
Chapter 11 - The Material Nucleus of the Atom - VIII, page 263

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In conclusion we must add a few more paragraphs regarding the construction of the inert gases, which need volumes instead of paragraphs. This we must say, however.

If you refer to Fig. 5, which symbolizes the universe as a nine octave harp, you will note by the drawing that the strings are of the same length. It would be impossible to symbolize their relative lengths in trying to express their underlying principle. Likewise, it would be impossible to symbolize their ring proportions. All we can say in this brief treatise, to clarify that mystery, is that the four rings of the 1st octave are very large and grow smaller as the octaves proceed to the 9th. Likewise, the length of the 1st octave string is so very long that its vibrations are immeasurable and undetectable. The only thing we can think of to compare with this first string is the lowest string of a harp. It is so low that its vibrations have no resonance in them, but they are detectable. Now add one or two much longer and thicker strings below this lowest one and they would be silent,

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for it would be impossible for them to create one common wave-crest amplitude where a collision could occur.

The reverse condition takes place in the very short strings of the 8th and 9th octaves. These are so tightly tensed by maximum compression that they too cannot reach one common amplitude. Even in the 6th and 7th octaves that attempt to collide and form a "loop of force" is split into five pairs of attempts in each of these two octaves following the silicon octave. In the 8th there are thirteen pairs, but in the 9th the number is unknown, and at least twenty-one on the red side. The blue side fails to provide balanced mates for the six of the transuranium series, so all motion disappears into zero at that 9th octave position.

You may be helped in imagining this condition by turning up the tuning key of the highest string on your harp to a point where it will no longer produce a normally advanced wave-crest tone. If the wire did not snap you would eventually reach a position where you could not hear any tone which would be audible to your senses. We trust this brief explanation will at least direct your thinking and imagining to the incredible high frequencies of such an element as plutonium, and the unbelievable high fission temperatures for infinitely short periods, which makes it possible for the radioactive elements to prepare humus and alluvial soil for organic life, by their terrific explosive power on micro-scale. We trust also that this description will fully explain to you why such extraordinary power for expansion should not be released within the cells of bodies which are struggling hard to keep their body cells compressed sufficiently to live. If you could imagine just one cell of your body struggling against one radioactive ray which is expanding it, the comparison would be as a mouse straining against the power of an elephant. You will admit that such a discrepancy of balanced power would be hopeless - and it is.


We now conclude our story, which has primarily dealt with the so-called life and death of bodies, for they are what we are interested in preserving from destruction in order that they may

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fulfill their purposes of completing the Divine Symphony of Creation as actors in it. To do so comprehensively, however, we have had to tell enough of man's divinity as an eternal Being to enable one to gain a better understanding of his universe, and the Creator of it.

We, therefore, repeat words written in earlier pages of this book, which say that our bodies express life only by the fast generoactive centripetal motion which charges and polarizes, and that they die only by the fast radioactive centrifugal motion, which discharges and depolarizes. We made this statement to demonstrate that radioactivity multiplies its death speed in each higher octave. In so doing we demonstrated that a radioactively charged atmospheric environment would sooner or later eliminate all organic matter from the surface of the planet and reduce it to desert of rock and sand, broiling in a temperature of at least 180 degrees.

This was our primary purpose. Its secondary purpose was to hasten the day of spiritually unfolding man by giving him new knowledge of his close relationship to His Creator and to Creation. This new knowledge of the Mind-universe, in its relation to the body-universe, would also help clarify the nature of radioactivity in its action upon organic bodies, and especially oxygen. As oxygen cannot co-exist with the free metals above the carbon octave upon the red side of the spectrum, radioactivity must not be allowed to change our atmospheric normality.

This information has been given for you to act upon in accord with your decision and belief. If you believe that what is herein written is not true to the facts of Nature, the only other alternative is to prove that we are wrong by continuing the practice and pay the dreadful price of such a gamble, which these words were written to save you from. It would be a very pitiful thing to happen, however, for the human race is now due for a tremendous mental transition into another step of higher intellectual unfolding. If another annihilating third world war can be avoided, our future generations of gradually unfolding Mind-awareness will bring to man the knowledge of his own divinity.

As long as man continues to think of his body as being his

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individuality he will think individually, rather than universally. When he, at long last, discovers his eternal Self to be the projector of his own body, and is making himself in his own image, he will then know his universality, his Oneness with all Creation. He can never thereafter think of himself as an individual and will so act in all of his transactions in relation to his Oneness with all other men.

This ideal higher condition will come about more quickly as the new world's knowledge of the geometry of space, and the Oneness of all creating things, shall unfold to make the zero invisible universe as intellectually real as the universe of motion is now sensually real. This day will come, whether civilization again falls or not. A few centuries of dark ages could not stop it, for physical man would still be here. Radioactivity alone could stop it, for it would take at least 50,000 years for the recovery of the earth's normalcy, and millions of years after that for the slow unfolding of the pattern of the man-idea through the many body building stages, which Nature has to make use of in her longtime processes of unfolding man of today from the amoeba of millions of years ago.

Civilizations of individuals may come and go, as many have come and gone, and as this one is now so rapidly declining, but always the cause of decline is individual thinking and of individual concern. Individuals believe they can acquire by taking. Universalists know they can acquire only by giving. When all men shall have learned the lesson of love sufficiently to become ONE in their thinking, they will become one in their giving to the WHOLE instead of to the self. When that day of unity shall come we shall then have a civilization which will endure, but not until then.

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The supreme miracle that can happen to any man is the discovery of his own divinity in his Oneness with God. If this book shall have led him to the Light of Mind, which man is in God, and he is illumined with that Light of all-knowing, all-power and all-presence, giving him dominion over all the earth - it will have then served the double purpose of the hopes of its authors - rather than just the single purpose of its naming.

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Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday June 13, 2018 05:30:54 MDT by Dale Pond.