

noun: belief about (or mental picture of) the future
noun: the feeling that something is about to happen
noun: wishing with confidence of fulfillment

Bob Proctor
"Your desire is the motorpower which will move you in the direction of your dream and expectation is the attractive force that will more your dream in your direction." [You Were Born Rich, page 97]

"DO stay sweet. Keep that attitude of expectation. Do keep an attitude of hope. And KNOW that there is healing in the power and might of the love of the Divine." [Cayce (2948-1)]

"...but do all with that EXPECTANCY of that which is desired to be accomplished in this body - and it will come to pass." [Cayce 456-1]

"One that fills the mind, the very being, with an expectancy of God will see His movement, His manifestation, in the wind, the sun, the earth, the flowers, the inhabitant OF the earth..." [Cayce 341-31]

Christs Letters
"No matter what you sense or are aware of during your MEDITATION, when you come out of it EXPECT to sense a difference in your life.
Remember that EXPECTATION is a consciousness form and, as you EXPECT, you are opening the way for that which you EXPECT to be magnetised into your experience, whatever it may be you are needing or dealing with.
If you do not feel any new lightness of spirit, despite your sincere EXPECTATIONS, do not deny changes or doubt the possibility of them." [The Christ Letters 8.3]

See Also


Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday March 10, 2024 04:00:18 MDT by Dale Pond.