchanges material values for Intellectual ones? Can you not plainly see that man is not in an intellectually advanced age as yet, despite the seeming wonders of his material progress, but, on the contrary, he is still in the Barbarian Age of man-killing? He has not yet discovered his unity with man and God, for when man really knows his unity with all men he cannot possibly kill. Our present civilization has been built on piracy. That which one nation has taken from other nations for their enrichment has impoverished them instead. No man will kill another when he knows that he is killing himself.

Is it not clear to you that man has not even known the meaning of love as yet, for love means the action-reaction of equal giving and regiving? These work simultaneously under the law, but when man takes, instead of giving, the simultaneity of taking in action-reaction acts in reversal of the law of love. Can you not, also, plainly see that the Mind-universe is still but words to our civilization as a whole, when only a small percentage is on the edge of its meaning? The world intelligentsia very commonly refers to the electrical awareness of the senses as "the conscious Mind," and to the God-Mind as "the subconscious Mind." Many of our great intellectuals still believe the brain to be the Mind, instead of being but a receiver, recorder and transmitter of states of motion. These also believe that each individual has his own individual Mind, which dies when he dies. Many of these actually believe that Mind evolved from matter.

How wonderful it is, therefore, to see that science is at long last, beginning to not only discover the existence of a zero universe, but has become aware of its mathematical necessity. The recent discoveries of the anti-proton and other anti-matter particles, is the first glimpse that science has ever had within God's zero universe. For many years the necessity for a zero in a quantitative universe has been considered as necessary as a fulcrum of

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non-motion has been necessary for the expression of motion. The apex of the universal cone is as far as one can go in that direction, but whatever of infinite extension there is in this universe is in the direction of its base.

The anti-matter discovery of the last two years will become a great branch of science as soon as the offices and purposes of the inert gases are really known, for they are the key which unlocks the long closed doors to God's zero universe of Mind-Light. It is not proper, however, to use the term anti-proton, in reference to the Soul-seed of any condition of motion. It would be just as inappropriate as the use of the term anti-man in referring to his Soul-seed. What science is really discovering is the reality of the non-dimensional cathode from which the electric divisions are extended into dimensioned and conditioned anodes. It is, at long last, realizing that the action universe of motion must have a fulcrum which does not move. This will lead to the placing of energy in the fulcrum Source of this universal mirage of motion instead of in the mirage-extension where Science now places it. When that day comes, science will first question the universal vacuum for CAUSE rather than search within effect for cause. When this transformation takes place in man's thinking science will have leaped ahead one thousand years in that day.

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Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday June 3, 2018 04:29:43 MDT by Dale Pond.