
electrostatic force

Nikola Tesla
"We cannot help wondering when we observe two magnets attracting and repelling each other with a force of hundreds of pounds with apparently nothing between them. We have in our commercial dynamos magnets capable of sustaining in mid-air tons of weight. But what are even these forces acting between magnets when compared with the tremendous attractions and repulsions produced by electrostatic force, to which there is apparently no limit as to intensity." [Nikola Tesla, February 1893, Lecture On Light and Other High Frequency Phenomena]

Don Best
Copied from a response to a query;
let me do my best to explain what I believe transpired between lord kelvin, and tesla.
Everyone, even modern electrical engineers know there is a blue, exceptionally strong electrostatic “pulse” that will precede the opening of a heavy load AC circuit. Peter lindeman goes into some detail on how this “pulse” was an issue whenever large loads were engaged in AC circuits back when AC was just starting to take off. Many people died, as these “blue” electric charges would search for ground, and sometimes find the easiest path was through the bodies of those workers in proximity of the “switched on circuit”.
There is no equivocation on this, it is a universally understood phenomena.
Steinmetz and co spent most of their time trying to get rid of that issue, and thought it a nuisance.
Tesla was not of the same opinion.
He wanted to understand this force, and it’s implications.
The most important discovery in all science(I can state this in confidence) is this force is the fundamental force, the unifying force of all things in nature and the cosmos. Tesla discovered this.
How he did this was first to understand, and prove, by way of apparatus that the waves hertz and James Kirk maxwell had discovered, electromagnetic energy, are secondary, they are a result of electrostatic compressional energy. He presented his findings personally to hertz, but hertz and maxwell were already slated to be honored for their discovery, and the banking cartel saw more utility, and profit in the hertzian wave form.
So through several apparatus tesla had constructed in his lab, Tesla was able to show how this force was the foundational, primary force behind electromagnetic wave theory.
After tesla showed this, it is likely he was able to show how this force will break down the insulating fluid surrounding electrons, when a frequency of a million(+/-) is achieved, thereby releasing incredible potentials and pressures of energy in a very small conductive plate. Additionally, showing the flaws in the electromagnetic wave theory.
Then after explaining all this to lord kelvin, it is only a small step to show how electrostatic longitudinal waves can be used by way of a standing wave on the earth to create a permanent “damped” wave in the earth.
Tesla had no issue showing the concept of damped waves, as his lab was filled with condensers that could hold immense voltages, and he could drain them of all their voltage in microseconds, one only need to have two, of equal potential, and construction, unloaded into each other, and a damped wave is born. I have posted multiple documents of tesla explaining damped waves in the Westinghouse bankruptcy proceedings.
It is this damped wave of longitudinal electrostatic energy in the earth that makes the earth into a battery that can, in essence, hold the total energy coming from the sun, in the earth.
The only necessary aspects are;
1) the apparatus must be so well grounded that it is able to perturb the electrostatic energy that comes from the sun. Tesla mentioned on more than one occasion the most expensive part of wardencliffe was the 100 pile-ons pounded 300 feet into the earth. He said you can’t push something so heavy as the electrostatic current washing over the earth,unless you have a secure grounding off of which to push.
2) the apparatus must be able to adjust finely the frequencies of electrostatic energy, so that the exact frequency can be achieved that will put a standing wave on the earth. To that end tesla had multiple coils in sequence that could be removed from the circuit, and even had taps in some of the coils he had employed. So tesla could get just the right frequency by running different coils in sequence and some of the coils had ways of cutting them down even further, so even more fine tuning could be performed. This is crucial. It is the perfect balance created that makes this circuit so impressive in how it can hold potential in the earth.
3) the exact circumference of the earth must be known, with the oceans, and with out, so that the standing wave can be achieved.
Tesla was a genius, and he found the exact circumference of the earth with and with out the oceans by way of lightning strikes that tapped into the resonant frequencies of the earth.
I hope this helps your understanding. [Don Best]

See Also

electrostatic molecular force

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday July 23, 2023 19:33:52 MDT by Dale Pond.