
How The Battle Can Be Won


(1) The place to start is in one's home. Until our home is in order, we cannot extend order. The world is but a multiple of every man and woman in it. To have a happy and contented world, we must have a happy and contented home.

(2) Extend love and balance from your home to your neighbor, your "neighbor" meaning every personal contact. Gradually a sense of trust and "belonging" will develop in the community and among your business and working associates, for not a soul can resist true love.

(3) Communities should put every effort into giving expression

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to cultural pursuits as well as sports activities. This makes for a cohesion of interests, and sharing in constructive things brings a beautiful feeling of comradship which, in turn, gives personal life greater zest. These 'sharings' are truly based on the beauty of life. "Beauty" is of God. Therefore these sharings are "spiritual sharings. "

We constantly hear: "The family that prays together, stays together." The community that prays together also stays together - and this spells UNITY.

Unity of purpose in a community spreads to unity of purpose in the town - then in the country - then in the world, and with the home base built on love, it is easy to see what will happen.

The complete plan for bringing balance to a community, town, country and the world is given in our book, "THE ONE-WORLD PURPOSE." You have undoubtedly already read this book and are spreading its message to others. With your united help, we cannot and shall not fail in our purpose of helping to bring love and balance into the world.

With the basic knowledge given in this course, you have the power to become a strong force in bringing BALANCE to our beautiful world.

Knowing and working with Love (God) is man's sole purpose on earth. Once man comprehends his purpose, "all else shall be added unto him."

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Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday March 27, 2022 04:59:38 MDT by Dale Pond.