
New Concept - XXXXII - The Age of Transmutation - New Concepts for Science


Man must be transformed or perish. Old concepts and old material values must become as obsolete as horse-and-wagon transportation became obsolete when motors and planes appeared.

Man is still barbarian. Just so long as man kills man, he is barbarian. The dawn of his Consciousness is barely six thousand years back in his history. Man must have new concepts, new ideals and new values which will uplift him from the barbarian desires to kill for greed - to build empires for power - to seek happiness through material possessions - or to accumulate gold under the delusion that he is creating wealth.

Material values as standards of wealth must be rendered valueless. Science has the power to make the transition so gradually that the readjustment will create no hardship to commercial interests and world economy. Just as the transition into the machine age lessened the burdens of man and added to his wealth, so will the transition into the Age of Transmutation have a similar beneficial effect.

All great world transitions which have brought greater ease and wealth to man have been anticipated as calamities. This greatest of all transitions now dawning in man's history should be looked forward to as the ultimate goal for a peaceful and prosperous unified world.

Man's assets of this age are material. Transformed man must gradually discover that his greatest asset is man. His happiness, achievement and greatest source of wealth and power are in his ability to serve man. The greater his service to man, the more he adds to his wealth - both materially and spiritually. For this is LAW - irrevocable and inevitable LAW.

It is inviolate law throughout Nature everywhere. Nature creates its wealth by extending itself into the whole universe from every point in it.

The jungle is rich because it extends all that it has to all of the jungle while the desert is poor indeed for keeping that which it has within itself. The desert gives naught to the desert, nor to the heavens - therefore its regivings from the heavens are naught.

Nature has no motive for its givings, for regivings are the fulfillment of the law, and man need give no thought to them.

The wealthiest men in all the world are the geniuses who have extended their immortality to other men without thought of gain. These immortals shall never perish from the memory of man who has found his own immortality through them, while he whose wealth is but gold, e’en though it be higher than the highest mountain, shall be forgotten before another dawn.

Man is man's greatest asset, therefore, for man's greatest need is other men to whom he may give of his own abundant Self to thus enrich himself through their regivings.

Nature is based upon the Law of Love, which is balanced GIVING for REGIVING. All that man ever has is that which he has given. That is Nature's only law - and it must eventually become man's only law.

Nature regives in kind for all service given. Man gives the seed - and his service in sowing the seed. Nature regives the fruit of the seed. That is Nature's Law. Action is man's free will right but the reaction is Nature's. It regives equally in kind.

If man takes a throne, it is taken away from him and he is poor indeed. But if a man enthrones other men, or honors other men, he will be enthroned and honored by other men.

Spiritual values can replace material ones only by shearing material values of their power to nurture greed and avarice. It will be a slow process but will surely come to pass as science gains the power to shear values from physical matter.

Science has given man this new electric, radio, radar, television age which has made miracles of past-age thinking commonplace today. Had the Nazarene stated that the time would come when the whole world could hear a man's voice, He would have then been put to death. Many since then have been burned at the stake and tortured mercilessly for what a schoolboy of today would basically comprehend as Natural Law.

The telephone, the automobile, flight by air, radio, radar and television have been given to the world by science in less than a century. Each of these has transformed man's thinking and his ways of life, for heavy burdens of labor and household drudgery have been lessened for man and woman alike.

The tragic question now arises as to whether the transformations which have affected man's thinking for many centuries have been in the right direction. Are we setting too great a value upon lessened drudgery, greater comforts and other physical values which have multiplied time for man and made this planet very small?

Is our thinking of today right thinking? Can we rightly say it is in face of the fact that the human race has fallen farther in the last fifty years than it has arisen during seven centuries of forward growth?

Can we say that world thinking of today is right thinking in the face of the undisputable fact that the world is facing a threatened plunge into another period of dark ages?

Have the great scientific contributions of the last hundred years really majored in benefiting the human race by adding to man's comforts and power of production in the direction of peaceful living?

Have the arts of peace been multiplied? Are we producing men of genius in the arts and philosophies such as have enriched the world ever since the days of Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Mozart, or Shakespeare?

Have our statesmen of the last generation had the moral character, dignity or patriotism of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln or Theodore Roosevelt?

Have we not found treason replacing patriotism, and statesmen more concerned about how to increasingly enslave man and confiscate his earnings to build giant troughs for wastrels' gorging?

Has science unwittingly helped to degrade the entire human race by multiplying the arts of war to multiply man's greed for empires by multiplied power to kill? Have these dreadful contributions of science to war not so thoroughly outweighed its contributions to peace that it might not have been better if the bow-and-arrow days were still here?

What is the responsibility of science in this respect? And can science reverse the results which have grown out of its explosives made to kill men, and save the race by reversing man's thinking?

I think it can - and that is why both my wife, Lao, and I have so indefatigably been working to give this new knowledge to science now, when the world is threatened with destruction. This knowledge will enable science to have such command over matter that it will render man's multiplied killing power for greed impotent, and then render those attributes of greed in man also impotent by replacing them with new and greater values in his thinking.

