
Chapter 11 - The Material Nucleus of the Atom - VII, page 261

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The question has long been asked by research scientists why it is that the inert gases will not mix, or unite with "any of the other elements." The first answer is that the inert gases are not electrically divided and conditioned elements, as all of the others in the nine octaves are. The inert gases begin in the first octave as invisible white fluorescent light of zero motion. They end at the 9th cathode in the 9th octave, as visible white fluorescent light, which has reached a speed of nearly 186,400 miles per second. Fluorescent light is that light which begins in the undivided electric spectrum. It is the beginning and end of motion. All motion is either red or blue, according to its sex. The end of motion at the amplitude of the 9th octave means that the divided spectrum has been united as one colorless, sexless light which has been under such high compression that it has reached its limit of conditioning by motion and must be transformed from the white light of visible motion to the invisible white Light of Magnetic stillness. The fluorescent light is that ending of electric power to divide motion into pairs, and to condition the pairs with the opposing sex tensions of electrically divided spectrum opposites. The inert gases are not pairs. They are not divided. Division takes place by light projected from them, but that

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projected light of spectrum pairs is the basis of the electrochemical elements, which have great volume and density in comparison.

We have described the "bullets" of white light which are projected from radium. The speed and microscopic volume of the white rays of all of the transuranium elements acquire their maximum fluorescence and maximum speed of terrific compression as they withdraw into their inert gas niton, and from there on down the line to helium. On the return journey, however, this maximum fluorescence also acquires maximum penetration. It is this power of penetration into the 4th octave pressures of your body which expands its cells and brings death to you and all 4th octave organic bodies. It is also this power of penetration and speed of the 9th octave which not only unlocks the pressures of the lower inert gases, octave by octave, but also unlocks the pressures of the 8th, 7th, 6th and 5th octaves of radioactive elements. Most deadly among these are radium, thorium, actinium, strontium, barium, calcium, potassium, arsenic and phosphorus.

These are the elements which radioactivity has released in vast quantities in the upper stratosphere and would soon crowd the lower atmospheric layers with such a change of environment that oxygen-dependent bodies could no longer live. It may seem incredible to you who are accustomed to the idea of density in matter, and of the difficulty of ordinary light to penetrate even its crust, to know that the white fluorescent rays of plutonium or neptunium can penetrate several feet into solid lead after having become "de-electrolyzed" by their impact with niton. It is the accepted belief of the entire scientific world that radium eventually becomes harmless by "decaying" into lead. This is an impossibility of Nature for radium is male, and lead is female, in their sex divisions. Such a transition is one effect which is entirely outside of Nature.

As a final word white light is the end, as well as the beginning of the divided spectrum. Divided light reaches its limit of power to become compressed and from that point its power of expansion - or explosion - into its zero is indescribable by words. If such rays as these reach your body they can penetrate to any

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part of it without resistance. They can also act as triggers to unloose all other lower octaves which are stored in them. You thus have uranium in your blood cells and tissues, strontium and calcium in your bone marrow, and other radioactively liberated particles affecting every part of your body, its genes, hormones and even unto the destruction of the proteins of your hair and nails, all confined within one particle.

Fortunately, the human body can stand quite a dosage of such rays before showing it by bone cancer, leukemia and other effects of radioactivity, but also unfortunately, these rays are accumulative. They never leave the body. The defects mentioned above, including sterility, are incurable advance notices of the fact that you have reached your limit of power to take more of these translucent rays into your body. You can take no more, yet what are you going to do about it if you are irrevocably sealed within an increasingly radioactive environment? What is any living animal or vegetable going to do about it? That is the question which we are submitting to the world. What is your answer to it?

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Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday June 13, 2018 05:31:22 MDT by Dale Pond.