
railway traction engine

"Keely is still researching on the line of obtaining pure constancy of action in the aerial navigator propeller; and those who do not doubt his ability to gain this end should unite in efforts to prevail upon the shareholders of the original Keely Motor Company, incorporated in 1872, to accept the railway traction engine that he offers to them in his Circular No. II (see advertisement in this number; also of H. 0. Ward's approval of same), and thus leave him free to continue his researches in the simplifying of his new instrument; for the present propeller is too dependent on influences not yet understood, even to be patented, and too complicated in its operation to be used by any one but Keely himself. It will stand on record, in the history of progress, as the first and the last (under Keely's system of aerial navigation) for all time, unless his life is spared until the goal of his ambition is reached in the perfecting of a simpler machine. To this end Keely purposes to devote his life, after he has taken out patents on a railway traction engine. In no other way can his discoveries, in the interetheric field, be preserved for this and for ensuing generations." [The Action of Force is Spiro-Vortex]

"The Keely motor which has remained in innocuous dessuetude for several years has been revived. A recent telegram from New York says that John Jacob Astor, the millionaire, has interested himself in it.

"Mr. Astor visited Keely's laboratory and work shops recently, taking with him Mr. Samuels, the well-known electrician who invented the new electrical storage battery now in Astor's yacht, and who has been interested with Astor in the development of new storage batteries, Samuels said to Astor: "There's no use in our devoting any more time to electricity. Here's something far better. When Keely has constructed his railway traction engine, possessing rights over all the world, and using costless force, and when a patent has been taken out on it, the value of this discovery will be found to be incalculable." [The Keely Motor - Arizona Weekly Journal-Miner]

See Also

aerial navigation
Etheric Vapor
Keelys Mechanical Inventions and Instruments
The Action of Force is Spiro-Vortex

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday August 3, 2022 04:33:52 MDT by Dale Pond.