

"Then is to follow the new and large 250-horse power engine now in course of construction by Newsham & Co., of Philadelphia, which will be wholly vibratory, the present being only one-third vibratory and two-thirds pulsating. and Mr. Keely claims that with the contents of one receiver he will be able to run it continuously for 30 hours." [Keely Not Dead Yet]

"The gravital flow comes, in this system, under the order of the sympathetic concordant of the 9ths, and belongs to that third of the triune combinations called polar propulsive.

"Magnetism is polar attraction.

"Gravity is polar propulsion.

"Both magnetism and gravity can be accelerated by the proper medium of sympathetic vibratory influences." [Keely and His Discoveries, Chapter 19]

[2] Dynagen: This is one of three forms of Ethericity, a term that refers to those supra-normal, near non-dimensional, energetic, bio-electric, bio-magnetic, catalytic, high-frequency, vibratory, super-potent entities of quasi-material, quasi-etheric nature belonging to the 4th and 5th dimensions of being. As such these ethericities can be further categorised as 'fructigens', 'qualigens' and 'dynagens', which respectively represent those subtle energies, whose function is the enhancement of fructification (fructigens), the generation of quality (qualigens) and the amplification of immaterial energy (dynagens). According to their function or location these may be male or female in nature. — Ed. [From Special Edition Mensch und Technik, Vol. 2, 1993, section 3.1]

See Also

Sympathetic Vibratory Physics

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Monday January 2, 2023 07:19:29 MST by Dale Pond.