
Bells theorem

In theoretical physics, Bell's theorem (a.k.a. Bell's inequality) is a no-go theorem, loosely stating that:

'no physical theory of local hidden variables can ever reproduce all of the predictions of quantum mechanics.'

It is the most famous legacy of the late physicist John S. Bell.

Bell's theorem has important implications for physics and the philosophy of science, as it indicates that quantum theory must violate either the Principle of locality or counterfactual definiteness. In conjunction with the experiments verifying the quantum mechanical predictions of Bell-type systems, Bell's theorem maintains that certain quantum effects travel faster than light, and so limits the class of tenable 'hidden variable' theories to the nonlocal variety. (wikipedia)

See Also

Action at a distance
Bells Inequality
Compound Interetheric
John S. Bell
Mind to Mind
P.E.A.R. Proposition
Quantum Entanglement
Remote Viewing
Sympathetic Oscillation
Sympathetic Vibration

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Thursday December 20, 2012 06:41:19 MST by Dale Pond.