
Mind Force - a Reproducible Effect

Mind Force - a Reproducible Effect
by Dale Pond, August 2015

In science there are two operations often used to determine the validity or veracity of an alleged phenomenon. These two operations, performed reliably, can establish the existence and acceptance of a new fact, principle or law. When Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann reported the production of excess heat that could only be explained by a nuclear process ("cold fusion ") they encountered charges of fraud and worse because their experiment was not readily repeatable or reproducible by others. This sorry state of affairs was true for a period of time but changed when others from around the world began to successfully repeat and reproduce their original findings. Everything changed in that field when repeatability and reproducibility were achieved not by one other but by many other researchers.
Repeatability or test–retest reliability is the variation in measurements taken by a single person or instrument on the same item, under the same conditions, and in a short period of time.1
Reproducibility is the ability of an entire experiment or study to be duplicated, either by the same researcher or by someone else working independently. Reproducing an experiment is called replicating it. Reproducibility is one of the main principles of the scientific method .2 A particular experimentally obtained value is said to be reproducible if there is a high degree of agreement between measurements  or observations conducted on replicate  specimens in different locations by different people—that is, if the experimental value is found to have a high precision .2
Dynaspheric Force is repeatable and reproducible
During the past twenty years, seven dynaspheres were fabricated. They were constructed by myself in four different geographic locations: Valentine, Nebraska; Billings, Montana; Colorado Springs, Colorado; and La Junta, Colorado. The finished dynaspheres have been shown and demonstrated in dozens of locations within the US from coast to coast. Each of these units has displayed similar subtle energy dynamics to countless witnesses. Granted, no standard quantitative measuring device was used to detect and record these subtle energy dynamics because no such instrument has been invented and available. Yet countless individuals noted, felt and interacted in a similar fashion with all seven dynaspheres. These interactions have occurred so many times by countless individuals, unknown to each other, and in dozens of distant locations, that there can be little doubt there is something going on that warrants deeper investigation.
If there had been just one dynasphere constructed that evoked these subtle energy interactions, such would be considered “anomalous” and of little importance. It would be easily dismissed. The fact that these interactions have been noted from seven different dynaspheres, produced at different times in different locations and exhibited in diverse locations, shows that the noted effects are no longer “anomalous” or singular, but are indeed noteworthy and deserving of deeper scrutiny. One is forced to admit: “There is something going on.”
Note carefully that these subtle energy dynamics are not solely of the dynasphere units themselves but are also of the individuals interacting with them. There are 1) the subtle energies associated with or from each dynasphere; and there are 2) the subtle energy “senses” of those perceiving, qualifying and describing them. Here is one such interaction recently recorded:

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Another earlier recorded reaction is here: 

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These interactions are typical of hundreds of others not recorded by this author, but many were recorded by others on their own equipment.
Bottom Line
These subtle energy effects were repeated with each dynasphere and such effects have been reproduced seven times in each of the seven dynaspheres.
Why is this important?
It is a generally held view so-called Free Energy devices tap into various unobservable[3] scalar potential sources as their primary source of power. The Free Energy device then transmutes the unseen scalar potential into some form of seen kinetic energy whether light, electrical, magnetic or mechanical. The subtle energies noted around and in the dynaspheres are a form of this unobservable scalar potential, higher than electrical or magnetic yet slightly lower than full harmonic scalar potential which is taken to be undetectable by any known means. In the dynasphere instances the mode of detection is the human physiology - a sixth sense if you will.
So why Dynaspheres?
Dynaspheres were originally invented by John W. Keely in the 1880s as prime movers for industry as also (bench) demonstrations of the subtle energy physics he had been work with since the 1870s. He did demonstrate their full operation to countless and reliable witnesses powering various loads such as a sawmill and locomotive.
Fundamentally dynaspheres perform two primary functions in stepping down the scalar to kinetic transformation. These are 1) detect and accumulate a scalar potential and 2) transform that scalar potential into kinetic rotation.
It is obvious the first function is being performed. Is it being performed sufficient to actuate the second function? Perhaps but is not known as we have yet to achieve the second function to any level of satisfaction.
Scalar Potential
It is to be noted there is a quality to scalar potential as has been observed during the past twenty or so years of exposure in a variety of situations. Scalar potential naturally has a high “Q” of harmony or harmonic states of vibration. This “Q” is not always and under all situations of high quality. The quality varies according to those individuals in its proximity. Let it be known the scalar potential is of its own nature high quality. The quality of individuals close to it have a modulating effect usually reducing its quality but in many cases and in special circumstances actually enhances the quality. These increases and decreases in quality and therefore ‘strength of field’ are readily sensed by some sensitive individuals.
Obviously to operate a fully functional dynasphere one wants the highest quality and quantity of scalar potential from which power transformations into kinetic modes can be derived.
It has been noted on many occasions a decrease of the quality and quantity of the scalar field occurs when there are negative mental or emotional attitudes evidenced by individuals in its proximity. A cynical, skeptical, scoffing or judgmental demeanor significantly reduces the field.
Increases in the field strength and quantity are readily noted in the presence of an accepting, joyful and playful mental and emotional environment.
Why mental modulation?
These scalar fields are “felt” by those sensitive to them. Sensing and feeling are attributes of consciousness - the mental state. The scalar potential and fields are therefore sympathetic to human emotion, thought and other mental states. Scalar potential is a state of Mind or Consciousness.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it can be safe to assume it is a duck…..” [4]
Keely made many comments advocating this state of affairs:
"All motion is thought, and all force is mind force."[5]
"All forces are indestructible, immaterial, and homogenous entities, having their origin and unity in one great intelligent personal will force."[6]

Besides all that if Princeton University says Mind Force is real then it is real.[7]

The elusive scalar potential sought by many researchers and inventors is therefore Mind Force. And it is clear Mind Force manifests as attributes of the human mental condition; i.e., emotion and mental sensitives - exactly as are being shown and demonstrated around dynaspheres.
Dale Pond
Pond Science Institute
1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Repeatability
2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reproducibility
3 Unobservable by standard and accepted means of detection and quantification such as an Ohm or Volt meter.
4 https://www.svpwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page=Syllogism
5 Keely and His Discoveries, pg 252
6  Keely, Keely and His Discoveries, pg 73
7 P.E.A.R. Proposition

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday October 17, 2018 06:35:40 MDT by Dale Pond.