A transformed science can avert this danger which man is bringing upon himself by his own profligacy by rendering all of the coal, oil, nitrates and phosphates of the world not worth the digging for man of today, and needless for man of tomorrow.

These things he can do NOW for they are simple in principle and the means of producing them are simple. A generation need not pass without extending that principle to the heavy metals, and render the gold which constitutes man's idea of wealth - for which he has killed untold millions of his brother men - of no value other than as a utility.

Every product of Nature in the elements of matter which Nature has produced so meagerly can be produced by man in unlimited quantities with less effort than present-day digging. This includes iron, copper, manganese, platinum, aluminum, tin, and all other metals. Man has been primitive long enough. It is time he came into his heritage of knowledge which will give him dominion over the earth.

In your grindstone is aluminum, and in silicon and carbon - the most plentiful elements of earth - are all of the metals.

Where copper or iron ore cannot be found, silicon can give them to us. If we cannot get supplies of tin or manganese from other parts of the world, silicon will give them to us.

The science of metallurgy must realize that all metals are unbalanced conditions of carbon and silicon. Iron and nickel are unbalanced positive and negative extensions of silicon. Silicon is their fulcrum of balance, just as two children on opposite ends of a seesaw are unbalanced extensions of the fulcrum which controls their balance. We now obtain nickel from other countries. We have an unlimited supply of it in our every mountain.

Just as sodium and chlorine find balance in their salt, and thus lose their metallic qualities, so do all pairs of metals lose their metallic unbalance in their salts. A salt in Nature is a balanced pair of elements.

Reciprocative balanced reversals of motion is the only power Nature or man has ever used. That is the basis of the electric current - the piston of Nature's wave engines or of man's motors and pumps.

Science has heretofore used but one-half of Nature's power principle and has used even that the hard way. The easy way - and the simple way - is to use in full the balanced reciprocative reversals of this two-way universe which are forever taking place between the two conditions of gravitation and radiation which motivate this universe.

World strategy of today is largely based upon the location of oil. The world stands ready to kill to protect its supply of oil for fueling its planes and war ships.

Science can likewise render the oil supplies of the world useless as a fuel, and not worth the slightest quarrel among men for the supply needed for lubrication.

But greater than all these is the power of science to verify God and validate His inviolate Law which gives to man in kind that which man gives to other men, and thus bring humanity to the realization that he who would hurt another hurts but himself.

It is the responsibility of science to unify man's many religions by giving him full comprehension of the One God of Light and Love to replace the many ill-conceived imaginings of an impossible god of fear, which have so disastrously disunited spiritual seekers and divided the whole world into intolerant and antagonistic groups.

The human race can never become united as one harmonious whole so long as wrong conceptions of God disunite and divide the race. Chief among these wrong conceptions is the vengeful god of fear and wrath which is mainly responsible for the fear, greed, hatred, superstition and intolerance upon which our present civilization is based.

The time has come when science should so inculcate mankind with the balanced-interchange principle of love upon which the universe is founded, and everywhere manifested in Nature, that the nations of the earth will become God-loving instead of God-fearing men.

Fear of a wrathful God is an inheritance of the terrors of ignorance in primitive man who saw vengeance and wrath of God in the furies of earth's storms.

Ignorance and terror are still breeding the fears which underlie our whole world-civilization. World leaders of great vision in science and government are now the world's great need.

It may be that our Father in heaven has sent a saviour to end this greatest of all threats to our American way of life. Our new President has it in his power with the aid of science - to perform the miracle of ending all warfare as past rulers were aided by science to make wars.

Can this miracle come to pass? Can the thinking of science be transformed? I think it can but only by being enabled to look at the world picture of today squarely in the face - see it as it is - and meet it with new transforming knowledge and the mighty power which attends transcendent knowledge.

In thus looking squarely in the face of the world today, we see God being driven out of it to deify man. Half the world is drawing an iron curtain around itself to shut God out and exalt a monster in His place to dehumanize and enslave man.

We see degradation, corruption, greed, fear, lust for power, and atheism engulfing half the world, and the tortures of the Russian inquisition far exceeding the tortures of the Middle Age Spanish inquisition as the fruits of today's world thinking.

We see peace, happiness, security and freedom going out of the world and war engulfing it to enslave and degrade man.

We see beauty and culture being driven out of the world, and the spiritual rhythms of the fine arts lost in the sea of ugliness which is debasing the culture of the race.

We see genius being driven from the face of the earth for want of recognition and the patronage which alone will nourish it to survival.

We see the swing of the cosmic pendulum away from the glory of the seven renascent centuries to another decadent age of forgetfulness of all that is good in man. [Walter Russell, A New Concept of the Universe, pages 137-138]
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Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday February 27, 2022 04:33:41 MST by Dale Pond.