Mark William Youds

Dr. Youds , Mark William, Ph.D. , B.A.TH. (Hons) [Liverpool University LIHE faculty], United Kingdom. Prof. of Theological Physics. Field of verified research is: Vortexian Physics and Theological Quantum Cosmology.
"Dr M W Youds Ph.D., B.A.TH (Hons). Inventor of a non-commercialised fireproof product made entirely from waste material. His research interests include Vortexian physics and theological quantum cosmology. He is the granted Patent holder of a device for altering the crystalline structure of gypsum, with 4 on-going applications for other technologies related to this paper. In his capacity as the science officer for Lodestone Technology, he is currently working on 3 research projects centred around the Coal Research Establishment (CRE) in Cheltenham - ‘Brite-Euram’ (comminution of quarry fines), ECSC (coal and steel), and ETSU (investigating the resulting energy savings from this technology). In a personal capacity, and as a Director of Helix Comminutions and Newco Sewage, he has travelled widely in his investigation of vortex technology. This paper outlines his Vortexian theory." (Source: Every year he attends a 'think-tank' of European scientists to jointly advise the European Commission. source

See also

Youds Patent - US20010042802
Youds Patent - 6004266

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Friday August 3, 2012 02:20:34 MDT by Dale Pond.