
Chapter 4 - The True Nature of This Mind and Motion Universe - part I, page 79

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The True Nature of This Mind and Motion Universe

THE TIME has come in man's unfolding when he should have more knowledge of the nature of this electric universe of motion. He has never truly known it, for he has but sensed its shadow. The real meaning of substance has never been known by man for what it is. He only knows it for what he senses it to be.

Actually we live in two universes - the invisible zero universe of CAUSE, and the visible universe of EFFECT. We have sensed the EFFECT and believed in its reality. We have never yet known the universe of CAUSE. It is time that we begin to know God's invisible universe which is in absolute control of the visible universe. Man will never solve the riddle of the universe until he fully knows and comprehends the zero universe which he can in no way hear or see. He can know it, however, and in so knowing he can, likewise, know God. He can even prove the fact of the omnipresent God in his laboratory. Nor shall man ever solve the riddle of his own Self - his own Identity, until he knows that he, himself, is as eternal as God is eternal. When man knows that he is Mind and that his body is his Mind-Creation, as the whole universal body is the Mind-Creation of God, he will then know what the consummate mystic of two thousand years ago meant when He said: "I and My Father are ONE."

That is man's first great lesson. For ages he has believed that his body is his Identity, and that his Mind is in his body but limited to the boundaries of his body. It has never occurred

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to him that his Mind is IN - but not OF his body. It has not yet occurred to him that his body is but a "tape recording" of what his Mind is "dictating" into it. He has not yet begun to realize that there is but ONE CREATOR in this universe, nor that he is ONE with that ONE. When man's first great lesson has been learned through the awakening of that divine Cosmic spark, which has for so long been dormant in him, he will then have reached his first stage of God-awareness which all men seek, even though long ages pass before any man even suspects that he is seeking the Light of his divine Self. When that great lesson is fully learned he will then know that he lives eternally and cannot die - and that his body manifests his thinking for awhile, then rests for an interval before again manifesting his Thinking from the point where it rested in his yesterday.

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