
16.05.05 - Electricity and Thought are Intimately Related

From the above we see electricity and thought are intimately related: “For I am Rest. In My rest is My knowing. From My rest extends My balanced electric thinking. In action and reaction of My thinking I am balanced always; — for I am Balance, as I am also Rest." and “My dual thinking divides My knowing Light into pairs of sex-divided mirrors of the two opposed lights of My thinking. These electric mirrors of divided light reflect My Light and Life in them for manifesting My knowing and the One Life of My Being. Forever and forever they interchange the dual reflected lights of My thinking for manifesting the continuance of My thinking, yet they are not My Light, nor are they My Life." Russell, The Message of the Divine Iliad

See Also

6.14.1 - Mirror Cube
Father-Mother Principle
Keely - Electricity from Space
Mirrors and Lens of Cosmic Cinema
Rhythmic Balanced Interchange
Tesla - Electricity from Space
Wave Field

Created by Trene. Last Modification: Wednesday December 14, 2011 23:00:27 MST by Trene.