
Pittsburg Dispatch April 27-1890

Keely Redivlns.[?]

It looks as if the periodical Keely "boom" was about to set in. Apropos of certain recent indications of this possibility, a gentleman has offered $5,000 to any university in New England that will send a physicist to witness Keely's experiments, who will bind himself not to give an opinion until the nature of Keely's discoveries have been made known to him and he has seen the demonstrations which Keely declares he is ready to make in proof of his claims as a discoverer, not as an inventor. The feeling of the public on this question is well indicated in a conversation which recently took place, in which a mechanical engineer was asked if he would like to go to Philadelphia to examine and report on the Keely motor.

"Yes, for a sufficient fee," he replied.

"Do you think that your report would be valuable to your client in proportion to the size of your fee?" was asked.

"Certainly, it would," was the reply, "if my report should be the means of preventing his making an investment of a greater sum in the Keely motor."

"But, suppose he has already invested, and he wished your report to enable him to decide whether to hold on to his stock or to sell out?"

"In that case," replied the engineer, "I think I should advise him to hold on to it, for I would consider his unloading it about equal in morality to his unloading counterfeit money, with which he had been 'stuck,' upon an innocent party. If he has been swindled into buying the stock I don't think that justifies him in swindling anyone else with it."

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Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday October 30, 2013 02:40:50 MDT by Dale Pond.