
David Schiermeyer

People ask me to explain my work
Well then here a start
I don’t do research or read books I don’t have any background in anything but music art and building things
I let myself go few years ago and let intuition guide me create threw me I’m only an observer a gate keeper to the doors and pathways into higher forms of functional living information not word information but the functional values of energy and its vibrations that give us experience and information from being part of that experience
To me words and language are a matrix a tool I don’t let them define my reality nor my work people think there going to have understanding threw language yet they understand more if they just went out and did things experience things doing things is the actual learning experience being part of things Is more the learning experience
I don’t hold onto words as if they are going to give me any understanding they are perspectives only illusions of definitions so I don’t bother to experience them when I can create my own experiences in living information this why I don’t call my work cymatics and call it LIFE LIVING INFORMATION of FUNCTIONAL ENERGY
I found that geometry is only a action or behavior of its surroundings more then the frequency itself
frequencies are free they are not waves but opposing forces of polarity in that sense they can not be mapped only a surroundings can have structures to measure off of that’s not sound itself that’s containment
like in a bubble I found the essence of all matter all creation as the opposing forces that created balance by the torus but not what people understand as a donut shape
it’s deeper then that and repeats and reproduces itself by volume or rate the true torus is 4 opposing spheres and that is one fractal by its creation within its own containment as balance
that is like the atomic structures of magnetics and consciousness itself like consciousness is not ours it’s a force we tap into by feeling it and letting intuition guide us threw it it’s created by magnetism itself
polarity is aware of its force it’s attractive force and its repelling force once agin the creation of balance cycles and system to become form and structures into a Balance of actions and behaviors that is consciousness in physical form
how we act when u go somewhere how u act from the surroundings u are in
so that’s a pan in cymatics the ratios and size to create actions and behaviors of opposing forces that allow consciousness to be created stored and remembered I mean there is insane more I could talk about so I’ll stop here.

See Also

Bubble Cymatics
David Schiermeyer - web site
Soap Bubbles for Cymatics

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday October 11, 2020 03:54:23 MDT by Dale Pond.