
Schuylkill River water

Schuylkill River runs through Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

"The water, before its admission to the multiplicator, and after each operation upon its withdrawal from the multiplicator, was drank off by myself and by others of those present, and exhibited no taste nor smell, and manifestly came out of the multiplicator as it went in, free from all substances other than those contained in the water of the Schuylkill River, from which it came." [15.21 - Water Dissociation Demonstration]

"He pointed out then two glass jars, such as chemists use, on a table near by. The jars were of the same size, about 40 inches high, and 10 inches in diameter. They were filled with what is said to be, and certainly smelled and tasted like, Schuylkill water." [Pittsburg Dispatch April 07-1890], [Pittsburg Dispatch April 08-1890]

"Of the scientific phases of this discovery we do not in this place care to treat; that the sympathetic negative dissociates molecules just as the sympathetic positive associates them, and that a copper ball, a half pint of fearful and wonderful Schuylkill water, a silk thread and some tenpenny nails can at the instance of a harp move continents, we are ready to admit for the occasion." [Keelys Secret - He Explains His Mystic Force]

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Monday September 24, 2018 06:18:42 MDT by Dale Pond.