
Sympathetic Positive Propulsion

"In this manner we have "sympathetic negative attraction", and "sympathetic positive propulsion", with reference to the "Outreach" of the third or dominant current of the stream, which is allied to the order of etheric vibrations." [Laws of Being, Laws of Being - Annotated, The Nature and Dynamics of Vibration and Toroids]

"Luminiferous ether," he writes, "or celestial mind force, a compound interetheric element, is the substance of which everything visible is composed. It is the great sympathetic protoplastic element; life itself. Consequently, our physical organisms are composed of this element. This focalizing, or controlling media, of the physical, has its seat in the cerebral convolutions; from which sympathetic radiation emanates. This sympathetic outreach is mind flow proper, or will force; sympathetic polarization to produce action; sympathetic depolarization to neutralize it. Polar and depolar differentiation, resulting in motion. The true protoplastic element sympathetically permeates all forms and conditions of matter; having, for its attendants, gravity, electricity, and magnetism; the triple conditions born in itself. In fact, it is the soul of matter; the element from which all forms of motion receive their introductory impulse." [Keely and His Discoveries]


See Also

Celestial Radiation

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday December 8, 2013 05:20:03 MST by Dale Pond.