
2.12 - The Neutral State

The neutral state deserves our attention as it is the Cosmic Egg, Pure Potential or latent state (laya) of all motion or force. This state is not truly 0 (zero being a non-quantity) or without description or definition even though mathematicians are want to define it as a zero or null quantity. What they mean is the neutral is a zero quantity "mathematically speaking" bereft of either a predominance of expansive or contractive quantity or quality usually depicted mathematically as +1 and -1. Let's not confuse abstract mathematics with reality. Do we say the point of fulcrum on a see-saw is not part of the see-saw? It is indeed the essence of the see-saw being part of both one side and the other. It is the essential connecting link between the reciprocal motions. The neutral is composed equally of BOTH expansive and contractive being held in equilibrium (latent or in potential). This state having both poles in a balanced quantity or state can become either depending upon explicit or discrete "excitation". The neutral is the passive or stable state while the two opposing poles alternately exchange between themselves the roles of passive and active. Thus these two poles may be considered as two active forces interchanging through the third neutrally passive pole or state. In the illustration Figure 2.7 the center sphere and the two right and left spheres are shown at the neutral positions briefly pausing (voiding) between being one state then changing into the other opposite state (expanding outward or collapsing inward). These neutral positions are pure potential waiting to be changed in activity. Mind and Mind Force likewise are polarizable which means they are potentially a useable force in machinery.

(Q) Should the Christ Consciousness be described as the awareness within each soul, imprinted in pattern on the mind and waiting to be awakened by the will, of the soul's oneness with God?

(A) Correct. That's the idea exactly! Cayce (5749-14)

(Q) What is gravitation?

(A) "The centralization of vibratory forces, ready to be changed in power by non-activity." Cayce (195- 54)

Created by Trene. Last Modification: Saturday December 17, 2011 07:16:46 MST by Trene.