

(biochemistry) In oxidative phosphorylation, the flowing of protons in the proton circuit from high to low protic potential.

(medical) a form of electricity characterized by the flow of protons instead of electrons. Typically generated by the mitochondria of cells.

"In 1988 Szent-Györgyi stated that "Molecules do not have to touch each other to interact. Energy can flow through... the electromagnetic field" which "along with water, forms the matix of life." This water is related also to the surfaces of proteins, DNA and all living molecules in the matrix. This is a structured water that provides stability for metabolic functioning, and related to collagen as well, the major protein in the extracellular matrix and in DNA. The structured water can form channels of energy flow for protons (unlike electrons that flow through the protein structure to create bio-electricity). Mitchell (1976) refers to these flow as 'proticity'."Wikipeda, Proticity

"In addition, this concept of biological power transmission by protonmotive force (or 'proticity', as Mitchell has recently began to call it in an analogy with electricity) has already been shown to be applicable to other energy-requiring cellular processes." Proticity

See Also


Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday January 6, 2013 08:04:25 MST by Dale Pond.