great divider of rest

That forever hidden secret of the ages is the divider of the ONE zero into a seeming TWO extended zeros. And it is the multiplier of the TWO into countless TWO’s.

The name of that great divider of rest into two-way electric motion is POLARITY.

Polarity is the controller - the measurer - and the surveyor of electric intensity of desire in Mind for the actions-reactions needed for creative expression.

Polarity extends its surveyed measure of desire from a zero point of rest in the universal Light to two extended zero points of rest where motion reverses its direction, its polarity and its condition. [A New Concept of the Universe, pages 26-27] See Also New Concept - VIII - This Polarized, Sex-Conditioned, Pulsing, Thought-Wave Universe

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Friday December 24, 2021 03:30:37 MST by Dale Pond.