
We Compare a Sound Vibration with Life and Death

from Unit 9, Lesson 34, pages 663-667, 1951 edition
from Unit 7, Lesson 27, pages 446-450, revised edition


To point out the sameness of principle which lies back of every effect of motion—and of the law which governs the making of material bodies from conceived thought-bodies—and of the principle of desire which is already fulfilled at the moment of concentration upon desire— and the sequential fulfillment by the action of giving your desire a material body—we will continue to amplify the above by still continuing to use the example of the desire to give a material body, to the musical tone of a silent harp string.

Let us, therefore, build the body of the idea of a musical tone, step by step, and as we build it let us fix within our Consciousness the fact that we build all other bodies in exactly the same manner. That manner is God’s way of doing it and there is no other way—no variation of the process whatsoever, whether it be a solar system built by God, or a top which a boy builds for spinning, or an industry built by man.

1. First comes desire of Mind. Desire is timeless. Desire of Mind to create comes like a flash of inspired Light from knowing Mind. Desire to create always means a desire to give out from the centering Soul. Desire to create is spiritual and a spiritual creation always gives out from a centering point of Omniscient, Omnipotent Light.

Do not confuse the spiritual desire to create bodies with the physical desire to TAKE something to continue the growth of a creating body. Desires of the senses for the survival of sensed bodies is the process of lawfully receiving that which is regiven, or of unlawfully taking it for self alone.

2. Desire of Mind to conceive an idea of Mind is immediately fulfilled, for every separate idea is a part of God’s One Whole Idea. Therefore you KNOW that your desire is already fulfilled as a mental conception because the WHOLE IDEA, of which your idea is a part, is already existent in the undivided universe of Mind.

3. You now divide the idea by setting your concept in motion. To set it in motion is to THINK it. To think it is to separate what you want from the WHOLE. You do not desire the WHOLE— you want only a part of the WHOLE. All you want, and have asked for, is to produce a musical tone from the stillness of the whole universe by building a body of sound for senses to hear with outer ears and Souls to hear with inner ears.

4. The moment you extend what you KNOW to your electric servant which THINKS what you know into thought forms you begin the WORK of building a body for your desire.

Remember always that God works WITH you and not FOR you. You are a unit of His Creation. Your Soul is God’s Soul. Your hands are God’s hands. To the extent of your awareness of this fact you are either manifesting God by being UNIVERSAL MAN and UNIVERSAL SOUL, or just manifesting your own sensed body. Whichever you are shows in your work. The thought-imaged bodies you create in your imaginings have in them YOUR IMMORTALITY or YOUR MORTALITY.

5. Your concept now has a pattern—a thought-pattern which is a thought-body. It is like the formless seed of a rose from which the full-blown flower unfolds. You must now give your idea a material body, and that can be done only through action.

Again we say your desire has already been fulfilled, for that which you have desired already stands before you. God has created it for you by creating His own body. It is already existent, awaiting you. But you must reach forth and receive that which He has given you to fulfill your desire for “thy desire shall not walk thy way to thee unaided by thy strong arms”, is stated in The Message.

6. Now comes the necessity for bodily action. You reach forth for the material to make your harp string. From now on the more you will keep before you a realization that EACH ACTION IS ITS OWN REACTION the easier becomes your task of building a body for your musical tone or for the moving of a mountain. A light projected into a mirror is regiven from the mirror, and all matter is a mirror reflecting its units into each other.

The recoil of a gun is the simultaneous reaction to its explosive action. A powerful discharge has a powerful recoil. Powerful thoughts of men likewise bring powerful reactions.

Every reflection, or reaction is in reverse of its action, for it is by the simultaneous action-reactions of desire that the universal equilibrium is divided.

Just as you could not polarize one end of a magnet without polarizing the other end simultaneously, you cannot perform any action which divides the undivided without creating both the action and its reaction simultaneously.
To walk you must divide your balance. You lose it to find it for again losing it—but that which you have lost is always awaiting you, for you created both action and reaction simultaneously. That which you have lost is already thine. “All down the ages it has been thine without thy knowing e’en though thou hast but just asked for it.” You may walk to the ends of the earth with God, without Him you can do nothing. He will not do it FOR you WITHOUT you.

That is what I mean by working knowingly with God. He has prepared the way for you. He has made the path for you up your own mountain but you must work with Him for the fulfillment of your desire to reach your mountaintop. The first step motivates you for the next step by reborning desire in you for the next step.

And so it is you put the material together, action by action given, and reaction by reaction regiven, until you have created a body for your harp and a string for the tone you desire.

There it is. You can now see it and feel it—but all down the aeons it has always been there awaiting your DESIRE followed by your ACTION to bring it into seeming being. Do you realize this fact? If you do you can KNOW that anything else which you wish to bring into seeming being by giving it a transient body is within your limitless power.

There is your harp with one string on it of the tone you desire. One string is one step toward completing all of the octaves of strings. There it is—completed—but silent.

7. Now you are ready to fulfill the last step of your desire, that of building a body of sound from your harp. Again we repeat the fact that that desire is already fulfilled, for you KNOW the sounds and rhythmic tones that are within the silence of those strings. You not only KNOW them but can imagine them as thought-bodies which you can hear in your imaginings with inner ears. In other words you KNOW that the sounds are there —in the silence of the undivided—awaiting your action to born their bodies to life. Until you act to give your idea a material body it will still be existent as undivided IDEA, but will not be expressed in the divided universe of moving bodies.
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Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday January 25, 2022 05:19:31 MST by Dale Pond.