
Soul of Things

"The ether is the Universal Agent of energy, and only through it are motion, rotation and attendant phenomena produced. The ether may very properly be called the "Soul of Things." [Keely, THE PHENOMENA PROPERTIES AND LAWS OF VIBRATION ENERGY]

«The Heavens, with respect to the other elements are held to be the fifth substance (for they are indestructible, stable, and suffer no foreign admixture), so also this One Thing (compared to the forces of our body) is an indestructible essence, drying up all the superfluities of our bodies, and has been philosophically called by the above-mentioned name. It is neither hot and dry like fire, nor cold and moist like water, nor warm and moist like air, nor dry and cold like earth.
But it is a skilful, perfect equation of all the Elements, a right commingling of natural forces, a most particular union of spiritual virtues, an indissoluble uniting of body and soul. It is the purest and noblest substance of an indestructible body, which cannot be destroyed nor harmed by the Elements, and is produced by Art.»
«This spiritual Essence, or One Thing, was revealed from above to Adam, and was greatly desired by the Holy Fathers, this also Hermes and Aristotle call the Truth without Lies, the most sure of all things certain, the Secret of all Secrets. It is the Last and the Highest Thing to be sought under the Heavens, a wondrous closing and finish of philosophical work, by which are discovered the dews of Heaven and the fastnesses of Earth.
What the mouth of man cannot utter is all found in this Spirit. As Morienus says: 'He who has this has all things, and wants no other aid. For in it are all temporal happiness, bodily health, and earthly fortune.»
«This is the Spirit of Truth, which the world cannot comprehend without the interposition of the Holy Ghost, or without the instruction of those who know it. The same is of a mysterious nature, wondrous strength, boundless power. The Saints, from the beginning of the world, have desired to behold its face.
By Avicenna this Spirit is named the Soul of the World. For as the Soul moves all the limbs of the Body, so also does this Spirit move all bodies. And as the Soul is in all the limbs of the Body, so also is this Spirit in all elementary created things.
It is sought by many and found by few. It is beheld from afar and found near; for it exists in every thing, in every place, and at all times. It has the powers of all creatures; its action is found in all elements, and the qualities of all things are therein, even in the highest perfection.» [The Book of the Revelation of Hermes by Paracelsus]

See Also

Life Force
Luminiferous Ether
nature of things
Soul of Matter
Stages of Soul Development

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Saturday April 27, 2024 20:44:51 MDT by Dale Pond.