
7B.11 - Hydrogen

"Keely has never made but one experiment in dissociating the hydrogen of the chemist. After a persistent effort of over seven weeks' duration, in his attempt to confine it and hold it under assimilation with one-third its volume of disintegrated air, he succeeded in obtaining a rather indefinite result, lasting only about ninety seconds. The luminosity shown was the only evidence he had of its dissociation; but, in his process of disintegration of water, he never fails to obtain proof of the triple subdivision of hydrogen - molecular, atomic and interatomic." [Newton of the Mind]

"The Horizon of matter does not rest on hydrogen. I contend that hydrogen is composed of three elements with a metallic base and that it belongs to the "interatomic" subdivision, by reason of its vibrational frequency and sympathetic outreach. Hydrogen is not an actual etheric element, for if it were such, it could not be confined in any container. No molecular structure can contain and hold the ether of the seventh subdivision, not even that lowest order - ether of the fourth subdivision - which is liberated as heat in chemical action. Were hydrogen a simple element, such as the ether, it would seek its medium of correspondent tenuity with a speed greater than that of light, notwithstanding any restraining influence at our command." The Snell Manuscript

"The only indivisible "element" is the luminous, the one from which all compound elements are formed, or aggregated; hydrogen being one of these compound substances. If hydrogen were a simple it would assimilate with the high luminous. No molecular structure known to man can hold even the low order of the luminous as chemically liberated. Sympathetic physics classifies hydrogen as a compound triple element, with a metallic base. It comes under the order of the second atomic, both in vibration and in sympathetic outreach." [Keely, The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit, HYDROGEN - Snell]

"My researches lead me to think that hydrogen carries heat in a latent condition, but I do not believe it will ever be possible to invent a device whereby hydrogen may be vibrated with a velocity to induce heat." [HEAT - Snell]

trihydrogen cation

The trihydrogen cation, also known as protonated molecular hydrogen or H3+, is one of the most abundant ions in the universe. It is stable in the interstellar medium (ISM) due to the low temperature and low density of interstellar space. The role that H3+ plays in the gas-phase chemistry of the ISM is unparalleled by any other molecular ion. The cation is also the simplest triatomic molecule, since its two electrons are the only valence electrons in the system. It is also the simplest example of a three-center two-electron bond system.

H3+ was first discovered by J.J. Thomson in 1911. While studying the resultant species of plasma discharges, he discovered something very odd. Using an early form of mass spectrometry, he discovered a large abundance of a molecular ion with a mass-to-charge ratio of 3. He stated that the only two possibilities were C4+ or H3+. Since C4+ would be very unlikely and the signal grew stronger in pure hydrogen gas, he correctly assigned the species as H3+.

The formation pathway was discovered by Hogness & Lunn in 1925. They also used an early form of mass spectrometry to study hydrogen discharges. They found that as the pressure of hydrogen increased, the amount of H3+ increased linearly and the amount of H2+ decreased linearly. In addition, there was little H+ at any pressure. This data suggested the proton exchange formation pathway discussed below.
In 1961, Martin et al. first suggested that H3+ may be present in interstellar space given the large amount of hydrogen in interstellar space and its reaction pathway was exothermic (~1.5 eV). This led to the suggestion of Watson and Herbst & Klemperer in 1973 that H3+ is responsible for the formation of many observed molecular ions.

It was not until 1980 that the first spectrum of H3+ was discovered by Takeshi Oka, which was of the ν2 fundamental band using a technique called frequency modulation detection. This started the search for interstellar H3+. Emission lines were detected in the late 1980s and early 1990s in the ionospheres of Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus.

In 1996, H3+ was finally detected in the interstellar medium (ISM) by Geballe & Oka in two molecular interstellar clouds in the sightlines GL2136 and W33A. In 1998, H3+ was unexpectedly detected by McCall et al. in a diffuse interstellar cloud in the sightline Cygnus OB2-12. In 2006 Oka announced that H3+ was ubiquitous in interstellar medium, and that the Central Molecular Zone contained a million times the concentration of ISM generally.

The arrangement of the hydrogen atoms in the molecule is an equilateral triangle. The molecule has a resonance structure which represents a three-centre, two-electron bond. The strength of the bond has been calculated to be around 4.5 eV (104 kcal per mole). This molecule is a good example which illustrates the importance of electron pair delocalization which contributes to the stability of molecules Wikipedia, trihydrogen cation

See Also

15.25 - Hydrogen and Oxygen do not exist
Table of Hydrogen Atoms and Ions

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Saturday December 26, 2015 06:19:10 MST by Dale Pond.