

Benoit Mandelbrot coined the term fractal to describe a shape made of parts similar to the whole in some way. That is, a fractal contains unlimited copies of itself. Fractals offer shapes which more closely approximate natural shapes such as clouds, coastlines, trees, ferns and so on. Many natural shapes are fractals because they look the same regardless of how far you zoom in on them. For example a line that approximates a mile of coastline from an aerial view will look pretty much like one that approximates a foot of the coastline as viewed on earth. A boulder looks a lot like a rock, which looks a lot like a pebble, which looks a lot like a grain of sand, depending on your view. [D'Antonio, Peter; Fractals and Number Theory are Changing the Shape of Acoustics; Sound & Vibration magazine, October, 1992, pg. 27]

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Keely's Fractal Structure of Matter

See Also

Fibonacci Relationships
Fibonacci Series
Figure 1.3.1 - Subdivisions of Matter and Energy according to Keely
1.5 - Fractal Structure of Matter
3.04 - Power Accumulation via Fibonacci-like Patterns
12.19 - Fibonacci Relationships
12.21 - Fibonacci Whole Numbers v Irrational Decimal near Equivalents
15.15 - Progressive Dissociation
15.15.05 - Progressive Association

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday February 2, 2021 05:14:18 MST by Dale Pond.