
World Destiny Lies In Mother Love

Manly Palmer Hall
"We live in one of the most difficult and dangerous periods in history. The only hope for the survival of our world is the internal goodness in the souls of men. This tiny flame, so often near extinguishing, must be revived and strengthened. The only treaty that can bring us peace must be sanctified by the clasped hands of friends. Nothing must endanger the instinct to love and the desire to be loved. It is the proper duty of religion to make love strong and useful, for there are three - faith, hope, and love - and the greatest of these is love. Prejudice cannot strengthen love, nor can intolerance make it grow. I strongly recommend, therefore, that we seek to understand rather than to convert, strive to know rather than to judge, and labor unceasingly to bring together the broken fragments of the universal religion.“ [Manly Palmer Hall]

It is contentment that man needs rather than what is called "happiness." Contentment is what a child knows when cradled in its mother's arms and suckling at her breast. Contentment is what the mother

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knows when she is nursing her baby at her breast. The fulfillment of life is known by the mother and father of a newborn babe when they gaze upon that precious extension of their united love. The ultimate in fulfillment can be known only, however, by the mother and father who are spiritually, mentally and physically mated for only such balanced matehood can bring the ecstasy of complete fulfillment.

A return to a simpler way of life than we have had during the past fifty years would bring man greater inner peace and strength which he could not fail to express in his workaday life.

When we speak of women taking their rightful place in the world, we are not advocating public office. The most important base of operation is the home for it is from the home that all life begins. It is like a springboard to the ocean of life. If it is a good, strong, solid springboard, it will send one forth with strength and confidence.

We take the aura of the positive qualities of love, beauty, contentment, good will, courage, cooperation, thoughtfulness and kindness or of the negative qualities of greed, hate, cruelty, crime, disunity and fear with us when we step out into the world from our home base. What we greet the world with the world regives to us in kind.

There is but one place to look fro solutions to personal or world problems and throne place is within ourselves or our country.

A marriage and the life which extends from the two people who made it is as good as the man and woman who contracted it. If they both give and serve each other equally, it will be a perfect marriage. If one takes more than

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he gives, it will either dissolve in divorce or the man and woman will live as strangers to each other.

The same applies to the world of men. They must either live the Law of Love (RHYTHMIC BALANCED INTERCHANGE) or face the continual devastation of war - and therein lies the destiny of the world.

All mankind today is suffering from some kind of dis-ease, either self-inflicted or as a result of other men's violation of Natural Law (RHYTHMIC BALANCED INTERCHANGE).

Women must fight to bring spiritual balance as they have never fought before. This age of materialism and slaughter must be replaced by an age of love and character. The mothers of the world - which all women are - can accomplish this. It is worth the battle and the prize is beyond price for men everywhere desire CONTENTMENT above all else.

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Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Saturday March 18, 2023 13:30:45 MDT by dale.