
Vector Equilibrium

“The vector equilibrium is the true zero reference of the energetic mathematics. Zero pulsation in the vector equilibrium is the nearest approach we will ever know to eternity and God: the zero phase of conceptual integrity inherent in the positive and negative asymmetries that propagate the differentials of consciousness.” [Buckminster Fuller, Synergetics]

The Vector Equilibrium is derived from the optimal close-packing of equal sized spheres (12 around 1). It is the zero phase of energy and thus represents the fundamental latent geometry of space.
The Vector Equilibrium is the only geometrical shape with radial equilateral symmetry through identical vector and angular relationships (its center-to-vertex radius equals its edge length).

A Vector Equilibrium consisting of rigid struts connected by flexible vertices has the ability to pulsate, progressively contracting into phases of an icosahedron, octahedron, and tetrahedron by collapsing its square sides (what Buckminster Fuller called «jitterbugging»).

It is due to this dynamic jitterbug motion of the Vector Equilibrium that the entire manifest universe arises, and most fundamentally that the five platonic forms emerge as the foundation of all structural geometry in the cosmos. [Source Unknown]

The Vector Equilibrium, as its name describes, is the only geometric form wherein all of the vectors are of equal length. This includes both from its center point out to its circumferential vertices, and the edges (vectors) connecting all of those vertices. Having the same form as a cuboctahedron, it was Buckminster Fuller who discovered the significance of the full vector symmetry in 1917 and called it the Vector Equilibrium in 1940. With all vectors being exactly the same length and angular relationship, from an energetic perspective, the VE represents the ultimate and perfect condition wherein the movement of energy comes to a state of absolute equilibrium, and therefore absolute stillness and nothingness. As Fuller states, because of this it is the zero-phase from which all other forms emerge. https://cosmometry.net/vector-equilibrium-&-isotropic-vector-matrix

See Also


Created by dale. Last Modification: Monday February 5, 2024 04:30:56 MST by Dale Pond.