

Orpheus (/???rfi?s, ???rfju?s/; Greek: ??????) was a legendary musician, poet, and prophet in ancient Greek religion and myth. The major stories about him are centered on his ability to charm all living things and even stones with his music, his attempt to retrieve his wife, Eurydice, from the underworld, and his death at the hands of those who could not hear his divine music. As an archetype of the inspired singer, Orpheus is one of the most significant figures in the reception of classical mythology in Western culture, portrayed or alluded to in countless forms of art and popular culture including poetry, film, opera, music, and painting. Wikipedia, Orpheus

"The law which locks the atoms together would have remained an unknown law, had not Keely opened the door leading into one of nature's domains which was never entered before, unless by the fabled Orpheus, who, mythology tells us, was killed because he revealed to man, what the gods wished to conceal. Certainly, whether Orpheus ever existed or not, the principle which Pythagoras promulgated as the teaching of Orpheus is disclosed in one of Keely's discoveries." [A Pioneer in an Unknown Realm]

See Also

A Pioneer in an Unknown Realm
Apollonius of Tyana
More on Keelys Theories
14.01 - Hints from Bloomfield-Moore

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Monday December 19, 2016 03:19:52 MST by Dale Pond.